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Battleground Earth, Part One
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 10 October 2003, 9:55 PM
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Note to Readers: Well, a break from the Confederation... Enjoy!!
1100 Hours, 21 April 2561(Military Calendar)/ Madison Square Garden, New York City
"God Damn It! They're everywhere!" "I'm outa ammo, man!" "AGGHHHH!!!" The Comm. freq. was flooded with lots of messages, mostly bad ones. Corporal Patterson had no time to listen, as he was circle-strafing around a Hunter, his MA8B loudly chattering. The 8 Foot Monster roared, as 10.77 Armor Piercing bullets pinged off his unknown alloy shield. Patterson tossed an M11 Fragmentation Grenade towards the Covenant warrior. The explosion jarred it, but it recovered quickly. It shot a fuel rod blast, but completely missed. The report of a pistol sounded three times. The Hunter toppled over, Dead. Out of the shadows cast by the large building on the right of the Corporal, came a Green Armored Human Warrior with an M9D Pistol in one hand. "Thanks for the help, Master Chief," Said Patterson. The SPARTAN nodded. "Where's the other Hunter? They always travel in pairs." Asked the Chief. "I only saw one..." Said Patterson. The Behemoth appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. The Noncom wheeled, and stared right into the face of a Hunter. "Ah!!!!" He screamed, and attempted to open fire. However, he only managed to squeeze off 4 Bullets, which pinged helplessly against the massive shield, as it came down on his skull. The Marine was sliced almost in two, and the opened up noncom fell to the ground like a torn up rag doll, deserted by a 5-year old kid. Red Blood gushed out, as well as the mangled remains of most of his intestines. Thinking most quickly, the Chief stuck 2 Plasma Grenades to the Hunter: One on it's head, and one on it's belly. He dove behind a Covenant crate, as the Plasma explosions blossomed. The heat from the Plasma melted away the top half of the crate, showering the chief in Plasmatic Weapons, Needlers, and Un-activated Plasma Grenades. The noncom replenished his Grenade Inventory, and ditched his M9D for a Plasma Rifle, and also keeping the MA8B Assault Rifle with him. He looked back. The Hunter's Left Leg, Head, and Torso were missing, scorch marks all over it's body. So, he made his way across the street, and heard chattering Assault Rifles and humming Plasma Weapons. Then, he heard an explosion. "Cortana," Said the Chief, "Gimme a sit-rep." "Members of the 81st Airborne Division are pinned down my multiple covenant Battle Groups. Move to here, and give 'em a hand, Chief!" A NAV Point appeared on the Master Chief's HUD. It was about 120 Meters away. "On it."
Lt. Kelly fed the last magazine into her MA8B Assault Rifle, and began to fire. One of the Brutes in front of her flinched, as the Assault Rifle's bullets pounded the monster. The other 14 Marines left in the building fired on the other Covenant warriors in the doorway, and the Enemy retreated, once again. Suddenly, three Frag Grenades went off, three Hunters and four Brutes, along with a Shade, were blown into the door, each one totally eliminated. The Master Chief walked in the building, and the Marines thanked him. "Nice one, amigo!" Said a Spanish Marine, a battle dressing on his left arm. He had an M9D in his other hand. "Master Chief, sir! Glad you could make it!" Said an American Sarge with no hat, but bandanna around his forehead. "Sir, we called for evac, but couldn't last much longer. Lt. Kelly, reporting!" She saluted. "Anytime," Cortona replied, "Lt, we'll stay here till evac." After the AI stopped talking, the scream of twin Covenant 'Viper' Ground/Air Attack Crafts, and the steady hum of a Covenant Shadow Dropship became apparent. "Now what I was hoping," Said an Australian Marine. The Lt ordered, "Marines! Move out to defensive positions!" The Marines all moved into the top floor of the building. The Chief bent down, and hoisted up a Battle Rifle. Then, he followed. En route, he loaded a fresh magazine into the weapon. As the Chief arrived, a Marine waved him to a window. The Shadow was just landing, and the chief set up to shoot any Covenant bastards that reared their ugly mugs into his sights. The Vipers shot a barrage of searing blue Plasma into the top floor, and a marine let out a scream. His whole left side was gone, and red blood splattered the floor in a 20 ft. radius. He was still alive though, and fell to the ground. The company Medic, with several burns and cuts on himself, began to apply help, as best as he could with a Med-Kit. A Marine with a rocket launcher, Sergeant Johnson II, personally sent both of the enemy Vipers to hell with perfect shots from his 'Firestorm' Rocket Launcher. 6 Grunts, a Blue Elite and a Brute jumped out, and the chief unloaded his magazine. The grunts all fell, some of their bodies contorting from the rounds. Blue blood gushed forward, and the Elite joined in with the Brute, in a bloodcurdling yell. The chief reloaded while several rounds broke upon the hairy chest of the Brute. Apparently, the Marines would help out, dispite their wounds[each one had at least two] and ammo status. A small amount of blood spurted, but it mainly pissed it off. The Brute fired back, and was one hell of a barrage. The shields on the MJOLNIR II gave way, and the Chief fell hardly to the ground, and the armor sported a small hole. A small stream of blood poured out, then the Medic sealed it with Biofoam. The Chief cussed, and stood wobbly enough up.