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In Light of Destiny Part VI: Within Range
Posted By: Jinkaiden-XI<Nolimits4csk@aol.com>
Date: 30 August 2003, 6:02 PM
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Another day.
Eyes open, light is brought in. Warmth, life, awakening. John is there, waiting for Sieg to wake. As he does, the dreams end and reality creeps in. As Sieg sits up, John speaks, "It's about time."
The door to the bridge hisses open. John, with Sieg behind him, walks through and quickly takes his position at the control panel.
"Sir, awaiting your order, sir."
John activates the hologram panel as he replies softly, "We set course for Titan III. Alert all resistance forces, and have them ready for deployment in six hours. All preparations locked."
"Preparations confirmed. All transports are loaded and ready for launch. Titan III, confirmed."
Sieg watches several officers rush around the bridge, monitoring hologram panels and data screens. He turns to John and asks, "Where are we going?"
John continues to watch the control panel. Flashes of information appear and then disappear as quickly as they came. "We're going to launch a rescue squad once we get to Titan III."
"Another conflict?"
John nods. "We got a few reports of gunfire within some of the cities on the surface. We're supposed to investigate."
From nowhere, there is suddenly a great silence. The bridge, John, and all the officers vanish for a moment, and time slows to a standstill. Sieg is taken aback as a glowing light takes the shape of a mysterious figure. The figure bears the image of a woman, a woman of the Ancient royalty. Long, translucent robes, each of them shifting into an array of color, flow from her headdress and grace her feet. She wears a golden crown, one decorated with jewels and stones. Her eyes glow a vibrant blue, and dark blue hair rests gently on her shoulders as well as hangs to her waist. At her side is a sheathed sword, the hilt bearing beautiful stones with archaic symbols.
Behind her is a vast body of water with a grand tree, a tree centuries in age, rising from the center. Large rocks, rocks that appear to be glass, lay on the bottom and give off warmth and gentle color.
"The Ancient descendant of Siegfried of Baoshan Sky, we meet at last." Her voice is kind and welcoming, but Sieg keeps his distance.
"I don't understand..."
"You," the woman continues, "are the beholder of life, the elite warrior of the Fates, and ancient tale. What is it you do not understand?"
Sieg shakes his head as he glances at the ground beneath his feet. "I just...don't..."
The woman steps forward. "I imagine that your truth is hard to find. Only when you fight for what you believe in will the reality present itself. Your spirit within must wake."
"But how?"
"The ones dearest to you are what feed your purest energy. Having them nearby or in your thoughts is what causes that energy to grow. Surely you knew this."
No answer. Sieg tries to wake up, but as he already knew, this was all real. "Why me? Why not John? Or anybody else?"
The woman replies immediately, "John-117, your human soldier of the next generation, has had his fate fulfilled. His purpose was to defend humankind and resist the Covenant climb towards domination. And he succeeded in this quest because he knew what it would take. He understood his destiny and he accepted it, took it in and used it to become what he once was. Now he has grown weaker and his spirit is fading. Once the energy he used to possess vanishes, the great soul he contained years ago will escape, leaving him a shell of his former self. And, unfortunately, when this happens, the vanishing of his spirit will drain his life force. Thus, he will die."
Sieg's eyes open wide. A sharp pain of terror jolts his body, then quickly fades. His heart rate increases. "No...that can't happen."
"I dislike being the bearer of bad news, but it is an unstoppable fact. There is no mortal way to overcome what cannot be resisted."
"You're lying...I don't believe it."
"Whether or not you believe in what I say is what will determine the outcome of your own life. Accepting what is the truth will give you the strength to vanquish your enemy. But to deny it will only result in your own death..."
And then she was gone.
Sieg blinks. John stares attentively at the control panel, making small corrections in data patterns. The other officers are there as well, going about their business as usual. Sieg's breathing is short and quick, and beads of sweat run down his face. The woman is gone now, her image no longer present. The waters, and the great tree that grew from the center are also gone, only present in his memory.
"We're here. Find a good area to take her down, then make sure we haven't been found. Keep all security forces on alert, and make sure they're ready for deployment."
"Yes, sir."
John watches the control panel for a few more moments, then turns and walks away. He glances at Sieg, then continues on his way. It is as if he knows what Sieg has come to understand, and does not want the fact of the matter to discourage him. Now is the time to prove his potential.
The vessel rocks gently as it lands on the desolate landscape. Titan III was a rough planet, much like that of Mars. Water was scarce and crops easily perished. There was but one city on the planet, Libertania. The city was the center of trade in the area, thus making it an economically alive place. Something, however, had decided that it was the perfect target for an attack, not to mention a great place to disguise an entire fleet of warships.
The loading ramp slams onto the ground, kicking up clouds of dirt. Five surface transports are deployed, each holding twenty soldiers. Sieg was among them, now clad in battle armor with an assault rifle across his lap. The weapon gleams with lethality; slick and deadly. The transports speed away from the vessel and towards the city, prepared to take on whatever may await them.
An alarm suddenly bursts to life, blaring a continuous wail that shattered the tranquility of the control center. A hologram panel appeared in a flash of static, revealing five clouds of dust rising from the ground, just outside the city. The clouds grew closer and closer to the outer perimeter, giving off hints that a small invasion was in progress.
A single figure atop a throne glares at the hologram panel, then called out, "The humans haven't learned yet. Kill them all."
Upon this order, several ground weapons rise from under the surface. They line the outer perimeter, the first in the city's new line of defense. Cannon barrels extend from below large, armored caps. They lock on to the targets, then remain still. Smaller pieces of armor rise up from the base of the weapons, further protecting the guns from attack. Then, with the last preparations complete, the cannons wait for their victims.
Sieg clutches his weapon nervously as they neared the city limits. In the distance, there was the quiet sound of a weapon, possibly heavy artillery, firing a projectile. Sieg quickly catches on, but it is too late.
The shell rips through the air without the slightest warning. The ten-ton weapon easily tears into the framework of the closest transport to Sieg's. The transport is instantly obliterated, a rising fireball triumphantly claiming the vehicle.
The call goes out: "We got one down! Repeat, one transport is down! Requesting backup immediately!"
The urgency in those words flows through Sieg like his own blood. His hand grips his weapon with growing intensity, nervousness getting the better of him. He glances over at John, who calls into the cockpit, "Separate! I want everyone to separate!"
The order goes out and gradually all the transports break formation and grow further and further away. The defense weapons continue firing, unloading shell after shell into the distance. Another transport goes up in flames just in front of Sieg's own vehicle. The impact rocked the frame of the transport, throwing several soldiers into the middle aisle.
"Keep going! Don't slow down!"
The pilot turns, revealing his masked face. He calls out, "Sir, we won't make it to the outer perimeter. Requesting to pull back."
A look of frustration crosses John's face. It was easy to tell that he had not planned for any defenses to line the city's perimeter. "Denied. Push forward. We don't stop until we're there."
The pilot sighs, then turns around. Shells continued to pound landscape around them, tossing the transport about like a toy. "We have a visual on the target. Sixteen surface cannons along the outer perimeter, confirmed."
The pilot relayed this through the radio, allowing the Vaskana to respond. As the remaining vehicles continue towards the city, the vessel slowly comes to life. The loading ramp closes and the cruiser lifts off the ground, dust rising from beneath the engine thrust. In seconds, the vessel rose from the barren landscape and roared east, towards the city.
Another shell rocks the frame of the transport, rattling the windows and pounding Sieg's senses like a toy drum. He grimaces, his head throbbing in agony. The transport throws Sieg into the middle of a rough ride as it strike the crater formed by the detonating shell.
Now that we're within range, what have we gotten ourselves into?
Time is the essence. The pilot knows that they will not reach the desperate soldiers in time. No, it wasn't possible. Even at full throttle, the vessel wasn't fast enough to arrive at the city perimeter before the men were mercilessly slaughtered. Still, they pressed on, pushing the engines to new heights. But they knew, in one too many ways, that it was already too late.