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The Adventures of Alpha Squad, One
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 17 September 2003, 12:11 PM
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Public Info. Ad: Stop the spam! It's ruining the comments section, not to mention it's retarded. If you find a spammer, report him to Louis Wu NOW! Well, read my story and comment on it first. ;)
- Hunter_Killer =)
----------------------------------------------------------- 0700 Hours, 16 July 2663(Military Calendar) Planet Gamma Centauri 5 Hilly Region aprox. 40 Degrees North Latitude, by 80 Degrees East Longitude
The Covenant camp was totally vulnerable from the hill with the foliage Alpha Squad was concealed in. Lance Corporal Peters pulled back the bolt on his M8592 Sniper Rifle, and inserted a clip. The weapon clicked, and Peters leveled it. "Alpha 2, in position," He called over his Squad's Comm. Channel. "Copy," Said the voice of Squad Leader Master Sergeant Johnson, and Peters heard the audible click of a Colt/Browning C/B- 162 "Stinger" Rocket Launcher in the background. Peters activated the smart-linked scope on the Rifle, Times 7. He focused on a likely looking Golden Elite with a Plasma Sword, talking to a squad of Golden Jackals. Hm... a rare prize. The guys back at Bravo Base would be really impressed, if he downed one of those. "FIRE!" The radio turned off then. Peters's gun barked four times, and the Elite went down. The Jackals scattered. Two missiles hit the enemy troops, and many a mangled Covie's body flew up. Seven MA9B Assault Rifles barked, and the 7 Assaulters in the group ran towards the enemy. "Oh no! More enemies!" Screamed a beleaguered Grunt, and he popped from the 9.51 mm Bullets hitting him. "Worp! Worp! Worp!" A Red Elite charged at a Marine as he reloaded his AR, but Peters got it. 1st Class Private Jerry Lanto looked up at his benefactor, and gave the thumbs-up. Then, he resumed killing the Covenant. Within 4 Minutes, the battle was over. "That was almost TOO easy," Said Major Corporal Rico over the radio. And, as if to answer, Lance Corporal Mendoza announced over the radio, "Uh oh! Covenant Dropships, incoming! Look sharp!" 7 Dropships, from different directions, approached the destruction of the Camp. They all sat down, and pure Hunters emerged from each one. After the last behemoth was on the surface, they took off. "Focus all fire on them, now!" Barked the Sarge, and a mosaic of Firepower arched down into the Hunters. Several fell, the rest were pissed off. They fired their weapons, and many close-calls were had. Peters was personally responsible for four of them. Then, Sarge ordered the retreat into the depression behind them. "I called for Evac," Added Ensign Betoven, the only navy among them, and the Squad Radio Operator, "Should be here in a sec." The Hunters climbed over, just as Pelican Delta 793 lifted off with the Marines. "Thanks," Said the Sarge, as they climbed high above the furious Hunters. "No problem, jar head," Said the pilot. They both smiled. As for Peters, he was glad to have the footage of him killing a Gold Elite on his Mission Recorder. Oh, boy! The other Marines would finally respect the sniper. You see, it was like this. Normal Infantry didn't like snipers, who had it safe above the battle, nit-picking enemy forces. The snipers didn't know how the Normal Marines could stand being about 10 Meters from the enemy. So, as you can imagine, rivalry is high. So far, the normal Marines had a slight lead in kills, but the Gold Elite should even the score! That kept a smirk on his face all the way back to Bravo Base.
0745 Hours, 16 July 2663(Military Calendar) Gamma Centauri 5, Bravo Base
"Ok, you win, Peters," Said a reluctant Private, as he forked over some big money to the sniper. "Pleasure doing business with you," Sneered the Corporal, as he walked away. Oh boy! There must have been over $ 10,000 in here, all for killing a Gold Elite. Not that he would probably live long enough to spend it, mind you. Even being a sniper was mighty hazardous, vs. an alien Juggernaught. But, that didn't worry him one bit. But something would happen that would worry em all.
Peters lay in his bed, tweaking with his Sniper Rifle. He'd gotten special permission from the Sarge to do so; it was usually against regulations. General Order 245625232452-D, was it? Yes, it was. He had just increased to clip size on it to 7, and the Magnification power to x23, and put away his modding tools. Red klaxons and lights filled every room in the base. Peters sprang to his feet, SR at the ready. He then sprinted the length of the hallway, passing a panicking Marine. He arrived outside shortly. 9 Other Marines(And the Ensign) were already there, and had weapons raised. Peters was stopped cold when he saw what the fuss was about; over 80 Covenant Dropships grew near...
TO BE CONTINUED... ------------------------------------------------------------ This is a one time gig, here. Well, enjoy!
End of story Comedy Corner: The Library Outtake
Along the way:
343 GS: Hm... Hm... Hm... I am a genius. (Little Later) I am a Genius. (And then some) I am a genius. (At the room where flood pour in and spark leaves you to wait, second time) I am a Genius. Chief: Um... Flood, could you hold on a second? I'll be right with ya! Combat Form: Um... I guess. But make it quick, will you? I gotta get blown up, it's my job! Oh, and killing Marines. (Flood walk back to hallway, and talk quietly amongst themselves) Infection Form #1: What's your favorite food? Infection Form #2: Humans. The Elite are a bit to sour for my taste. (Back at door) 343: I am a- Chief: SHUT UP!!! Stop saying that, Damnit! I'm gonna kill you!
See ya! =)