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Fan Fiction

In the Beginning (hfm)
Posted By: HaloFanMan<emmimj@cox.net>
Date: 14 January 2003, 4:03 am

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In the year 2530 scientists discovered a breakthrough in armor that would revolutionize the way we battled. Hence the top secret project spartan,most early attempts at creating this armor were explosive. The armor was made of a mix between titanium and steel and had some unknown hardening chemical to make it as strong as possible. Soon training began for the top marines in the US.

The spartan project was going well until the first arrival of the covenant. A nearby planet was destroyed killing thousands of colonists. The governor of the spartan project LT.. Sanders decided to take impulsive action on whatever was attacking. All of the spartan solders were sent to the site of destruction. "Move! Move! Move!" ,yelled the chief. "Were up against some type of aliens",said LT. Bush. "Dont let it distract you",said the chief.

Lines of grunts were assembled into action,the chief and his crew killing them off on by one. "Chief I'm going out to the cliff to give the other marines some covering fire",said LT. bush. "Take the rest of the team with you Bush", said the chief. "But chief with all do respe..",stumbled bush. The chief interrupted, "get out there I gave you orders bush".

"I'm going chief ",said bush. Grunts dieing everywhere,the chief uses a pile of grunts as cover. As an elite pops out from behind a pile of grunts,the chief blasts its head off with a sniper rifle. The chief begins to need backup when over his radio he hears a distorted cry for help, "che... bein..overru.. by....",said the voice. Hello hello? "answer me god damit"!! said the chief angrily. "What the hell is going..." the chief stops and looks up stunned by the hundreds of covenant dropships, as the chief looks around he sees in the distance by the cliff all his solders are down. He runs toward the death site and only sees one person alive. It was Bush, "chief look what these basterds did to me!" said Bush. The chief looks down and sees that bush has bloody stumps for legs.

"chief I'm a criple,leave me here I'm just gonna die....." bushes head rocked

Damn those SOBS ,said the chief. An ocean of covenant surround him as he starts to surrender. Then in the sky like a blazing fire he saw his evak! "Chief were coming to get ya",said the driver on the dropship. the chief amazed by his team of marines hops in to the flying dropship as he guns down several covenant with his assault rifle. Most of the marines had rocket launchers and were blasting hunters to peaces. "Jenkins get the one with the big head", said Mendoza.

Jenkins aims right at is head and blasts away.... "You took its head clear of,good job Jenkins", said the sarge. In a show offy way the chief aimed straight at a line of grunts. 16 grunts go flying 60 ft in the air. "Why do you always outdo me chief?" ,said jenkins. Its what I live for ,said the chief. After a haph hour of flying they were close to the autumn. "Were landing in the autumn",said the driver.

zzzzzzzzoooommmm the dropship flew in threw the gap for landing. after they landed they used the autumn as a free rent hotel. The chief in his room, hears over the loud speakers a young captain keys announcing that they are landing on earth. After hearing rumors about the new project spartan II the chief wonders what his new armor will be like. As they arrive at earth the chief thinks about his crew and bush and he wonders if spartan knows that their dead.

Over the loudspeakers the chef hears a count down, landing in 5-4-3-2-1.

The ship descends to earth and bumps the ground with a hard landing.

On the loud speakers keys ordered for the chief to go the dropship 22.

After a long walk through the hallways of the autumn. The chief hops in the dropship and buckels his seat belt. The speeding dropship lands near the spartan building. As the chief slides his security card. The heavy metal door opens up and the chief walks to the lab room. the chief slowly walks up LT. Sanders.

"Sanders", said the chief. "I know what your going to say chief, you were overrun by some type alien race called the covenant", said Sanders. "I had never expected this" ,said the chief.

"Their power was overwhelmingly destructive", said the chief. "It wasent your fault they were killed chief, know one knew it was coming",said Sanders. "It was my fault, if I wouldn't have ordered bush to take the team to the cliff everyone would be alive",said the chief. "Enough whining chief you need to test the new spartan II gear", said Sanders.

"The new gear uses a type of cybernetic battle shield that can desolve bullets when shot at you the olny problem is that it cant absorb plasma and it has only 5 minutes of shielding",said Sanders. "we will fix these problems later", said Sanders. "You better get to cryo bay #2. You need to be frozen because by the time we finish you will be dead, so you can remain frozen while we fix all the problems",said sanders.

"Alright",said the chief. "Take your time chief", said Sanders. "Bye LT. Sanders", said the chief. Sanders saluted the chief and walked off to work on a nearby computer. The chief walks past cryobay #1, there it was cryo bay #2. The chief felt uneasy about being frozen for so long, but he had to. He did not know the fate of mankind lies in his own hands. entering cryo bay #2 the chief was greeted by a team of cryo-ologists. "Hello cheif, I`m professor Bennett", said a man with weird expression on his face. "Professor lets get this over with", said the chief. Have it your way ,said Bennett. "Ok chief stand on the red square", said a guy on a big computer. The chief walked over to a painted red square on the ground. A big metal detector like thing hovered in circles around the chief. "Ok professor he's in perfect condition to be frozen", said a guy wearing a gray jacket. "Ok get into the cryo tube chief ",said Bennett. The chief stepped into the cryo tube and laid back trying to relax as the glass hatch closed on him and cold white air surrounded him then everything went blank.

-25 years later-

The chief heard mumbling and the voice of Bennett. He opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure standing in front of him. As everything got clear he realized the blurry figure was Bennett. The hatch of the cryotube slowly opened and Bennett looked as if he was 20 years older. "Ok chief climb out or the cryotube", said Bennett. The chief climbed out, his armor clinking on the ground. "the armor has been finished chief",said Bennett. "Good" ,said the chief. The chief looked to his right and saw 3 other cyborgs in shiny new armor. The chief looked to his left an saw an empty suit, it was shinyier and more complex looking than the other cyborgs armor. "Is this my armor"? said the chief. Bennett slowly nodded his head up and down. "Feel free to put it on" , said Bennett. The chief walked over to the armor, he started taking off his old bloody armor. Soon he was in his newer armor gleaming like a star. When chief looked over to the other cyborgs one of them had their helmet off, the chief suddenly realized that it was Bush! "Spartan saw that you were mad about the destruction of you team so we cloned them for you", said Bennett. the chief was very impressed by this. "you and your team will be put into cryo tubes until you are needed" ,said Bennett. every person on the chiefs team went into a cryotubes. The chief stepped back into the cryo tube. The hatch slowly closed and icy cold air came like before.

7 years later

The covenant had found earth. They were destroying everything they could find. Before they could find the spartan II building the master chief was being put abord the Pillar of Autumn to lead the covenant away. "Ok captian the chiefs cryo tube is loaded, now to put the rest of the team on", said the cryo insructor. When the cryo insructor went back to pick up the rest of the cyborgs they were all gone from their cryotubes and halph of the spartan building was destroyed with dead grunts and elites all over the floor. The cryo insructor returned to tell the news to Captian Keys. Captian Keys decided to put the dissapearances behind him and leave to the covenants home world to lead them away from earth.

the end
