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Covenant Invasion! Part Five
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 21 June 2003, 8:33 PM
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Note to Readers: The communicator beeps, you press a button, and Hunter_Killer's face appears on the screen. "Hi! The Invasion again! The location has changed, as this is ten minutes after the ENCOUNTER with a friendly Grunt. Hope you like it! Hunter_Killer, signin' off." The communicator beeps again, and the screen changes to a bunker, Covenant Bunker, with the Party and Grunts around a table, discussing stuff...
Location: Grunt Liberty Movement HQ Bunker, Chicago, USA, North America, Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant Time: 2551
Jonathan ceases chatter with the three Marines he had been consulting. The opinion, generally, was that they might as well try an Alliance, because most felt they could escape, or fight, if necessary. Jonathan walked over to the Grunts talking. "On behalf of the Human Race, I, Admiral Jonathan Starblade, submit that the Human Race accepts your terms of peace," He said, importantly. "And I, Field Marshal Ki se' Delock , on behalf of all Free Grunts in the universe, announce that we are ready to accept your terms, Human Jonathan," Was the reply. "Excellent. All UNSC Forces have received orders to regard your troops as friendly. Judging by the looks of the Free Grunts, they should be Blue, with a Yellow stripe, on their backs." "We have an easier method of I.D: Human Battle Armor is gray, or white. All Grunts have orders to regard your forces as allies." "Shall we?" The people and Grunts exited the room. Suddenly, a voice comes on radio. It was Grunt... "This is Gelal Vanco to Marshal Ki se' Delock. 17 of my Men are under attack by Hunters! HELP! What the!? AGGHHHH!!" "Crap! Anyone got a Sniper Rifle?" The aliens looked questioningly at Jonathan. A Marine stepped forward. "Sir! Petty Officer, Fourth Class Williams! Here, use mine." He tossed the weapon at Jonathan. Jonathan grunted as he caught it, it was heavier than he expected. He quickly got it under control. The party was now outside. "Pelican Echo 197, come in 197." Jonathan said in the radio. After several moments, a reply came through. "Echo 197 here, how can I help?" "Need pick-up at..." Jonathan checked his PDA(Personal Data Analyzer, in his Battle Helmet), "129, mark 731. Bring..." He looked over the compliment. "Five other dropships along." "Copy, Sir. ETA..." There was a pause, "Three Muinites. Echo 197, out." The communicator clicked. Jonathan put it away. "ETA, Three Min." He said, and individuals began to do various things. Jonathan was practicing with his Plasma Sword, when he heard something. His PDA reported movement, enemy movement. Lots, And lots. It came from all sides. He suddenly saw five Jackals. Shit, he thought. He aimed, and took down a Jackal with a Sniper Bullet. Then, he took his Trusty Assault Rifle, and emptied the clip. Two Jackals dropped, dead. Plasma shots from the two remaining Covenant made him duck. "Crap, Hostiles, Jackals!" He yelled. "We know," Was the response from Lance. "How the!?" He crawled several meters, and saw what really made him jump. Hundreds of Jackals were engaging the Marines and the Friendly Grunts stood still. The Jackals were yelling orders to the Grunts, still thinking they were on the side of them. The Grunts ran to the sides of the Jackals, and surprised the Covenant. Plasma and Magenta Needles flew into the ranks of Jackals, killing some. The Jackals returned fire, and the battle was on for sure! The Jackals ran up to Jonathan, and one shoot him in the chest. Jonathan let out a grunt, and fell to his knees. Several Marines fired Shotguns and Assault Rifles at the Covenant, felling them. One Marine ran up to the wounded person, took him, and laid him down. A dropship hovered overhead, then five more came up. The Tail Guns mopped up the last Covenant, and they landed. The surviving people and Grunts filled in. Jonathan was pulled in by four Marines into a Pelican. All the conciseness left Jonathan, leaving a black and swirling void in his mind, as the Pelicans flew off to a field hospital. Jonathan awoke at a UNSC Military Hospital. "Ah, Admiral. You're awake. Excellent." A Doctor said. "Um... where am I?" The Admiral said, confused. "UNSC Hospital Seven, Sir." Came the reply. "Oh... my stomach..." He clutched his chest, in agony. "Indeed. That Plasma Shot came very, very close to... eliminating your esophagus. But, It did not. You should be thankful." The doctor performed a Medical Scan. "Indeed. I'm afraid you must stay here a wile." "How long is 'a wile'?" "Ten Years." "TEN YEARS! Aw... I'll never get out..." In fact, the Admiral would be there for Fifteen.
"Attention! I need reviews in the 'Comments' section badly! Also, I welcome Constructive Critisisum, but not Patronization. You can say you like it, what you like, Hunter_Killer rocks, and stuff like that. Now, I must go," A voice says to you, then the words TO BE CONTINUED... appears on the screen...