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Nothing to Lose Part III
Posted By: hornet34<hornet34x@hotmail.com>
Date: 3 September 2003, 4:57 PM
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Nothing to Lose Part III
"Rezendez." Captain Simms shouted. "Whats the status of those ships."
"Sir, the second frigate has taken the most structural damage. I estimate they're weakest just below midship, above the engines. The other frigate and the cruiser aren't really showing any weak spots."
"Alright, you heard the man. I want all guns hitting that second frigate right here," Simms motioned to frigate on the main monitor. "MAC rounds first, followed by every Archer missiles we can spare. De Gaulle, how much longer until firing range."
"Ten seconds sir."
"Five seconds."
"Four...Three...Two...One...Firing Solutions are locked on"
"Fire. I repeat, Fire at will." Most gunners were firing before the Captain finished the order. Outside the viewports a blinding flash appeared, as hundreds of Archer missiles and MAC rounds went shooting off towards the Covenant. In the distance, a similar flash could be seen, heading towards the Corrian.
Sergeant Mayer still kept an eye on the hatch the first Covenant had come through. He was about to send out a search party to investigate, but let his suspiscion fade as the next two boarding craft flashed outside the viewport.
"Alright Marines, just like last time."
Mayer didn't flinch as the two doors burst open simultaneously, he just kept his gun trained on the closest opening. But this time there was no roaring elite, no flash of the trip-mine. Just several unnerving seconds of peace. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Mayer, two grunts slowly crept out. The same familiar explosion sent both grunts flying back in pieces, but Mayer cursed to himself. These grunts were definitely sent out as cannon fodder.
Again an uneasy peace ensued. Mayer strained to see or hear what was going on inside those doors. A slight waver in the doorway caught his eye.
"Shit, camo elites, LET 'EM HAVE IT!"
Every assault rifle in the room opened fire, desperately searching for the invisible enemy. Mayer saw a blue flash and heard one of the marines on his end go done. He began targeting the source of the fire. The elites, despite their invisiblity, were eventually caught in the narrow hallway and ripped apart. But the tactical victory belonged to the Covenant. While the Marines were hardpressed to hit the elites, the rest of the boarding crew had snuck out, behind the strength of four jackal's and their sheilds.
Mayer quickly surveyed the situation. His marines were uncoordinated, near panic. They had spent half their first clip trying to hit the elites. The Covenant on the other hand were well coordinated, calm, and had a full charge ready to let loose. Three grunts and an elite advanced behind two jackals towards his position. Across the room he could see the same formation going towards the rest of his troops.
He pumped his shotgun, discharging the empty shell, and took aim. Then, he saw it. The elite from the first wave, bleeding heavily but enraged nonetheless, come storming out of the first access hatch towards his troops on the far end.
"Time to even these odds," he thought to himself. He put two blast into an elites sheilds, causing him to duck behind the jackals. Then he turned his aim towards a grunt that was preparing to throw a plasma grenade. The shotgun burst hit the grunt with enough power to send him hurtling backwards. The grenade he was attempting to throw never got the force it needed to clear the marines's barricade, and landed squarely between the attackers and defenders.
Both sides backed off or dropped down, anticipating the inevitible blast. Mayer used the brief respite to reload, and heard several other soldiers doing the same thing. He knew that his troops on the other end were facing worse odds, and if they didn't get help soon, they would all be in big trouble.
"Thompson, Caparso," he yelled down the line, "Toss two grenades and then give me some cover fire."
Mayer tossed one himself, and then lifted a shotgun in each hand. After a short second, the sound of multiple grenades burst rang out.
Over the noise of assault rifles, Mayer screamed, "Charge!" and suited actions to words. Both jackals were blown apart by the explosions, but two grunts and an elite remained. Mayer targeted the elite, knowing it to be the greater danger. He squeezed both triggers and twin shotgun blast ripped through the elite instantly. Almost instantly. The elite had managed to pull off a desperate snapshot. Mayer felt an incredible pain blossom from his left side of his body. The room spun and he fell to the ground, briefly glimpsing boots rushing past him. Then he closed his eyes and knew no more.