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Fan Fiction

Alternate Realities - Remora
Posted By: Guardian<thehawaiiandude01@yahoo.com>
Date: 27 June 2004, 4:59 PM

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Aboard Sovereign Class Cruiser- U.N.C.S Remora
April 15, 2662
Slipspace Exit Omega Zion System
UNCS Territory

      The captain was thrown out of his chair as the ship shook violently and was torn out of slipspace.
" Damage report!" screamed out the captain as he slowly got up using the holo display for support.

" A neutrino spike in the core reactors. They are still operational. Fires in engineering now being put out, and slipspace drive is offline for the moment" Ensign Tucker called out over the chatter of other bridge officers.

      The captain thought over the situation again and looked at the data he received at his holo-display panel. Then after taking a quick glimpse at the data packet he looked at the re-enforced glass that kept the atmosphere inside from the cold vacuum of space. Through the window he saw a Class 5 Type star, it looked more like a Super Giant. He always wondered why they were named in such a way. Finally after much debating over a tactical situation playing over and over in his head he called out to his C.E.O or Chief Engineering Officer.

" Lieutenant, do we have any spunk left in the ships engines to get us moving to any planetary body close by?"

      As the CEO was about to reply, the science officer cut in " Sir!, sensors detect two Covenant cruiser roughly three million kilometers and closing in fast".

"Alright, this is how its going to be done now, I want this ship brought up to Command Alert, load up every last Archer missile pod, charge up the MAC capacitors and get me a targeting solution for each of the incoming cruisers." called out the captain, and as a chords in harmony and in sync and tune the bridge crew replied with action and little talk.

      As the Covenant cruisers came within five hundred thousand kilometers. They hailed the Remora, confusion sprinkled above the human ship. The Captain of the Remora accepted the hail, but had given the order before the transmition was set up to keep the weapons locked onto the two cruisers.

" This is the cruiser Truth of Glory, we saw your ship jump out of a slipspace exit that appeared to be disrupted by an common amount of neutrino's that appeared to be from a covenant reactor. Do you require some assistance, this is dangerous space i suggest that you allow us to tow your ship using both of our gravity lifts to create a form of a tractor link to hold your ship as we enter slipspace".

      It took a moment to address the situation the captain was shocked to hear, the Covenant had actually suggested that they would help him. He had no idea what had occurred from the slipspace jump. The Omega Zion system or the planet Sanctuary it self had disappeared from the location the ship was to re-enter in. He did not have a choice in this case but to comply, one Sovereign class cruiser would not boast a chance against two Covenant Plasma armed cruisers, even with the newest addition of photon torpedoes.

" This Captain Mathew Preston of the UNCS Remora, I am thankful for your help and will allow you to do continue with your actions". With that he ended the transmition and looked into the eyes of the bridge crew, each of the crewmen were filled with fear. But he knew they would pull through unless these friendly or appearing to be friendly covenant shoot them out of the fucking sky, he muttered to himself.

Aboard Sovereign Class Cruiser- U.N.C.S Remora
April 15, 2662
Location - Earth
UNCS/Covenant Territory
      He cancelled the firing solution for the Archer missile pods, but kept the MAC hot and filled with power incase of they turned on him and to do some tremendous damage to at least one cruiser before his ship would go down. The Covenant attached their gravity lifts to the cruiser and increased power to them creating a tractor link. Then extending their shields around the critically impaired UNCS cruiser, together they jumped into slipspace. Three hours later they dropped out of Slipspace to the most amazing site the bridge crew had ever seen about earth. Covering almost the entire surrounding space were Super-MAC and Plasma Battery Platforms.

      Also the moon didn't appear to be a colony anymore, but a massive space platform. Many ships were entering and departing the moon's entrance. The following cruiser broke of the lead cruiser tractoring the Remora. The Truth of Glory entered the moon inside opened up to a massive repair and refit station holding at least 15 UNCS ships and at least 8 Covenant Ships. Two tugs appeared and took the Remora to dock with a repair station. The airlocks cycled and pressurized. The captain made his way down to the airlocks with a handful of marines armed with M9 Shotguns.

      Finally it opened and two Covenant Engineers, one Covenant Elite and 6 Human Technicians walked into the handful of marines pointing shotguns at them. The party stared at them for a few second before one of the technicians finally responded to the silence.

" Whoa there, you might want to put that away. I thought we were here to fix your engines not be pushed back against a wall with weapons trained on us".

      The tech looked at his data pad then scrolled down the UNCS ship manifest and looked through the R section, after a few minutes of searching he did not find the ship name Remora, nor did he find the particular Class cruiser.

" Sir or captain, i would like to talk to have a word with you in private if you have time available, i would like to discuss some issues regarding your ship" said the tech.

"Alright, marines lower your weapons and escort our friends here down to engineering and let them deal with the mumbo jumbo in engineering. Also get our CEO down in engineering and lend the tech a hand." said the captain calmly, and then went with the lead tech to his private quarters.

      They both entered the quarters, and the captain upholstered his M6D pistol and calmly set it on the table, after that he poured himself a drink and then directed his attention to the tech who was about to discuss some matters with him.

"Sir, i have double checked through our entire UNCS fleet manifest and i have not been able to match any ship or class of ship that regards to your ship name and particular design" said the tech.

      Just as the tech was about to say another thing, the ship and the moon itself reverberated. He knew that vibration was the firing of Super-MAC's and that could only mean one thing, battle. He looked at the tech then got up picked up his pistol, downed his drink and asked the most direct question he knew.

" Who the hell is attacking us?" said captain Preston.

      The tech in confusion eyed the captain then in his most calmly manner he replied what the captain didn't know about.

" The race known as the Xantari are attacking us and we need to get back in space to drive them of. Long after the human-covenant war ended, human and covenant relations became more peaceful. A decade later one of our science ships and one of their cruisers were on a survey mission" said the tech and took a breath before continuing on.

" they came across another ship that they had not encountered before, they hailed them and came to know that race as the Xantari, shortly after that both ships were scanned, and then hailed again. As both ships responded the commander of the vessel of the Xantari said that they were lesser life-forms not worthy of living in this galaxy. With that they opened fire upon the Covenant cruiser, the Ship Master of the covenant cruiser hailed our ship, and told them to leave this area via slipspace immediately, and that hey would hold them off as long as possible. With that the science vessel jumped and never saw the cruiser that had stayed behind to make sure this new Intel got back to High Com" catching his breath again, the tech replied.

      By this time the captain had arrived at the bridge and had been surprised to see his ship out of the moon dock and into the area of the ready fleet. He saw the Covenant and Human ships lined up side by side, while the covenant ships protected the Super-MAC and plasma batteries with their shields, the human ships would attack with their own MAC cannons. He had no idea what channel was the Covenant/Human fleet on so, he decided to keep it that way for this battle and moved his ship towards the intended target. A small fleet of 115 Xantari ships were moving forward towards the massive fleet of over two thousand, human/covenant ships. He had never seen a Xantari ship nor knew its capability, until he saw a Super-MAC round strike, what appeared to be a Xantari cruiser, watched its shields flare and still held. Then he watched as a Second Super-MAC round impacted, but yet the shields still held. The final round impacted and broke through its shields tearing a hole in the cruiser, but yet it still kept coming.

      As the captain prepared to lock onto the damaged Xantari cruiser, the ship reverberated violently as he flew from his command chair and onto the deck. Within seconds he blacked out as the ship lurched once more. The captain got up slowly touching his forehead, and he felt a wet substance on his hands. As he looked at them they were red, "dammit!" he muttered to himself once more.

" Luitenant Haverson get a lock on the nearest Xantari ship, prepare a firing solution for the Archer Missile pods. Take the safeties of one of our Shiva Nuclear Warheads and prepare to remote launch it" replied the captain now getting a copper taste in his mouth.

      The Luitenant complied and prepared each action without flaw, when he was finally ready for the next set of orders he turned around and nodded. The captain acknowledging his nod turned towards his COM. He opened a channel to engineering and told his CEO to scrap whatever he was doing and crank up the reactors, go beyond red-line if he has to. In front of him stood a threat and that threat needed to be neutralized.

"Luitenant" he paused "Fire at will!" said captain Preston.

      He watched as 60 archer missiles raced away from his ship and towards the Xantari cruiser, followed by a MAC round and then in the remote distance as he squinted a little he saw the remotely operated Pelican carrying the Nuclear Warhead "perfect" he whispered. The missiles' impacted upon the shields of the cruiser with little effect but it did create a distraction, following up that an MAC round hit the shields again, causing them to flare but still hold. As he called up the the camera that was focused on the Pelican he saw it just had came near three enemy ships. He brought up the detonation key and pressed it. Within seconds the three ships were envoloped into a massive white light, which followed by a minor shockwave that shuddered the allied ships. As the light started to fade, hunks of unknown metal and slagged parts of the ships appeared. But out of he three only one remained and it appeared severely crippled.

      A cheer of victory appeared all over the bridge, the captain himself managed a smile. As that happened thousands of archer missiles, and plasma torpedoes raced away in front of the Remora and impacted against the Xantari ships. As that happened the Plasma Batteries and Super-MAC battle platforms also opened fire. With a barrage of so much fire-power the Xantari ships stood little chance. But however before the battle was over the Xantari ships themselves launched a volley of bluish-white torpedoes, three from each ships a total of three hundred and fourty-five torpedoes impacted against ships and orbital platforms. The torpedoes phased through the allied ships and stations and envoloped them in their deadly payload instantly vaporizing everything and leaving massive molten slags of armor and structure. The battle had ended with the loss of three hundred and thirty ships and the loss of fifteen orbital platforms.

Please put as much helpful criticism into the comments as you can, I hope i did better than the previous, if i didn't please tell me so, and what i need to work on. Next part will be posted hopefully in a few days.
