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The Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Three
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:41 PM
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1020 Hours, 28 November (Military Calendar) Warthog Beta 27 D, en route to: "The Hell outa' town!"
The thing extended a tentacle, only a millimeter away when it popped, dropping two fleshy bits on the Lt.'s face. Aaron reloaded his Assault Rifle, and the vehicle sped out of the clearing in front of the infested UNSC Base. "Think we should report it?" Asked Jake, as a Pelican flew into view. "Does mouse shit roll? Hell yah!" Said Kelso, matter-of-factly. The Pelican touched down, and opened its Troop Bay. There were five Marines, all bloodstained and with a variety of weapons, in it already. Just enough space for the two noncoms and Jake. They entered the dropship, and the Marines sat down. Jake, however, continued on to the Pilots' Compartment. "Pilot?" Said Jake, as he sat down in the empty Co-Pilot's Seat. "Yes, Lt.?" Asked the pilot of the Pelican, working his controls. "Is it possible for you to get me a COMMLINK with Fleet Command?" "Negative, sir. But, I can put you through to the Captain of the ship we're gona land in, the Golden Sword." The Pelican gave a quick jolt, as its thrusters kicked in, and it started to rise. "Excellent. Thank you." "No problem. I'll pull up the LINK now," Said the Pilot, as he pressed some buttons, and pulled a lever back. He pressed a button labeled: SEAL TROOP BAY, as the Pelican climbed into the atmoshpere. A man's face appeared in a screen on the left of Jake. "Captain O' Brian speaking," Said the man on the screen. Jake then explained what happened at the Base, then he turned off the link. Then, he returned to the troop bay. "So," Says Aaron, obviously in the middle of a joke, to the rest of the Marines, "Then the Sarge says, 'You idiot! That's no Frag Grenade! That's my wife!" The whole troop bay exploded in laughter.
4th Cycle, 21 Units (Covenant Battle Calendar) Covenant Outpost, Alpha Centauri Three
Seven Grunts, 5 Jackals and a Blue Elite used stealth tactics to sneak up on a Red Elite, then charged him. Needles, Plasma, and fists flew. When it was over, One Red Elite and a Grunt were dead. They then proceeded into the compound, hoping to pass for regular Covenant troops. They had to plant the plasma explosives in the command center, and destroy the Covenant Outpost! They passed down a hallway, where a Grunt saluted them. Then, they found the control center of the outpost. A Blue Elite was there. The resistance troopers leveled their weapons at the back of the Blue Covie's head. The Jackals and a Grunt over-charged their Plasma Pistols, the other Grunts loaded their Needlers, and the Blue Elite put a fresh battery into this Plasma Rifle. They all fired at once, and the elite fell immediately. Then, the Elite planted the Plasma Charges. The troopers all ran out of there, passing a Confused Grunt. Another Grunt looks in, and says, "This is not my day," As the Plasma from the Charges enveloped the outpost. The Resistance Elite smiled. Then he was filled with determination. They must tell everyone the truth about the "Mystical" Prophets, and that they were using the Covenant, not helping it.
1030 Hours, 28 November(Military Calendar) Alpha Centauri System, UNSC Destroyer Golden Sword, en route to Sol System
The Mess Hall was filled with chatter by the Crewmen and Marines, swapping war stories, or jokes. Or both. Jake was having a bite to eat in the mess hall, when something walked in that made him drop his half-eaten Burger. A 7 Foot Tall Green Armored Warrior emerged from the door, MA8B Assault Rifle in his arms. Jake's first instinct was that it was Covenant, and he had thoughts about drawing his M9D Sidearm. Then, a Green Uniformed Crewman(Green Techs were Cooks and waiters) "Master Chief, sir! Welcome to the Mess Hall. Can I help you?" The thing nodded, and a voice came out of the Armor. "I'm looking for a Lt. Jake." Jake slowly stood. "I'm Jake," He said, and walked up. "Good. The captain wants you to go to the Launch Bay, to get your new Pelican. It's Charlie 24. You'll drop me and the rest of Fire Team Delta off at Earth, Lt. We'll arrive at Sol in two minutes." Jake saluted, and walked past the Spartan.
Two Minutes Later...
Jake was seated at the Cockpit, and he revved the Engines for his Pelican Dropship. A Marine entered, and he realized it was Aaron! "Hi," Said him. "Sit tight," Said Jake, as the Dropship lurched into space, and Earth came into view, as well as a Covenant Cruiser directly in their path...