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Omega Centauri
Posted By: James Kinsella<jckinsella@redrunr.net>
Date: 2 September 2003, 7:59 PM
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Omega Centauri
0638 Hours, February 23, 2554 (Military Calendar)/ Omega Centauri, UNSC held Colony
As Brian woke up he saw the beginning of sunrise, one of the most incredible in all know space. These incredible vistas occurred on Omega Centauri because of where it was in its solar system. It was the last of seven planets in the Centauri system, but was still very close to the sun, allowing every sunrise to show at least three other planets in perfect relief. Tourists used to come here by the hundreds, just to view this incredible phenomenon, though the tourism industry had seriously dropped off as of late. Nowadays Sergeant Hiatt wasn't even sure tourists existed anymore. As far as he knew the twenty-seven-hundred people on this planet were the last humans in existence. He was pretty sure that their tenure on this planet wouldn't last long either. With that morbid but true thought, Brian got ready for the day, and went to the motor pool's HQ.
"Morning, Sarge." The MP on guard duty said with about as much enthusiasm as he could muster. Brian saluted, and walked on. Once in his office he sat down, and looked around. The Marines on this planet had done a very good job converting the UNSC carrier Valiant into the camp headquarters. It had taken them four weeks to clean up the debris, and another eight to make it a suitable work environment. Now it was home to the last fleet of Warthogs in existence. They had thirty eight warthogs, and a single tank. They had the entire fleet on patrol at all times, in a five kilometer radius around the downed ship.
When the Covenant had attacked Earth fourteen months ago Humanity had won, or so it thought. Waiting in slipspace was a fleet; double the size of the original. The Covenant didn't even bother with the remaining ships; they glassed the planet, and chased the straggling ships away. When the humanity had made it to this incredible planet they had two cruisers, seven carriers, eight destroyers, and three frigates. What they hadn't realized was that a single Covenant cruiser had followed them. It annihilated two destroyers, and grounded the very carrier he was sitting in before the remaining ships punched it out of the sky. His wife had been on the destroyer Recreant, and had not survived the explosion. He would never forgive those bastards for what they had done to him. Since then they had suffered minor attacks from patrolling Seraphs, but it didn't really matter. Everyone knew that this outpost wouldn't last. It was just a matter of time before they were wiped away like bugs, and Sergeant Hiatt knew that there was nothing he could do about it.
1246 Hours, March 3, 2554 (Military Calendar)/ Omega Centauri, UNSC held Colony
Today was the day, the last one in which any humans would ever grace the presence of this universe. Brian knew that, but it didn't stop him from fighting it, he had a wife to avenge, and he wouldn't stop until it was over. The battle had started just before dawn, and it was now midday. The Covenant had popped out of slipspace with a group of seven ships. It was an insult to the last of humanity and the enemy had paid dearly for it, losing all but one ship which jumped away as several hundred Archer missiles converged on it. The Covenant quickly brought in another fleet, of five destroyers, three cruisers, and a frigate. The Frigate immediately dropped its cargo, several drop ships, and jumped right back into the alternate space. From that time on Bryan had been fighting. The ground battle had consisted entirely of Jackals, Elites, and Brutes. The only reason Omega Centauri wasn't already a ball of glass was because of the last M808B MBT. It had punched the drop ships out of the sky when the tried to take off. If anything the battle had become worse after that point. All Bryan could do was to hold down the buttons on his M41 LAAG, and turn it towards any Covenant he could see. Riding over the next ridge, he spun the gun and annihilated the two ghosts tailing them. It didn't really matter, they had just flown into a minefield, and the remains of the bodies were blasted across the battlefield. This was the worst moment of his life, and yet it was the best. He had killed at least twenty of the assholes, and there was no telling when the battle would stop. He for now, he held onto the only thing that mattered, and the only thing that could make it right; his gun.