Earths Fall? Prt: 2- The Assault
Posted By: Jim<genjim89@msn.com>
Date: 24 February 2004, 3:51 AM
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Chapter 5 Just a Few Last Minute Things
The hour of preparation has past and now we are rested and strong. Lt. Johnson has decided to make the two united armies and divide them into TWO Divisions. The plan was a double Flanking manuever. Which ment we would squeze the right and left sides and about 200 Marines would go straight down the middle. Eventually they would push down and form a Human Wall. Until the Newer Wall could be built.. I have been placed along with the rest of my Squad in the "1st Marine Infantry Division."
"Major?! Are you ready....?" The Lutenant said to me. "Yes Sir! Master Chief is in position and is ready to take out some Covenant Badies! My Rocket Launcher, Grenades, and Battle Rifle are at FULL." I told him in a voice that we will win this one. "MASTER CHIEF.... ARE YOU READY?" He said over the radio. "All Set!" M.C. Said sure as Hell that we will win. "Okay Marines.... MOVE OUT!" The Lutenant said to both divisions. The Stage was set our pieces in position we were going to make the first move.....
Chapter 6 The First Move
"Ready the Rockets every one!" Lutenant said in a firm voice. "READY!" Every Marine Marine said... "FIRE!" Lutenant Johnson said very loudly. In about 2 seconds a barage of rockets was heading straight towards the covenant HeadQuaters. Every missile hit and destroyed patches of covenant mechanized units like Wraith Tanks and Ghosts. Banshees were already destroyed and there was no more covenant air divisions. "ATTACK!" The Lutenant said loudly and every Marine was soon out on the battle armed with battle rifles and rockets others were armed with SMG's and Battle Rifles. "Die!" The Marines said and the grunts fell on by one. A Marine Cried out "The Western Flanking is falling!" I said with caution "Dont let your gaurd down! They might just regroup." "Communication!" The Lutenant said with caution. "Yes Sir?" the communications officier said ready to send the message. "Tell the Eastern Flank to move out and....." The Lutenant was stopped short of his words. "Sir! Important and Urgent!" Another communications officier said with a choked throat and pale face. "The Covenant.... Bringing in... Heavy Support! The two divisions are going to be able to finish the paper thin 1st Covenant wave, but this new Heavy Support with screw them over over! Again and Again and Again..." "Tell 2nd Division to continue on with Plans and tell the Weatern division to move on with Plans also I think I have a plan... And tell both divisions that theres Heavy Covenant boogies and ground forces coming up also!" The Lutenant said with fear of his decision. He said in his mind "Today many Marines and covenant will die and no one can stop it..." It fell silent....
Chapter 7 The Secret Build Up
Its night time the entire Covenant Force controlling the 10% of the city have fallen. The Master Chief took very little damage and he is now currently out looking for the 2nd Covenant Army. Some people are doubting that they will ever come since its been over 9 hours since we recieved the call that there was to be another invasion force... I am just eating my "dinner" and then my shift is up to be on the Guard for the 2nd Covenant Army. Right now me and others from my shift are just hanging out.
"So Whats up Pvt. Phil?" I asked a Marine of my division.. "Well if it ain't the Mjr. Ackerman.. I just perfect looking at photos that my brother is sending me from Hati in the Carribean he says 'its much warmer here then it is there I bet?' I wish I was there instead of here in these cold temps. I still wonder..... How can anyone including those Elities and Jackals live out here without being frozen?" He sounded like that was heavan but I reminded him of how much problems there are. "There are more problems there then there are here." I told him. "Oh I sure fighting in the nice cool water on the beach....." I stopped the private right there... "Covered in Blood from the grunts and blood of humans. Everyday more humans die from the Grunts because they think tha they are harmless stupid things.... Well they are but in a group there stupid harmful things!" I told like I wanted to slap him over his head for the stupidity. "MAJOR!" A communications officer Screamed out to me... "Master Cheif... Found.. Covenant 2nd Army!... Huge... Massive...." The Communications officier was in disarray. "Okay well lets set the table get everyone ready for war!" I told him... "The Battle has begun...." I was uncertain of our Fate......