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Part I Boarding
Posted By: JAfdifai'fih<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 11 September 2003, 2:02 AM
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UNSC Shipyard 11324B Expiremental Shipyard Breif: Test new classified ship, the Gravity Cannon Test nanodiamond hull Test zero point reactor 10/2/2623 Military brass, corporate officials, and pyshicists lined up the metal conference room. On the veiw port they could see the scarred, battle-scorched Earth, now under rebuilding. Humanity had managed to drive out the Covenant, at a deadly cost. Now they would need to strike back. They were talking, pouring coffee from bland, metal containers when a top military researcher walked in. "Greetings, I an Dr. Kenley. As you know, we have need of better weaponry to fight the Covenant. We can beat the Covenant ship to ship, thanks to new particle weaponry, and bombarde planets with hell bore cannons, but they will always outnumber us, so we will need a ship capable of destroying multiply ships at a time, and a powerful ship, too. We have a solution", he said. A holopanel showed up in the middle of the desk, showing a large, hollowed out cylander, with a thick armor, and the front part opened up, the back part closed. It was a light blue, white shining color, and it showed it had a hull made out of nanodiamond, 30 solid meters of it. The nanodiamond was also laced with superconductors, to absorb Covenant plasma shots. It was gargantuan, dwarfing even the largest Covenant cruisers, only to be smaller than dreadnaughts. Next to the readouts it showed:
Armament: 1 Zero Point Disruptor Power- 23^17 joules 6 Electropeizic Infinity Repeaters Energy Source: 1 Zero Point Vortex Generator
Officers oohed and ahhed at the look of the ship.
"What is a zero point disruptor", asked a military official. "We have pioneered into the feild of Zero Pont Energy, which takes an enormous amount of energy from a small space in an infinite power cource, the vacuum itself, teeming with particles popping in and out. Our vortex generator creates a vortex and taps into the energy. The disruptor can disrupt and bend zero point energy feilds around target ships, literally crushing them from the energy and gravitametic fallout. It has a very wide firing range, so destroying a horde of ships wouldn't be that much of a problem. The Infinity Repeaters fire bolts of electricity at targets, firing at a very rapid rate and capable of taking seraphs in one shot. The ship also has 3 Heavy sheilds, each always regenerating, much more efficient than the Covenant's. The zero point disruptor is also not affected by sheilding", explained Kenley. "We already have a pilot, one is enough. He is connected to cybernetic implants, already on the ship. He will leave dock in five minutes", said another brass. "We have also installed a breaching pod on the bottom for a boarding party, so that we can board a Covenant ship and learn the location of their homeworld. Our team consists of only 2 Spartan IIIs", said another military official. "Two Spartan IIIs? What are Spartan III's? Will they be sufficient?", asked the many people. "The Spartan III is an enhanced Spartan II. They are protected by sheilding, as well as nanodiamond armor. They have cloaking feilds, cybernetic enhancement, and retain invisible to Covenant scanners. They are armed with the latest in ground weaponry", explained the military scientists. He came around another table and pointed to a short, black rifle like think with what it looked like a tesla coil at the end. "This is a lightning gun, capable of firing a 1.5 megawatt discharge, enough to do damage to Covenant ships. It is also powered by zero point energy feilds", he explained He pointed to another black rifle, except it was slightly longer and had three barrel like protrusions. "This is the reaper, capable of firing 600 shots for minute, much to a machine gun. It fires short pulse laser blasts, at a very rapid rate like a machine gun. It has infinite ammo from the zero point feild generators on the wepaon", he explained. "Sir, the Pheonix is ready", said the intercom. "That's the name of this new ship, the Pheonix", he said.
Human Cruiser Pheonix Same date Kristoff stopped the ship from hyperspace. The large cylander lunged itself out, its energy banks always recharging from the vast energy. The boarding craft read ready, and Kristoff scanned the area for where the Covenant were supposed to be. There was the assault group, of 5 assault carriers, 10 destroyers, and 20 heavy cruisers. They found him, and they slipstreamed to a closer spot. They came out, and began to charge their weapons. Fighters where beginning to launch. Kristoff charged his zero point disruptor. It took an aweful long time for it to charge, but his heavy sheilds were absorbing the damage, adding more energy to his vast pool. Sheilds went to 98%, all of the ships fired plasma torpedoes. 'They are no match', thought Kristoff. The assault carriers launched their hordes of Seraphs. Kristoff knew about the Seraphs, the tiny fighters that were so manuverable. Now they where nothing more than pests. The large, blue assault carriers began to fire their plasma torpedoes and pulse cannons, all of the energy absorbed. The hordes of tiny Seraphs fired their little green neutron cannons, to ne effect to the Pheonix. The Zero point energy disruptor was ready. He aimed the ship at a group of closely packed Covenant ships, and fired. There was no sound, no noise in the vast ship, just the large holopanel showing the group of 32 ships crushed by an unknown force. 32 explosions resulted from the compression of their fusion reactors, and debri flew everywhere. Now 2 ships remained, a lone assault carrier, a destroyer, and the hordes of Seraphs, 242 in all. His 8 infinite repeaters fired, raining white, blinding bolts upon the hordes, knocking them all out. The firing lasted for 13.23 seconds, and there were no more Seraphs. Since he couldn't fire his zero point energy cannon at the assault carrier for he would destroy the small destroyer they were going to capture, he fired his infinite repeaters. Bolt after bolt flew accross the stars, and struck the large, blue orb with effeciency. The ships sheilds, dimmered, then went out, and the white bolts kept raining down, melting the hull and causing small explosions accross the thick armor. It exploded into another plume of fire. The destroyer was about to turn away. He fired the bolts at the ship's sheilds and engines, tryng to prevent it from going away. The ship's sheilds went out faster, and it was dead in the water. He ordered the boarding ship away, and transmitted a message.
Covenant destroyer 'Talon of Fury' Same Date
Kolor'Orroh was very, very irate. His entire protecting ships had been destroyed in one shot by one large ship, and a lone assault carrier and the numerous Seraphs blown by the little white electric bolts. He couldn't flee, but he surely couldn't fight the massive ship. "Sir, the ship is sending a smaller craft over", he said. "Fire weapons at the boarding craft", ordered Kolor'Orroh, a gold Elite with a shimmering plasma sword and two plasma rifles slung to his legs. Electric bolts rained from the ship, destroying all of the weapons in seconds. Now they were defensless. "Sir, weapons have been destroyed", said a red elite. Great. The energy from the weapons exploded in plumes over the ship, melting away some of the hull. The tiny ship loomed towards the defensless ship. "Sir, we are picking up a transmittion", said the red elite. "Where is it coming from?", asked Kolor'Orroh. "The ship. The signatures appear to be human", said the red elite. Human? They couldn't build a ship like that! But Kolor'Orroh remembered that the human ships could beat Covenant one on one. He remembered fighting one, it's green laser hell and large hellbore cannons tearing through his ship--. Kolor'Orroh snapped back. "On veiw screen", he said. A tan human in a blue diamond back round was sitting on a large, gell like couch, with computer implants on his skull. He looked solem. "I am Kristoff from the United Nations Space Command, representing humanity. Surrender your ship, or I will have to take it from force", he said. "Never", said Kolor'Orroh, in the deepest voice he could make. The transmittion ended. "Sir, the boarding ship is on our hull", said the red elite. "Prepare all crews for boarding parties. Put guards in this command center, they will definitelly attack here", said Kolor'Orroh.
Spartan III 'John' John checked his weaponry. He had his lightning cannon, his repeater, and his sheilds where brimming on full. The other Spartan III, a stocky man sitting quietly, was ready. The tiny boarding ship hit the destoyer. John remembered the destroyer being the pinnacle of the Covenant fleet, nearly indestructable. Now the zero point ship destroyed 34 of those ships. The cutting laser drilled a hull into the hull and presurrized. The hatch opened, and John and Scott, the other Spartan III, slowly crept into the belly of the destroyer.