A Whacky Spartan (Part 4)
Posted By: Daniel Jackson<danjack13@hotmail.com>
Date: 16 July 2002, 10:06 pm
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Part 4 - Who's that hitting on Jake? January 24, 3002 Military Calendar Epsilon Eridani System *** Will: Why me? "Shay": You want Brittany, don't you, Will? Will: *eyes start to turn a darker shade of blue* Yes, must kill other SPARTAN III's... "Shay": Well, get going, Will... Will: Heh, ok... Will heads towards the cafeteria to get our two injured S3's some REAL food. Meanwhile, in Jake and Daniel's room... Daniel: Damn, this sucks! Jake: Yeah, it does. Here we are stuck in bed, while a crazy-47-system-influenced Will is after Steven and James... Daniel: I'm not talking about that! I was talking about the Holovid.! They don't even get HBO in this crappy hospital! As Steven would say by now... "HELL NAH!" Jake: Heh, good quoting, but what movie are you missing? Daniel: Ummm, nothing of your concern... Jake: Uh huh...yeah whatever...and I kissed Brittany... Daniel: WHAT!!!!!!!
Right at that moment a "nurse" came into the room with some food while Daniel is trying to kill Jake. Daniel looks behind him...
Daniel: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! Will: Ummm...me? Uhhhh... *starts thinking* Ummm... Willa Beltran! Yeah! Willa Beltran! Jake: Umm...why haven't we seen you around before? Will/Duet: Aww, aren't you soo cute! Next thing you know, you'll be asking for my channel! 'Ughhh! I hate this...' Jake: *blushing* Well, actually... Will/Duet: Oh, so you want to go out with me instead? 'YUCK!!!' Jake: *blushing even more* Well...you are cute and all...but-- Will/Duet: REALLY! Am I that cute? 'I feel oh-so-very sick...'
Jake just faints...from the excitement and the sight of "Duet Well..."
Will/Duet: Hmm...oh well...What about you, cutie pie? How are you? You need more BioFoam? "Shay": Will, that's going a little too far... Daniel: No, actually, I'm fine... Will/Duet: *pinches Daniel's cheek* Aww! You're soooooooo cute, you know that? OH! Look at the time...I got to go, cutie! Cya Daniel-047! Will leaves the room in a hurry and runs right into James and Brittany... Will/Willa: Oh crap! I mean sorry! James: Uhh...don't worry about it... Will/Willa: Awww! You're almost as cute as those two inside the room! James: *blushing* Uhh, well thanks...you're very cute yourself.... *drool* Brittany: *closes James's mouth* Excuse my friend...where can I find Daniel Jackson? Will/Willa: Oh...umm...in this room... Brittany: Thank you...come on James! James: *more drool* Ok....... Will/Willa: Cya cutie!
Brittany and James enter the room just as Daniel throws the food he just received from "Nurse Willa" in the trash can.
James: Why did you throw the food away? Daniel: There was poison in the food... Brittany: How? Daniel: Will...Will came in here, disguised as a nurse... James: Excuse me...!? *runs out the door* Daniel: What's with him? Brittany: I think we ran into Will into the hallway... Jake: * wakes up* Hey, where's that cute girl? Daniel: That "cute girl" was Will...in...drag...Will in drag....AHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Jake: Good god! I'm going to be sick!!! *starts puking into his bedpan*
In the room next to them, Ryan, their instructor, is in bed, pounding the wall...
Ryan: SHUT THE HELL UP IN THERE!!!!!!!!! Laila: RYAN! You need your sleep! Ryan: But- Laila: Don't you dare "But!" me! Get back to sleep! Ryan: Sometimes I wonder why I even like you... Laila: WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?! Ryan:...Nothing Honey...
Meanwhile in a dark room...
Will: Damn! It didn't work! DAMN DAMN DAMN! "Shay": Don't worry about it, Will...I have another plan to kill them... Will: Awesome "Shay": OH SHUT UP! Will: Sorry...