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Second Confrontation
Posted By: Halomaster22<Tenisplaya22@yahoo.com>
Date: 25 April 2005, 5:50 PM
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"Activate your cammo." said Lisa
Three of the Spartans immediately became virtually invisible. The Master Chief however, did not.
"It's the black button on your belt." said Mike.
All four Spartans were now virtually invisible. They walked down the small ramp that led into the complex. It appeared as though most of the covenant had retreated into the center of the complex. The Master Chief led the way. He had been through the cartographer complex on the first ring, and he knew his way around. As they continued down the ramp, they saw there was a turn ahead. Jacob peaked around the corner and saw just a plain old door. Just as he was about to step around the corner, he noticed a small shimmer next to the door, then another on the other side. Two elites in cammo stood on either side of the door.
"I count two elites, each in active cammo on either side of the door." said Jacob.
"Take care of it." Lisa said.
Jacob nodded. He got out his battle rifle and one grenade. He pulled the pin on the grenade and hurled it around the corner. It landed right between the two elites. They gave a yelp of surprise as they comprehended exactly what it was. By the time they realized it, it was too late. The grenade exploded and their active cammo and shields went out. Jacob side stepped around the corner and fired two quick bursts into the elites' heads. Both went down immediately.
The team of Spartans continued through the complex. They encountered no more resistance through the hallways down into the complex, but then they reached a door to a large room where the Spartans expected to encounter a covenant defense team. No doubt the covenant were just beyond the door, weapons trained on it, waiting for it to open.
"Shit" Mike said under his breath, looking around for another way in. It was then that he noticed a small ventilation duct near the ceiling next to the door. He walked over and hoisted himself up into the duct. The other Spartans followed suit. The shaft was surprisingly large, and the Spartans were able to crawl easily through. They took a left where they thought would lead them to the room. Sure enough, it led to the right wall of the room. The Spartans silently climbed down from the shaft, and made their way along the wall towards the covenant forces.
There were three small covenant teams, positioned in a semicircle around the door. All had their full attention on the door. Each group had two elites, four jackals, and six grunts in it. It would not be easy for the Spartans to do this quietly.
The four Spartans surveyed the forces, and began to formulate a plan.... ____________________________________________________________
A small grunt, Linmee, one of the smallest in the covenant force positioned on this ring, was positioned in the team on the left side. He was small, and cowardly. He was watching the door when he heard a small shuffling sound in the direction of the door. Just then, out of no where, a Spartan appeared in front of the door. Surprise and fear spread through the ranks like a plague, soon to be replaced with the urge to shoot. ____________________________________________________________
Jacob immediately reactivated his cammo and rolled out of the shots from the covenant. Then he took a few steps further and deactivated his cammo again. Again plasma bombarded his position, but he reactivated his cammo and rolled out of the way again. He continued this process over and over again, drawing full attention from the covenant. Meanwhile, the three other Spartans began silently assassinating the covenant from behind. It wasn't until more than half the covenant were dead that they began to notice their fallen comrades. Grunts, elites, and jackals lay with broken necks and skulls along the ground. ____________________________________________________________
Now there was complete chaos among the ranks of the covenant. Linmee was scared shitless. He began looking around at his comrades who were firing all over the place. He watched as an elite's head lurched forward, blood spurting from his mouth. His body fell to the ground with a dull thud. Linmee then fled. He began to run towards the rear exit when he saw two dead grunts in front of it. He shifted his direction. Then he noticed a small opening in the ground in front of him. He dropped himself down into it and looked around. The opening above him closed, surrounding him in total darkness. He brought out his plasma pistol and fully charged it, creating a green glow that illuminated his surroundings. As he looked around, he heard a small shuffling sound somewhere in the surrounding darkness. He stood dead still. The only sound being his shallow breath and the slight hum of his charged plasma pistol. Then he heard it again, closer this time. He let out a small yelp as he saw a small shadow move into the light, then disappear as quickly as it came. He began to whimper and back towards the wall. Then, he heard a moan that chilled him to the bone. ____________________________________________________________
There were only three elites, two jackals, and four grunts left now. Jacob was no longer drawing any fire, because at this point the covenant were so confused they were firing everywhere. The four Spartans regrouped and began advancing on the grunts, dodging and ducking the random shots. Lisa got to the first grunt and struck him hard in the face with the butt of her rifle. The grunt somersaulted backwards and landed in a crumpled mess. She moved to the second and struck him in the back of the neck, spewing blood onto the floor in front. Mike reached the third grunt and swung his rifle across the grunt's face, breaking its neck in an instant. Master Chief reached the fourth and last grunt. He landed the butt of his gun right into the grunt's temple, turning the whole left side of his brain into mush. The four Spartans then focused their attention on the jackals and elites.
"Quiet time is over." Jacob said, as he tossed a grenade into the group of jackals and elites.
The grenade exploded, spraying shrapnel into the jackals' bodies, killing them immediately. The elites' shields were wiped out. Jacob pulled out his two SMGs and let loose on two of the three unprotected elites. Master Chief took out the third with a few rounds from his assault rifle. The Spartans continued their descent further into the complex. They left quite the mess. There were bodies and blood everywhere. ____________________________________________________________
One story below them, Linmee was running for his life. There were echoes all around him, his footsteps, his breathing, and the hundreds of creatures behind him. He ran and he ran, then he came to a corner, and as he ran around it, he saw it was a dead end. He began to whimper and yell, but it was no use. The creatures rounded the corner at amazing speeds and catapulted onto the grunt. Linmee let out a muffled scream that turned into a gurgle, and then faded to silence. The dull glow of the plasma pistol, still clutched in his hand slowly faded into darkness as it was overwhelmed in small dark shadows.