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THe Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Five
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 6 September 2003, 4:47 PM
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Note to Readers: Maaco is a chain of car repair companies, in case you don't know that. :p
1046, 28 November 2567(Military Calendar) Sol System, Covenant Cruiser Vengeance, in Earth Orbit, Hallway leading to Docking Bay 3
Sergeant Rico, acting quickly, swung his MA8B Battle Rifle in the Sword's path. It clanked off the hard Rifle, and the Elite backed a few meters away. It "Worp! Worp! Worp!"ed in surprise. All the Humans simultaneously wheeled, and sent a steady stream of bullets at the Elite, killing it. "Self destruct in one Unit," Boomed the Intercom Voice. "We have 30 Seconds," Announced Cortana. "Go! NOW!!!" The Chief jumped in a U-Dropship, and the 9 other Humans filed in two. Jake quickly yanked the yoke, and slammed a button, and the ship shot forward. He aimed the Plasma Turret, and blasted the door, the atmoshpere being sucked out. The Dropship clanked onto several pieces of metal, then sped free. Explosions lined the ship, and the frame imploded. Metal debris raced in all directions, as did a Shockwave. He steered towards the Planet, and took a breath for the first time in 120 Seconds. He slumped back in the alien pilots' chair. "We made it," Said an astonished English Corporal. Jake was brought to attention, and the Dropship rumbled and rattled in the atmoshpere. A Grunt jumped out of a corner, and shot an Overcharged Plasma Pistol at Jake. Jake dived out of the seat, and the Plasma struck the control panel. Sparks and debris shot out, and the Dropship spun out of control. Jake managed to shoot the Grunt in the head twice, and blood splattered the deck. The Covenant Craft spiraled towards the ground, and a trail of smoke and fire shot out of it. "Shit," Said Aaron, and the ship crashed into a building. An explosion occurred, and the building toppled. The Dropship was bounced back 300 Meters, and touched down on a road. It tore a 60 meter ditch(19 Feet Deep) in the ground, before finally skidding to a halt. Jake was knocked down, and got up. "Uh oh," He said, as the others awoke, "Better get Maaco." "Out 'a the Dropship, on the double!" Ordered a Black Sergeant, and the Marines emerged from the flaming hulk of the Covenant Vehicle. The Chief went out next. Jake took a minute to find his Pistol, which he dropped, then followed the others. He looked it over, and found a dropped Ghost, still upright. He got in, and started the controls. He drove over to the Marines, and he exchanged insults with a certain jar-headed friend of his. "Chief, picking up a radio transmission. It's incredibly weak. I'll patch it through to your speakers so the others can hear it, too." A voice materialized, and was competing with the static and gunshots in the background. "This is Fi-- Team October, -- any --- all UNSC Personnel --- the a--- we have disc---- rebel Cove--- Units. We have --- an alliance-- with the--, and need im--- pickup at 183 S, by 43 West-, under at---- by Normal Coven---- Troops..." "The signal's gone, I lost it. I managed to find the relative location of the Fire Team. Follow the NAV Point, and you'll find our men." Cortana said. "Jake, stay with the others here," Instructed Cortana, "I've called for evac. Wait here till it comes." "Aye." Jake jumped out of the Ghost, and the Chief jumped in it. He sped off. A good ten minutes were spent doing nothing, until the dropship arrived. They were picked up, and whisked away to San Francisco, Terran Battle Command. Jake had a meeting with Admiral Forest, and they agreed on what to do. The Covenant had already eliminated %70 of Earth, and the Humans continued to loose ground. Jake was to fly a Team of Spec-Ops Marines and the Master Chief into the Enemy Homeworld, and eliminate it. How he was to do this: They had managed to Capture a perfect U-Shaped Covie Dropship. The Covenant would think it was one of their victorious dropships. They had a hunch that if the Covenant Homeworld(The Prophet's One) was destroyed, the Covenant would be freed. From what, you say? MIND CONTROL. A UNSC Ship managed to Capture a Covenant Frigate, and they found out the truth. The Frigate was carrying Secret Files, that showed mind control chips, planted in the brains of all Covenant Warriors, as soon as they are born. However, some of the chips were not working. The result: Resistance Covenant. If the Chief and the Marines managed to blow the prophets up, the mind control would ease. And, according to file, the original Files, the Real Covenant were peaceful discoverers. It was the one chance to save humanity from the Prophets.