
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Short Story (Part 3)
Posted By: Jamie<halodevotee@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 August 2002, 3:41 pm

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Dobree held Fitchit up so as he could walk, however aggressive Fitchit was Dobree wouldn't let go, in the end Fitchit caved in and let Dobree support him. Prao was focused utterly on the radio in case of the slightest noise.

The journey had been going on for a while and everybody there had become accustomed to the noises of the hills, for a while there was no tension between the marines as they soaked in the cool mountain air.
The radio began to cackle.
Plachecki instantly stopped mid hike 'Give me those co-ordinates'

'Are you insane, it's obvious their being slaughtered, we can't help them' Fitchit remarked.
'How do you sleep at night?' Plachecki questioned. 'They are our best option'
'Stop this!' Corden exclaimed 'If we are to stand a hope we must act now'
'Let's press on' said Prao. '42.11.437 is what I've got'
There was a deafening silence that fell over the marines as they sprinted across the hillside, down the embankment and onto the hard rocky ground at the foot of the mountain, Fitchit screamed in agony as he lost his balance, putting all his weight onto the now almost severed toe he regain his grasp on the hill.

The marines arrived at the scene of the carnage, they were right on time. The battle was still being waged. Already many of the humans had been slain. By Prao's reckoning there was about 15 men left and 4 Andensum. By the time Plachecki got his assault rifle out there were only 7 men left but still 4 Andensum.
'Everyone aim for 'Mr Six horn' he's got wings' Fitchit commanded.
Immediately the gun fire was targeted towards the winged Andensum. The Andensum dropped his 3 barrelled RF Plasma pistol and took to the sky. Even soaring at 40ft the Andensum was in plain sight due to its huge wingspan. It let out a piercing scream and then began to swoop at some of the surviving humans, as it drew closer two spines emerged from its back, huge hooked spines, it rolled over and latched its spines into one of the men. The man didn't even make a sound the pain was overpowered by his adrenaline, realising he had no hope he made an attempt to grab one of his grenades, he removed the pin.
The explosion caused a momentary silence in the fighting, as a gargantuan mass of Andensum fell to the ground and with it lay a true warrior, who fought until the end. But time was thin and there was no time to pay respects.

Plachecki began to run towards the Andensum 'Cover me' he yelled.
He made a dash between the legs of one of the towering Andensum and retrieved the Plasma pistol that had been thrown away by the winged Andensum. He started running backwards towards the other human survivors shooting as he went.
He managed to rip away an Andensums' arms with the powerful weapon.
'Yee hah!!' Plachecki was overjoyed.
Fitchit hobbled sheepishly into a rock formation.
'Get back here' shouted Corden, but he soon had his attention turned elsewhere.
The Andensum were storming the other survivors, Plachecki was with them but he ran to join with the original group. Dobree and Prao lined up their guns towards the Andensum heads. They both shot at the exact same time and in the exact same place the result was the Andensum falling to the floor instantaneously in the direction of the other humans. The group commenced cheering.
