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Blue Squadron Chronicles
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 23 August 2003, 9:02 PM
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0975 Hours, 2 May 2601(Military Calendar) Wolf 359 System, 0.06 Light-years from Sol, Fighter Frigate/Medical Frigate Redemption, Fighter Bay 2
"Ok, Blue Squadron. Engage the Seraph Fighters, and keep 'em busy. We gotta protect the bombers while they take out that Assault Carrier!" Said Commander Jonathan, to his squadron of top-notch kids. I mean, the oldest one [Colonel Lance McDouglas, Jonathan's wingman and Blue 2]was 12, and Jonathan was only 11! "Move out!" And with that, the people proceeded to their Longsword B Interceptors. At Jonathan's, three Tan Uniformed Techs, Fighter Mechanic Techs, were adding the finishing touches to the fresh suit of paint on the Sword. "Um, guys..." Jonathan addressed the Techs, "How long will this take?" "Just done," Said Tech Chief Jenson, as he jumped down from the left wing. He saluted, and went over to a Bomber. The other two resumed their duties on the Scorpion Bomber that Jenson was by, loading ordinance and fuel into it. Jonathan entered the fighter, and walked down a hall into the cockpit. The Longsword B Variant had more space for the pilot to stretch out in, even though the original Sword had plenty. He began to work the controls. A loud clang sounded, as the Sword as loaded unto the catapult; a little boost for a fighter. The Engines were slow to get speed, but could keep it, even in high velocity turns. The rest of the fighters followed suit. He clicked on the Blue Squadron Personal Communications Freq. "Blue Group, Report Status," He said into the microphone. "Blue 2, Ready and waiting." "Blue 7, Locked and Loaded." "Blue 5, All Green here." "Blue 9, Full Power." "Blue 3, Clear, Boss." "Blue 6, All Good." And the rest reported in. "Ok, peoples. Catapult in five... FIVE!" Jonathan shoved both the throttles(For his twin Sword Engines) forward to MAX, and pressed the GO! Button on the Catapult Control Panel. His fighter was hurled forward at 7000 Miles per Hour. The Blast Doors were open, and the Sword plowed into space, did a barrel roll, and flew towards the 30 Seraphs. The other 14 Longswords followed, two at a time. "Blue Group, Attack Formation Delta 4. I count thirty, say again thirty Seraphs. Pretty bad odds, for the Covies." Jonathan smiled. "Blues 1, 5, 9, and 13, will take point in respective diamonds." The Longswords divided into four groups of four fighters, in Diamond Formations. Jonathan's diamond was in front. He pressed the 'ARM' Button on a control panel, and his weapon inventory popped up on a Screen to his near left.
Fighter-to-Fighter M-682 'Raven' Mark III: 12
Ship-to-Ground/Capitol Ship M-121 'Starhammer' Mark II: 12
Fixed Autocannon AC-41 'Foe Hammer' Mark VI: 2100 Rounds
On his control unit, he switched to his Ravens. The appropriate crosshairs appeared on the HUD, projected into the viewport. He pressed a red button on his left, and a semi-transparent, red tinted piece of Plasti-Glass, supported by electric supports reaching to the ceiling on both sides, slid down in front of his face. This was his Targeting Computer. On it, each dot that was a Seraph in the distance was outlined by a triangle, along with range numbers under the triangles, respectively. His computer beeped, and he knew he had a lock. "Blue One, Fox Three!" Announced Jonathan over the radio, as he squeezed the button on his flight stick that was red. The missile, its propellants ignited, soared out of the ordinance bay under the Sword, and rushed through the heavens. "Blue Two, Fox Three!" Lance had launched a missile. It joined Jonathan's, heading towards the Seraph fighters. The others also let loose missiles, and now fifteen explosions bloomed. Fifteen triangles, along with the numbers, disappeared. And then, the Seraphs engaged Blue Squadron.
Lt. Commander Taggart's Scorpion Bomber, along with 9 Others, were hurled off the deck of the Fighter Bay. They raced clear of the ship, then slowed, as the Burst by the Catapult wore off. He clicked on his Squadron's Freq. "Gold Team, Formation Alpha 3," He said, in an Italian Accent, then clicked on Blue Squadron's Freq. "Commander, Bombers en route. Cover us." "Copy, Gold Leader. Well, peoples, you heard him! Take down those fighters! Pronto, Amigos!" The radio clicked off.
Junior Lt. Dack Ralter attempted to shake the Seraph Fighter on his tail, but just couldn't do it. Twin bolts of Fuel Rod Plasma Impacted the Sword, sending trails of smoke and debris from the hit areas. Dack struggled to keep the fighter under control. No use! Suddenly, on a screen, the words
Scrolled across. "Shit!" Said Dack, as the Fighter exploded, sending debris flying and blossoming a puff of explosion.