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Fan Fiction

Mysteries Part 7 (Finale)
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 May 2004, 2:56 AM

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Jack drove the warthog slowly to a small niche of the ship, grabbed his weapons and started to devise a plan. He knew he had to execute his plan to perfection otherwise he would end up dead. Then the UNSC would not know what happened here, and would send a second ship to determine their fate. This would undoubtedly result in the deaths of countless more marines. The least of his plan was to have this planet's inhabitant kill the Covenant's, and get the Longsword in the air before it could kill him. He then seemed to figure it out. Jack went back to Captain Higgans to explain his plan. "Sir I'm going to have the animal kill the Covenant then we will leave very very quickly. I will throw a grenade into the midst of the Covenant, and the animal will, like before, instinctually attack the explosion position. Then the Covenant will fight for their survival, and hopefully lose terribly."

"That's nice son but you know daddy has his own better plans because he is a military man."

Jack sighed. "Well sir I hope I can help you with your delusions later." Then Jack noticed something that would either make his plan alot better, or ruin it completely and utterly. The Elites were not guarding the ship; they were prepping it for take off. The animal bounded into the room, Elites took no notice they were too far away to hear its entry. As silently as he could, Jack unpinned his grenade, then lobbed it at the nearest Elite. He noticed. Shrapnel tore into his body before he could make a move and he slumped over, dead.

This set off a chain-reaction of events, Jack ducked down before the remaining Elites could see who had thrown the grenade. The Elites did two things, Looked madly for their assailant and dropped everything they were doing. The animal simply leaped three times to reach the small smoking crater and tossed the dead Elite into the air like a ragdoll. It landed with a sickening thud. Daring to look out Jack saw stunned Elites who were suddenly taking action against their new threat. Plasma rifles were raised and leveled. Blue bolts came from three separate locations and burned into the flesh of the animal. One Elite overcharged his rifle and burnt his hand slightly when the chassis opened to dump the energy. Of course nothing will take being shot at and simply do nothing. The animal leapt at the Elite who was literally banging his rifle to get it to close and work again. The Elite probably wouldn't be able to think about what happened next, nor think about anything for a long time, seeing as how it's head was severed.

The remaining Elites exchanged glances then simultaneously took grenades from their belts, activated them and tossed them onto the animal's body. The animal thrashed around trying to remove the grenades, it bit, scratched, and clawed at the grenades that detonated spewing odd orange blood. Jack hated to be optimistic but maybe the animal was dead. He had seen it get up after being run over, and didn't want to celebrate along with the Elite's. Jack sneezed. The Elites stopped celebrating and unleashed plasma fire at his location. Jack took cover and the wall took most of the attacks, the rest went past the wall and hit the inside of the ship's hull. Jack went back to the warthog, made sure the captain was secure in his seat, and revved the engine. This audio caused the Elites to once again exchange glances. Jack drove out into the open of the hanger and headed at the exposed Elites. With no cover they were sitting ducks. However they both jumped, in different directions, out of the way of the speeding warthog. Jack jerked the steering wheel around and started another pass at the Elites. This time they were ready and blue plasma streaked at the hog. While Jack missed one Elite completely, the other had to dive out of the way again. Unfortunately for him he dived right into the hull of the Longsword. He slumped on the ground unconscious. The last aware Elite looked from the turning warthog to the entrance to the Longsword. He choose to run up the ramp of the fighter.

Jack stopped the warthog outside the Longsword and made a break for the ramp which was rapidly closing. He quickened his pace and managed to jump through the small gap that closed behind him. Chance for sneaking up on the cockpit was dashed, because Jack was forced to throw his MA7B in before him and it made a loud clang when it had landed. By the time Jack stood up and got his weapon, the Elite was aiming for a kill shot. Thinking quickly Jack threw himself at the Elite's ankles and tackled him. The Elite crashed down on Jack, knocking the air out of him. The Elite was already standing up when Jack took up his pistol, and placed three shots in the Elite's shielded head. Then the fourth bullet left the clip traveled down the barrel and rose up into its target's head.

Jack pushed the dead Elite off him and went to the cockpit. He opened the ship back up and got the captain into the ship. He rested him in a seat and went through the final checklist, thanking the Elites for doing the rest for him. Jack rose the Longsword from the hanger and entered space. He then relayed a message telling the UNSC of the planet he had just left, telling that it should be restricted to enter its atmosphere or set foot on it. Finally Jack settled in for a long ride.

The End
