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Fan Fiction

Life Workin for HBO, Part Five
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 24 December 2003, 3:21 PM

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      I began to walk towards the elevators, and the News crew followed. The reporter looked at the red and white streamers, ornaments and assortments of other holiday stuff on the walls and the ceiling, which was about 30 feet up. "Looks like it's gonna be a good Christmas for HBO," Said she.
      "It always is," I said, and pressed the Call Button for Elevator #12. "Especially when the Hackers get stuff done. You know, maintenance and other things like that."
      I heard the PING!, and the doors opened. Sterfrye and BOLL were in, and I climbed in. The cameramen had a hard time getting the equipment in, but they got it after a minute or two.
      "Where to, H_K?" Asked Cortana. This elevator was state-of-the-art; Voice Control.
      "Um... Departments," I replied. BOLL tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned around. "Eh?"
      "So, Hunter_, looks like you caught 'em before me," He said. "You get all the fame and publicity, whilst poor little old me gets nothin'!" He continued in a fake sad voice.
      "'Cept the boatloads of money, a 60' by 60' Office, and a million other things of smeg," I said.
      "Um... I was wondering, If one of you could explain the difference between HBOers. Like, these 'Hackers' you mentioned earlier," Piped up the reporter.
      "Ok, as I earlier mentioned, Me and many others work in Fan Fiction. Sterfrye here writes for us. Some are Artists who draw Halo pictures. The Halo Story Page Crew are our own brand o' conspiracy nuts.       The Halo Hackers... have a special gift. They can bend time and space, alter reality, make the rules of gravity void, and much more. You cannot learn such a power. You must be born with it. They perform many, many essential tasks for HBO. BOLL is one of the most popular and well known Hackers in history, man.
      The Forum is... well, massive. It's like a chatroom, almost. Over 3000 posts each day. Maybe more. The Admins control the show. We have only a handful of these leaders, yet they somehow bring order-or something resembling such-to the huge operation that is HBO. This is the main HQ building. However, there are several more like these around the world, with different, foreign crews. Our main CEO is a man called Lewis Wu, our main CEO has founded HBO, our main CEO has built up the empire that is HBO, making it one of the-if not the biggest-Halo Fansites in the whole of the universe.
      And the n00bs. They... well, n00b stands for "newbie". They know nothing, talk a lot, are new employees... we've all been n00bs at some time or another."
      "And," I said, more loudly, mainly so Ster would notice more, "SOME of us are still n00bs, coughcoughSTERcoughcough."
      DING! The doors to the elevators opened, and we all stepped out. The reporter rushed excitedly to the nearest gold sign. "WOW! Real Gold! On a normal sign. You guys must be rich."
      "Nah. The hackers whipped up these signs as quick a you can stare at 'em. I reckon they about $400,000,000 each. C'mon, me and Ster will show you around Fan Fiction. Unfortunately, only Hackers are allowed in the SECRET HACKING LABORATORIES! So you can't enter. Well, you can, but you would burst into holy flames if you don't have the Hacking power about 5 seconds in," I said, opening the door to Fan Fiction.
      We entered, and the news crew gasped at the size of the room. I would've too, except I've worked here for about a year. I thought about how a newcomer would see things, then remembered my first day here. My eye absolutely popped at these fantastic sights.
      Sprawled on a lime green couch, two men were obviously worn out. A jolly grunt, a net over him, raced around the couch.
      The reporter said, "Aww... How cute!"
      As we walked, I noted, "Yah. That one's a pretty domesticated Grunt. See 'em when they mean." I left that looming sentence, as we approached my office.
      "As we understand, every single person has an office of some kind, correct?" Asked the reporter.
      "Right," I answered, as I ushered them in my office. "Mine is pretty mid-sized."
      "Woah, this office is bigger than most other normal jobs would ever get you!" She said in astonishment. "He even has a mini-bar. You here at HBO know how to live it up."
      After showing her everything in Fan Fiction, and realizing it was 12:00, Me and Ster(along with the news crew, which would be departing after Lunch)went to the Café. This time, I decided to order the 'Christmas Special'. Ster had the Chicken Nuggets Meal, and we sat down at a front table, where the two hackers and three Jackals already seated observed the crew the entire time.
      "This Cafeteria, like everything else in HBO, is simply astounding!" Said the Reporter, helping herself to a few of Ster's Chicken Nuggets.
      "Hey Ster, this time someone really did 'Steal Yo Nuggets'!" I noticed, laughing.
