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A Series of Wierd Events, Part Four
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 3 September 2003, 2:38 AM
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MY WATCH STOPPED!(My Watch's Time) Inside a Computer Game, The Maw
A click sounded, and I got tense. "Analyzing. Sound Pattern identical to that of an..." Cortana started. I finished by adding: "M90 Shotgun being loaded and made ready." I had no clue how I knew that. I spun, and came Eye-to-Tentacle/Head with the Combat Form. I smiled, and stuck my shotgun into it's chest. I pulled the trigger, and the report of the weapon echoed through the armory. The thing came apart, right before me. A piece of flesh landed on the barrel of my M90. A quick shake was sufficient to send it to the floor. I loaded up on Grenades, invaluable against flood, 13 Clips of MA5B Ammo, and 70 Shotgun Shells. Then, we proceeded on. Soon, we came to the entrance to the Bridge. I prepped a Frag in one hand, whilst ready to fire my AR with the other hand. I ran in, and the Grenade flew into the group of Spec-Ops Grunts. The explosion blossomed, and their bodies flew in different directions. A second later, the Fuel Rod Cannons exploded. Then, the group entered the Bridge. I, without hesitation, went to Cortana's cylinder thing(like you get her from, on the Level Pillar of Autumn), and put her disk in. Machines clicked, steam hissed, and a One Foot Hologram of the AI appeared. She looked around, and scanned the PoA. "Ok, there are two Longswords left. You'd better use one to get out of the game. I'll stay here, and wait for the chief to come, and blow this thing sky high with Keyes's Neural Implants." "Why only one?" Asked Elfster. "I'd rather not be in the same craft all the way till Earth with Hawk. The Rations... don't agree with him." A fart sounded, and everyone looked at Hawk. He blushed. "I see your point, but here's a better one: The Chief needs to escape in the other, or the Space/Time Continuum comes undone! We're finished!" I said. "Oh," Said he. "Let's go, team!" I said, and headed towards the exit. "Hey," Said the resilient voice of Walker, "How come you get to lead us?" "Because," I snapped, "I'm the best driver of any ground vehicle for billions of light-years, and the ONLY driver here of a Sword!" "He's right," Admitted Alpha Lance, "I'll follow this guy till death!" "Besides," Said 'Nosolee, very slyly, "If he is a good leader, it won't come to that." I instructed her to erase any memory of meeting us, and she did. I smiled, and we went on. Very little, except a horde of Enemies, happened, till we reached the Hogs. I whooped, and jumped in the Drivers' seat of one. 'Nosolee quickly jumped on the Gunners' Platform, and Elfster(Rocket Launcher in hand), rode Shotgun. It took a total of 5 Warthogs to motorize everyone, but eventually we were off. We traveled the narrow passageways, some of the Hogs flipping. I never flipped it once. We reached this big room, where Flood, Covenant, and Sentinels were having World War II. Barrels and Boxes blocked further vehicle progress, but the Sword was in sight! We all ran, ignoring several of our group being cut down by enemy. I heard a strange noise, and swiveled my head. I never stopped running. A LOT of Infection Forms were surging at us in a giant tidal wave. I kept running, and jumped in the Door of the Sword. They sealed shut, and I took the Sword out of the bay. However, a Grunt latched 4 Grenades on the Ship, 20 Second fuse. Just as we were over 30,000 Feet high, the engines failed. The ship belched smoke and flame, as it fell to the Ground. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" We all screamed, as the Sword hit the snowy ground, and we all were hurled 40 Meters from the Longsword. The Fighter exploded, hurling debris all over the place. I got up. "So much for escape," I said, really ticked off. "Another piece of good news!" Hawk's Grenades exploded in his face, killing him. Then, he was behind me, alive. Well, alive as Hawk could be in the first place. "Damn," I said. Elfster groaned in pain. I looked at him, and saw a one meter metal shard from the Sword, lodged in his chest. "Shit!" With me, Alpha, 'Nosolee, and Frensa's help, we got it out, and I used a Med-Kit on the Fan Fic dude. Like that, he jumped to his feet, AR art the ready. "I'm ready," He chimed. I looked around. "Oh, shit. Back in AoTCR. Well, let's go!" I heard a rumbling, and at a bridge a bit ways ahead, over 200 Wraith Tanks drew beads on our group...