The rise and fall of the covenant
Posted By: John`117<Spartan_II_MC@Comcast.net>
Date: 7 October 2003, 7:05 AM
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As the Elite named Saro Manamee looked over the horizon he saw a great battle. For the elites,jakals,and grunts would fight the hunters. But they kept on losing. There prophet would command that the elites threaten them with ships.So they did and this last battle would provbe how the vast numbers of the elites,grunts,and jakals would show them.But all of a sudden a group of great hunters told them to fight no longer.The covenant had taken them into their race. "HA those idotic hunters would never have a chance" said Saro Manamee.
He was a great leader of the covenant.He commanded the greatest ship of all of them.He commanded The Righteousness. For He knew of a battle to come soon. One day the prophets told him of a vision.That there was a race that would threaten the Gods.To attack them to show them what we were.So the elite sent out forces to attack.
After the attack they destroyed many places. Soon they would attack a colony with many humans and find earth.
As the came in He told them about what to do. First the grunt atat wuld command his grunts to go and secure a base. The hunter Commanders huka Sobo Kama and loku Sobo Bara would go with the grunt and help him.And the jakal Gok would also help them. As the commanders went they secured a place. After the ywent under attack From a group of humans. They all wer killed. Fortunately there were only few elites,Few jakals,AND 2 hunters the forces would survive for a carrier would send them grunts. They had found earth though and a surviving grunt told about the location.
As the Master Chief destroyed the rest of the ground forces he found a group of surviving marines. Threy told him about the elite they called Death.For there forces werer alone destroyed by this elite. The master Chief then heard about the ship and infiltrated in.
The elite knew the green human had found the homeworld of the prophets.He would attack then first.
As the Chief reported to the captain of the ship he saw a shimmer of light. Then he saw a couple hundred shimmers. Then he knew they would be killed. He told the captain about it and he doubted it. The captain name was Mark longington. As he looked at earth he was cut in 2 by an invisible elite. The master Chief grabed the elites hand,Pulled it off,And beat him to death with it , the bridge crew screamed. The master chief told them to calm down but they ran away withought tellling the rest. Soon he saw them cut into pieces. He went into the chair and told the ship about them to get to the life pods and pelicans but save 1 londsword do not stay and fight. Soon he heard screams and he knew he would have to fight them to save the marines. As he thought about it he grabbed the dead elite,took his camo,Then took his sword and ran out.He killed many elites.As he got a report he knew aout a couple of marines who had a child. He told them to run and he would get the child. He goit the child and used cortana to break the covenant shields so he could get in.
The elite Got his sword,Armour,And translator and raced to do battle with the human.For the ship had a dueling zone.To hone the skills of the elites with swords.He told them to get some Loktar ready so they would kill him.The Loktar were dangerous beast that killed Prophets. The human would be killed. Then if he survived they would go sword to hand combat.
The chief fought of the things with his hands and killed them all as he got into the arena.Saro Manamee jumped in the arena he told the Chief that we would surrender if their leader was killed who was on the ship.The master chief drew his plasma sword and fought the elite.As the chief was hit by a blow he fell.The Elite laughed and said "This a super human?" "haha" "you should be killed now!" The chief remembered about the chied mendez,Dr.Halseley,and most important his spartans especially sam and kelly.He grabbed the sword and broke it.He then hit the elite woth great force that it defused the shield. The elite said he would die on the ground.But he wanted to know the name of the warrior who defeated the covenant.The Chief said "My real name is John". He then killed the elite then the prophet.
As he got down to earth he ad a celebration. Then he saw 2 faces he knew.KELLY! . For She was saved by A pelican that was left but the other spartans were killed. She and the master chief approached each other. The chief was very happy. He took of his armor never to use it again unlesss he was needed. If you want to nkow about what happened with John and Kelly e-mail me.