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A series of Wierd Events, Part Two
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 23 August 2003, 11:05 PM
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1:00 'o clock, 20 August, 2003(My watch's time) Inside a Computer Game, Assault on the Control Room
"What now?" Asked 'Nosolee, as I drove the tank. "Isn't it obvious?" That was becoming my battle cry versus 'Nosolee. "What do you think?" "Thada Way," I pointed towards the way we was goin'. "Anything in particular?" "Nope." "Ah, like usual when we play AoTCR." "Wraith!" Yelled I. "Hey, don't be callin' names," Scolded Alpha Lance. "No, look!" I pointed to the Giant hover tank, speeding towards us. I sighted the Scorpion onto the Wraith, and fired the massive Cannon. The explosion rocked the Covie Mech. Unit, but it was still in one piece. A Plasma Ball hit, twenty-one meters behind the tank. Suddenly, my guns clogged. "SMEG," I said, as the Wraith put me in it's sights. Then, I noticed 'Nosolee was missing. The Plasma Mortar collected energy, as it glowed blue... A warthog flew over the hill opposite the Scorpion. Vege7a was at the drivers' seat, whilst 'Nosolee manned the LAAG. The LAAG let loose a stream of bullets at the back of the Wraith. The Hover tank exploded, into flames. The hog stopped two feet from the tank, and Veg7a said, "Yea Haw! Hey, H_K! Need a new ride? Room for one more." So, the others rode the tank, while we went ahead in the hog. We found a giant Covenant gather point, there had to be more than 100 Hunters, 300 Golden Elites, 700 Jackals, and 1000 Red Grunts. And, Dropships were unloading more and more. Banshees flew overhead, on patrol. "Holy Shit," I said, when I got a closer look with x10 Magnification Scope. I sighted a Hunter's orange flesh on it's back. "Yes, yes..." I muttered, the shot was perfect. My finger approached the trigger, when Vege7a hit the gun, sending it to the ground. "Hunter_!" He said, "Don't shoot 'em! They'll find us, and that'll be great!" I scooped up my Sniper Rifle. "Do they ever follow the Sniper's smoke trail?" "No, but they WILL see the hog!" "Then drive back. I'll take out some Covies." I hopped out of the 'Hog, ran forward 5 Meters, and flattened myself against the ground. From the cliff I was on, I could kill them all. I heard the hum of a Hog engine, then it faded. When it had gone, I let loose 4 Rounds, and 4 Hunters toppled. The Covenant forces wildly fired around, looking for the Human who would dare kill them. I quickly shoved another Magazine in. I got a triple-headshot on some Red Grunts, and I used the Last three bullets on a Golden sword-toting Elite. They all fell, their corpses crumpling. I realized that I was good with a Sniper Rifle, but I was definitely impressed with myself. I put another Clip in, two Jackals and a Red Elite fell to my Gun. Suddenly, I saw a pair of Banshees stream towards me. Blue Plasma Bolts melted the snow around me. My shield siren blared, and I rolled out of the way. Two Fuel Rod bolts melted the snow down to the dirt 3 Feet below where I was, moments ago. "Hunter_! We've set up a base where we can hunker down for the Assault!" Cracked over my MJOLNIR's Radio. "I'll post a NAV point," Said a Voice just like Cortana's, and a NAV Marker appeared. It was 120.8 Meters away, directly behind me. I grunted in the radio, and clicked it off. I pulled out my Rocket Launcher, and used both Rockets. The first exploded a Banshee. The other dodged the Explosive, but in the process crashed into the cliff wall, exploding. I ran towards the NAV Marker, with out even stopping to reload. Little did I know, one of the Covies were able to plant a tracker on me, before he perished with his Banshee. I arrived at the NAV Point in less than 2 Mins. flat. At 'Alpha Base', as my HUD indicated it, there was a bunch of Plexi-Plaster(Easy to set up) Buildings, and in front of that was a hastily constructed stone wall with a gate(2 LAAG Guns were torn out of 2 Hogs and placed on the wall on the left and right of the gate), and in front of that were several hastily dug Firing Pits. The fan fic writers, and a couple of Marine Squads they found around the area were at various places around the base. I approached, and was greeted by pooman. "Hey, man!" He said, than noticed a tiny flashing thing on my neck. "What is that?" I picked it up, and looked at it closer. "A Tracker," I muttered furiously. I dropped it, and put a Sniper Round through it. Pieces of it flew in 12 different directions. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. I wheeled, and saw over 10,000 Covenant troops marching towards us...