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Episode-II The Saviour awakens
Posted By: Jon Michael Marlowe<jedipiranha@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 May 2003, 5:33 PM
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As I stumble into my room, I fall straight on the bed. I know I did well, I'll probably even get an award, but man am I beat. I tell yea, after having a week filled with final exams, you to will be glad to go to sleep. Tomorrow, it seems like I only arrived a day or two ago. And I'm about to graduate. Who knows now, the group'll be split up, for all we know we might have to leave tomorrow, right after graduating. I feel like a little boy on Christmas Eve, can't get to sleep. But Nathan was wrong, he didn't even make it further than half way onto his bed without falling asleep, and there he lay sleeping, oblivious to what awaits him, when he wakes up. As I wake up I notice that it's only 06:00 and that I'm not really tired anymore, I've got so used to the military schedule that I can't sleep in anymore. I get up slowly and get dressed in my full uniform, in only 6 hours I will be a certified, Spartan Knight. I'll just go get breakfast. This morning has really gone slow, nothing is going on, well the preparations for the graduation but as a graduate I can't enter until 12:00, and I've still got three hours to kill, there?s nothing to do, Nobody's up, or they're all eating breakfast, which I already did, I've memorised my speech, and I'm fully dressed. "can't I just get this overwith!" As I go to the simulator, as that's all I really can do right now, I realise what I just said and find that it's completely the opposite of what I want. If I get this overwith, I wont see Melissa again. If I finish my training I'll be reassigned to a non-stop action zone, and probably wont ever see this place again, I all of a sudden wish I hadn't done so well on the finals. It's to late though and I know that, in another two and a half hours I'll be doomed to leave this place, leave MC, leave Melissa, her father, maybe even some of my friends and palls from the class. And why, so that I can go to battle and loose friends under my command, and fellow graduates that have been reassigned with me. This is all I could think about until the simulator was loaded and I was face to face with fire. I found that my fighting had changed, improved maybe, but saddened for sure. All I could think about was how I would have to leave the girl who had coffee with me after my first real battle, the girl I met tending my wound, the girl who cares for me, but most of all the girl I care for. As I walk towards mess hall 2, where the ceremony will take place I am cheered up by my fellow mates, I seem to forget my troubles and start looking forward to this party.
Transfer orders
"And so my fellow graduates, I close by saying, ours is the burden that no man should have to face, civilians say that you must be really brave to stay calm when the shooting starts. But I say that that is not what makes us brave, that is not our burden, our burden is the constant pain of seeing our friends die in our hands, of seeing the guy who has known you since high school being torn apart by a man who doesn't know him, the pain of loosing loved ones. Thank you." I then take of my graduation hate and through it in the air, as does everyone else, I then leave the podium to find out my grades, new rank. As I try Get out my holopanel to check my grades, I notice MC standing by the exit, he is in his full battle outfit as usual, and he's completely alone. I walk over to him and I can tell he sees me, it's as if he where following me. "Great speech" he says as I come close to him. I simply respond with a thanks. "I guess I wont see you again will I?" "Who knows war is filled with the word maybe, nothing is for certain, except that what you wish could be wrong." was what he answered. He then said "Have you checked your rank yet?" I shook my head no. He then pointed to my holoscreen and said "check them, and send them to the bored." I was startled "But that would mean I have the highest score." I decided that I wouldn't check them just go straight to the board and tell them to upload it. As I handed it to the man there he said it would be up in a few seconds. I stood there waiting, until I saw her, she came. I ran to her and grabbed her, she was happy, she obviously didn't realise that I might never see her again. Or was she hiding it from me, she was very good at hiding her true emotions. Was she just happy for me? The speaker is now standing up on the podium and the room is still, nobody talked. "I am proud to present not only highest ranked member of this class, or of this shuttle, but the highest given rank at graduation in the history of the Empire." There was a long pause, I could tell he was trying to look at everyone in the room. The people in the room started looking around at who it could be, and at that moment I knew I would never see Melissa again, that I would be transferred more than I could imagine. "Nathan, come on up!" The presenter screamed all of a sudden and it startled me, I knew what was coming but still shocked. I ran up there and as I did they loaded my scores onto the viewing screen infant of the podium. I look at it, and even I am amazed. I got to the podium, The presenter was there with a medal case, he opened it up and it was already almost full. He then proceeded to hand it to me, and saluted me. I was puzzled, why is he saluting me. Nothing shocked me like what was about to come though. As I shook his hand the clapping continued, and then out of the sound system came "Welcome, Commander Nathan Mcat." I was stunned there on the podium, I'd just graduated, and had more medals, and a better rank than most retired soldiers. I walked down and was happy, I was the man. Giving High fives, and smiling, and of course I got a kiss from Melissa. The rest of the students grades and ranks followed. After the celebration the Captain congratulated me. Then he started with the bad news. "I hate to have to tell you this Nathan, but we just got word that a science&Tech centre in the area is under attack, we were told not to go in, but to send a squadron of men down to fight. I'm afraid that you'll be leaving us soon." This news struck me deep, I was hoping for at least one more day with Mel, and know I have to go. though this hurt allot I decided to take it, and stay calm. The Captain, handed me the pad with names of those departing, I walked down to the podium, uploaded the info, and started talking. "I'm very sorry, to have to break up the party but, for some of us this will be the last aboard this ship, we have orders to move straight into action." With that I left, and went to my courtiers. I packed up my things and put them in a corner.
Saying Goodbye
Our goodbyes where short and sweet, I had a lump in my chest that would not go away. Mel, and I had kissed several times in the last few minutes. She was scared, I could tell, I tried to comfort her, but it wouldn't work. I told Jason to look after her and I went to the shuttle. But as I walked over to the Pelican, the alarm went off, people started running all over the place. "What's going on." I asked a passing officer. "The ISCS Mercury, is engaged and on it's way here, they are under attack from the inside, the Alliance is trying to capture it, and they're doing a good job. All ready troops are being sent." At that I jumped into the pelican. It was good I did because the ship almost closed on me. As we left the bay I looked out into the hanger, I say many marines, and Spartans running through, going to the pelicans. I was in a ship that was packed, not a single seat was free, we where all ready for boarding the captured command ship. All the weapons where stored at the sides, this was the new carrier type, the Pelican Havoc. "ETA, thirty seconds." Came through the battle suits radio transmitter. Everyone was looking at me, as if they where waiting for something. Then it hit me, I was the highest ranking officer one the ship. So I told them what to do. I had thirteen men on my ship. I pulled up there states as I told them what to get. Everyone got an assault riffle, and a pistol. There third weapon was up to them. As these where Spartan Knights They where able to carry two or three weapons depending on which weapons. "10, 9, 8 ,7, 6, docking completed, opening doors in 3....." As the countdown was going on, we could hear the explosions, and gunfire in side. We where going to arrive right in a battle. As the doors opened I looked to the left and fired as I saw dozens of Ali's across the hall. Sergeant David looked right, I didn't hear him fire though. "Friendlies over here!" Came from nearby. I then issued an order for the squad to fall back to the friends. Private Doils, ran out under my cover and fired two rockets at the Alliance troops. As the first exploded I told the squad to run for it. Men went running as fast as they could. I kept my ground, continuing to cover my squad by spraying the Ali's with fire from my assault riffle. The squad was across the hall, safe, or as close to it as they will be. I was still by the pelican, which had attached itself to an outer hatch, another benefit, it had over the original. "Sir, over." Came from my communicator. I responded "What!" "I'll chuck a grenade sir, stay there." Was the response, and he did, as did four others. "I've got to go, can't stay any longer" the Pelican suddenly interrupted. As the first frag blew I ran as fast as I could to my squad. Still firing at the enemy. The doors closed behind me, and the Pelican left us. When I got there I was amazed, not a single man was wounded from my squad. "OK from now on we're Cat Squad!" I yelled "I'm uploading your codes now." I continued. All was silent. "Snipers, front and centre!" As I said these words three men joined me, or at least that's what I thought at first, soon after I realised that one was a girl though. I gave them all spots, Cordizo would be at the corner, I'd be at the bunker with Smith, and Requarde, the girl would crouch behind the crate. As the smoke cleared We began to take aim. To our suprise though there where obviously only eight or nine left. "Secure the other corridors." I commanded the others, including the allies we had met. As I said those words, an Ali got in my site, It took me a second to get him. That was one down. More sniper shots followed. As I took another shot the victim once again fell to the floor. But also a Whorthog started firing at my position. I relocated myself to the other side of Smith. Aimed and fired. there went the gunner. "How was that for good shot I asked Smith." I got no response. I looked over and there he was, dead. The gunner had shot him in the head with over twenty bullets. If only I had been faster. I looked at him for a few seconds as Cordizo, and Requarde, continued to take out the remaining Ali?s. I stood up and slowly advanced. They others followed. We had indeed taken out all of the Alliance scum. Well at least the ones that where bothering us at this coridor. The corner was littered with bodies, the door was locked, so I told the others to stop there search and return.
Move like a Butterfly, sting like a bee, time to take down the rest of Ali.
As the group came to gether, the leader of the other squad walked up to me. Unfortunately he was not a superior, which meant that he would probably fall in with me as well. "Sir, Sergeant Luck Caza, sir. The area is secure, my orders are to go and secure this place till the reinforcements arrive. Well those where my orders. That's done I guess. Well I now have to go to the bridge and assist with the recapture and holding of it." He said. "Well we weren?t given any orders so I'll accompany you. What squad is this?" I asked him. "All types of squad names sir, we have mixtures up the wazu." he answered. "Fine join us as Cats." Yep once again I have taken on command of a squad. Now two squads. He also told me that a Whorthog would soon come and pick up some guys. And there it came, with a gunner and a driver. I told Luck to get in, he replied with a usual, yes sir. God was I getting sick of that response. I told Requarde to take place in the passenger seat of the captured Whorthog, then ordered Lieutenant Strong to drive. I myself jumped in the gunners seat. We started moving with the two Whorthogs, and all the men in-between. As we Went I looked at the men, my squad was fine, but the other was in pretty bad shape. What am I telling myself, it's all my squad. As we made the rear of the convoy, it was easy to see everything. We came close to the bridge, I could tell not only because I knew the ships structure, or because the gunfire noise increased, but because we where getting slower and slower, and the amount of enemies doubled, everytime we would slow down. We kept going though. Until we got to the bridge. We where under heavy fire, men where going down all around me, I had the chaingun constantly firing. We where obviously taking down more of them then they where us. I had the Whorthogs parked and had men line up behind them using it as a bunker, Two men where using the chaingns. Not me though, I was sniping everything I could, as where Cordizo, and Requarde. There where bullet holes everywhere. But still we where stuck outside the bridge. One door away. One encrypted door away. We where sure to be lost. We where running out of grenades, and ammo. as I was about to declare a lost cause and have a retreat, a scorpion tank came and blew away the Ali's attacking us. The tank was followed by two squads of men. I then saw who was in the tank. "John!" I screamed. The Ali forces where retreating and so the Spartan jumped out and let another get in. he walked over to me and asked me my report. I gave him a full description of what happened as he walked to the door and stated cracking the code. When I finished he told me his. Apparently, he had luck, he got in with all his men, not a single Ali, or Alliance freedom fighter in sight. They met up with another squad and then came here as was ordered. A bit after he had finished the door unlocked. He screamed. "It's about time." We poured over to the door, took up strategic positioning outside so that we could get in quickly and safely. As the door opened, more shots came. I was sick of the sound, I only had two clips for my sniper riffle, and so I couldn?t snip them all. The shooting stopped as soon, as they determined that we weren't there. As a decoy we had opened another door, John's idea I must admit. We where infact already inside, and had taken positions on the second floor. As the two squads of Ali's where in sight and the snipers had targets I gave the order. "Havoc." I whispered. And as soon as I did all the snipers shot once, including me. It was almost in unison. Seven men dropped dead on the floor, seven bullets seven men. As soon as the men dropped the others stood up and firing short bursts from their Assault riffles at the remaining 93 men down there, taking no chances of being hit, as I told them. JD locked the doors as the gunners stood up. "Closing's easier than opening huh JD?" I said sarcastically to him, he didn't reply. He simply shot at another Ali. I joined him until, I ran out of sniper bullets. in less than two minutes from when we entered, we had taken down most of the forces. Using the comlink I calmly told the remaining Ali's to surrender. "Never, never I tell you, we can take you." He responded, I had the men stop firing before I asked, the few that where near me where looking at me trying to say, can we take down there pathetic butts now? I simply gave the order for everyone to stand up and pick a target, but not to shoot. As we stood up, the 16 men below us stood with there mouths open, as they gazed upon they men that surrounded them from an elevated position. Many of them, dropped their guns and put their hands above their heads, before ordered to do so. The leader of the forces gave out a sigh and surrendered. We had taken the bridge. Finally we had taken the bridge. As we took them prisoner I ordered the leading Ali to tell his attack group to surrender. And he did, the prisoner George Balin, told his men to stop fighting, over the ships intercom. As this was said, battles ended, Imperial troops took hundreds of prisoners. We had won. The only struggle now was locating the disobedient Ali soldiers. Which wouldn't be hard as soon as the technicians that JD took to the engine room where finished and the ones here where finished. I had one of the most powerful positions at that time. I was commanding the whole Command Ship, ordering squads to go places, to assist, to fall back, to protect. It was going to be the only time, I knew that. An hour after the official surrender took place, all the subsystems of the Mercury where working. I we had some minor attacks on the bridge but non where successful. As the battle areas deminished, it almost seemed like all was finished. I was wrong. a small force broke into the bridge, I was vulnerable, standing there, I couldn't us my gun, it would take to long. This wasn't the first time my martial arts training came in handy. I had three men coming towards me, the first was easy, straight charge, I pulled him towards me, need him in the stomach, then knocked him to the floor by sweeping his leg, the man was finished as I smacked him in the face. I was still bent over the first, when the second came running, same way the first did. I decided to make use of my position. I balanced my hands on the dead man under me, and pulled my legs over my head to the other side of his body, my plan worked, I smacked the guy right in the face with both of my feet, this movement also gave my body thrust to get up straight quickly. As soon as I was, I did a cartwheel and that finished the second guy, as I came out of the cartwheel I encountered the third advisary, he was ready to shoot and right next to me, I jerked my leg up knocking his gun in the air and in my direction, the kick was also the start of a backflip, I landed quickly, grabbed the gun, and smacked the guy with it. I thought he was finished but as I walked by, he tried to get up again, so I shot him with a burst from his own AR. By the time I had taken these three out the other attackers where dead. I walked back to the battle screen it was empty, not an enemy squad, or a battle on the ship that was reported.
Emergency at Alpha Genius
We stayed on the ship until the alert statis was over, which took another two hours. In that time I talked to JD and Jason. JD had a lot of action in the engine room, during the repairs. Jason got his share of action to, he had been shot in the arm, you couldn't really tell, he had a bandage but that was it really. He had been securing the docking bays. He lost most of his men, there where still six or so left, all of which where wounded. As the alert statis was lifted, we seemed happy. Pelican Havoc, where docking wherever they could, all personnel where being transferred. We oversaw the transfer and then got on our own ships. Jason got on a pelican going back, while JD and I where getting on a Pelican that would bring us to our next battle. Jason wasn?t being transferred and we where. I was relieved that JD was still with me. But Jason was irreplaceable. There was an emergency at the test facility and we where going from one battle to the next. What will become of us? I don?t know.