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The Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Four
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 4 September 2003, 1:20 AM
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1034 Hours, 28 November 2567(Military Calendar) Sol System, Pelican Dropship Delta 24, en route to Planet Earth
"Now would be an excellent time to turn," Said a Marine, as he looked out a window. "We're coming in too fast, it wouldn't matter," He said to the Marine. "Look!" Several motes of Red Light appeared, and eventually grew into a solid band on the Covie Cruiser. "Pulse Laser!" Yelled his Co-Pilot. "Yes," Jake said, "The Golden Sword is doomed, but it's our salvation. Hold on!" They were really close to the ship, when it's shields opened. The Dropship streaked through, narrowly missing the searing Plasma Laser Beam. Jake noticed a Landing Bay, whose doors were almost closed. The Pelican got through, but scraped up against the top of the door. It crashed on the Deck, and Jake was hurled to the Deck of the Pelican. The Chief helped him up, and they, along with everyone but the Co-Pilot(Who was dead), climbed out of the Dropship. "Damn," Said the Lt., as they exited the Launch Bay, "That's the second Pelican this week. Good thing I got insurance." He drew his M9D Pistol. They entered a hallway, which was empty. The Human weapons swept the area once, finding no target. "No covenant?" Said a surprised Sarge. "Maybe ain't no Covies here." "Worp! Worp! Worp!" Two Plasma Grenades landed at the feet of the Humans. "Stealth Elites!" Yelled a frantic Mexican Marine. Everyone dived out of the way, just as the twin plasma explosions blossomed. Several shards of purple metal debris showered the Humans, as Automatic weapon(and Pistol) chatter met the humming of Plasma Rifles. The humans sprayed the air with bullets, hoping to find their cloaked adversaries. The Plasma Bolts seemingly spawned from the air, hit the ground around the rolling, ducking, firing & screaming Humans, kicked up more disintegrating purple metal shards, and sizzled into nothingness. One of Jake's bullets struck an elite in the kisser, and it decloaked, mad as all hell. It indicated this by roaring, and nearly hitting the Pelican Pilot with a bolt of Super-Heated Plasma. The Chief charged, Plasma bolts striking his shield. He reached the Elite, and thrust his MA8B into the chest cavity of the Covenant. He squeezed the trigger, and 15, 8.79 mm Armor Piercing Munitions Rounds -along with Blue/Purple blood and an alien intestine- came out its back. The Elite fell, with a final cry. The Chief threw a Frag, & 2 More died in a bloody pool. Jake ran forward, and hit an Elite with the barrel of his gun. He never figured out how to find that last Stealth Elite. He force sent the Elite reeling, and the Chief finished it off. The Mexican Marine, now more calm, said, "Oh, yah! Uh huh! We showed em, amigos! They won't bother us again!" He shot 5 Rounds into a Dead Elite, and a spout of blood hit him. They pressed on, until they came to a fork. One end, according to Cortana, was the entrance to the Docking Bay. The Chief's plan was to set the ship to self destruct, get a hold of a Dropship, and scoot the hell down to the Planet. However, the doors were locked. The other fork led to a hallway, up to Engineering. The party went in that direction, hoping to override the Lockdown on the bay. Surprisingly, they found no Covenant on the Short Trek to Engineering, and quickly took care of the small guard posted at the critical point. "Anyone know how to set this thing to blow, and override the lockdown?" Asked a Marine. "Let the Lt. do it. He's good at wrecking ships," Said Aaron, now a Lance Corporal, very slyly. Jake ignored the crack, when he could have had the Marine court-marshaled for disrespecting an officer, and walked up to the controls. He quickly got the grasp of things, with a little help from the AI Construct. He typed in the commands, and alien klaxons sounded. An elite's voice, probably prerecorded, said over the loudspeakers,"Alert. Self Destruct Initiated. Destruction in 14 Units, and counting." "How long is that?" Asked an American Sergeant, as he loaded a new clip into his Battle Rifle. "6 Minutes," Said Cortana, over the MJOLNIR II's Speakers, "Lt., override the security lockdown, then we'll get out of here!" "Yes, sir," Teased Jake, and he typed more on the alien console. "There. Lockdown on Docking Bay 3 Disabled. Let's get out of here." But, several Covenants entered, and the Humans eventually killed them all. They Trekked back to the Landing Bay, but with every inch, they battled more and more troops. "Damn," Noticed Aaron, "They knew we were coming. It was a trap!" The Chief tossed a Frag, killing the newest group. A Stealth Elite had a Plasma Sword, and snuck up behind Jake. He slashed the sword, the blade coming at Jake's neck...