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Fan Fiction

Relic, Part 1
Posted By: Inept Zombie<pcksu@swbell.net>
Date: 30 December 2003, 7:05 PM

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      Mark Johnson braced himself as a plasma grenade detonated two meters away from him. He was crouched behind a flipped metal cafeteria table in St. Tracy's Children's Hospital. He managed a quick glance above him and saw that three Elites had also turned over tables thirty feet away, and were waiting behind them. Mark realized that both sides were waiting for the other to rise. The Elites must've been out of grenades and had decided to take up a defense. It was a stalemate.
      He took this time to relax himself and recall the day so far. He had been quietly resting in his suburban home when he got an emergency hostility report from the UNSC. Apparently the Covenant had decided to attack their planet. Mark was immediately called to arms and had proceeded to the nearest Military Outpost. He had been equipped with an MA5B Assault Rifle and a Pistol for a sidearm, a basic Titanium-A helmet and a breastplate. He had been called to the Hospital as back-up for the marines that were in charge of rescuing patients. They hadn't done too well, obviously.
      He had spent half a magazine with his AR, and hadn't used his pistol yet. His friend Joe was too his right and at another table were three of his other comrades.
      "Anyone got any grenades?" Asked Sergeant Smith.
      Mark shook his head solemnly. Joe raised a frag grenade from his belt.
      "I've got one, don't know what you plan on doing with it, if you throw it the Elites'll just dodge it."
      Joe tossed it to the Sarge, who looked at it thoughtfully.
      Smith looked at the wall in front of him. It had a coat rack on it, which held a few rain jackets on hooks. He turned his head back to check on the Elites, whose heads remained unseen. Smith slowly reached forward and tugged a jacket down from the rack. He primed the grenade and stuffed it in the coat. He stood up quickly and lobbed the coat. It landed between the two tables at which the Elites were waiting.
      "Brace!" The Sergeant yelled. He fell back behind the table.
      The marines braced themselves.
      A second later, there was a boom, followed by two satisfying groans from the aliens. Mark peeked over the overturned table and saw three dead bodies and bits of maroon slicker everywhere. He smiled and sighed in relief.
      There were cheers from the marines as they jumped and high-fived the Sarge in victory. They walked over to the dead aliens and looked at them in disgust.
      "Teach you to try to kill us!" said Corporal Stiggs.
      He bent down and peeled a burnt helmet from a blue Elite's head. He put it on and smiled.
      "How do I look?" he asked.
      The marines burst out laughing.
      Stiggs' laughing face was silenced when Smith pulled off the helmet.
      "Don't forget, marines, we have a mission." He said.
      They proceeded up the stairs to the third level, and were met by four Grunts, two Jackals, and three Elites.
      "Uh-oh." Said Joe as the grin was wiped from his face.

      Before Mark could think, a storm of plasma was upon them. Instinctively, he ducked and covered his face, trying to shield himself from the onslaught. Before he knew it he was being dragged down the two flights. He tried to pull himself up, but he just stumbled even faster. He rolled back into the cafeteria.
      For a moment, he lay on his back catching his breath. A few seconds later he opened his eyes and saw two marines tumbling down after him. He quickly rolled to the side as they came crashing down. It was Joe and Stiggs. They panted heavily and sat up, clutching various parts of their bodies.
      "My God,"Stiggs said,"we got ambushed!"
      "Where are the others?" Mark asked.
      "I saw Paul take one to the shoulder, and i don't know where the Sarge is."Stiggs answered."
      "I found him."said Joe wearily. He motioned to the right.
      Mark and the Corporal looked in horror at the mangled body of Sergeant Smith. He had a gaping hole in his chest, and was grasping his arm nervously. Mark rushed to him.
      "I would say to tell my wife and kids I love 'em,"Sarge said,gasping for breath."But I've been divorced for six years, and haven't talked to her for eight. Go save those damn kids, they got a good life ahead of 'em."
      And with that he died.
      Mark sighed. Two out of five marines were dead, and 24 stairs above them were nine alien killing machines. They were screwed.

By: Inept Zombie

I hoped you like that... That's just a preview of something I was thinking of writing. Constructive criticism is much appreciated. :)
