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Fan Fiction

Alternate Realities - The Flood of The Past
Posted By: Guardian<thehawaiiandude01@yahoo.com>
Date: 6 January 2005, 1:32 AM

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I've been away a quite a while now, I've been busy with junior year projects, PSAT's and SAT preps. Anyways, i may have lost my writing touch from my past stories I'm hoping to gain it back. Also, for the new commenting forum, my new name is Shadow for those who are wondering if i comment on your stories. And by the way, I'M BACK! Well enough complains and news, to the story!

Location - Planet Purity, Installation 001
April 22, 2662
Location: Ring world
Primary Objective: Locate Control Room

John moved silently ahead as an Black Elite next to him covered his 3, the rookie blue elite covering his six, and the private covering his 9. Luckily still having Cortana with him, he still had a direct link with the ships above in orbit. But was faced with a problem of bringing down more reinforcements. The Xantari interphasic technology could easily locate the incoming reinforcements, target pilots of all drop ships and eliminate them quickly and efficiently. Allowing gravity to do the rest and destroy the ships. But disregarding the thought he focused on his objective, he had once before alone taken out an entire covenant armada, and troops. Following that dealing with the Flood, the insane monitor 343 Guilty Sparks and his sentinel minions.

He surely could do it again, once again disregarding the thought, he checked his combat load to be shocked and find, he had expended more than half of his SMG ammunition, all of his fragmentation grenades and now as only remained with two plasma grenades. But luckily, he had relied on brute force and used his SMG's and conserved his Battle Rifle ammunition. He had twenty full clips on him including the one in the rifle at the moment.

"Chief..." Cortana said raising her tone.

He stopped, all his processes and focused on her.

"I'm detecting motion 10 meters northwest of our current position. They appear to be a Xantari Patrol, i recommend immediate evasion and find cover now" she finished.
"Alright" said john and then spoke to everyone in his group

"find proper cover, and wait for my signal to open fire, at that moment open fire and not any other" he finished.
"One final order, do not, depending upon yourselves and others, do not get killed" now move.

Hearing their orders each member moved to a well shaded, darkened position behind a tree or a rock, with a perfect line of sight upon the Xantari forces. John created a private comm. between his troops and spoke "Be ready to use any weapon available, Scoped weapons would be the best, but if brute force is necessary, use it at will. Do not concern your self with power core depletion and ammunition." With that they prepared themselves and waited for the Xantari troops to arrive in front of a clean shot and meet their demise.

Four Xantari troops walked together in a battle formation scanning the area with their interphasic rifles and then moving on. Two covenant beam rifles, and two human sniper rifles focused on the four Xantari troops, they humans and covenant allies had only four consecutive shots to end this small operation, if they failed they would all die. John focused on the leader with his sniper and almost pulled the trigger then stopped, open their private comm. again and spoke, "focus on the leader and move on down, troop to troop. Do not waste all your shots on each troop. We're going to use the shots in a concentration pattern. It will surely bring down their shields and the final shots should eliminate our problem."

With that he fired, his first tracer round flying exactly where it needed to be, with the shot ringing out the round impacted upon the head of the Xantari leader, his shield sparked a vibrant blue, and then started to fade, following that another tracer round impacted just a mere millimeters from the original shot. Sparking the shields once more, following that a pink bolt of energy impacted and spread across the head of the Xantari, his shields finally flared and died. The final pink shot impacted between the optical receptors of the Xantari, melting away his face, erasing his eyes and finally eradicating his brain, dropping him dead. Another four, and four more followed in succession and ended the lives of the Xantari patrol, two human rifles ejected their clips, and the humans slammed two clips in home. Covenant rifles over-heated, and they awaited for them to cool to fire again.

All of them moved themselves from their hiding positions towards the dead Xantari troops, John once again spoke.
"Discard any weak weapon and trade and pick up one of these Xantari interphasic rifle's i believe their accuracy and power will be useful later on in the mission."

The two elites discarded their plasma rifles and exchanged it with a Xantari phase rifle, the weapon was sleek, its power core read 97% and had what appeared to be a retractable scope on top. The private traded his pistol for the rifle, though the weapon seemed to be a bit heavy for the young soldier he managed over looked it, and then clipped it to his armor. Finally John discarded his SMG's, he would miss the brute force that may have been necessary, but realized it was his best option to throw the dual SMG's away.

They make their way to the control room, and during their journey, the black elite who has been silent the entire journey, speaks.

"Would it not be best, to release the flood upon the Xantari. The Xantari are difficult to fight when they are alive, but if they are to be overtaken by the flood, the only thing we shall need is a lot of energy shielding, and massive tonnage of raw plasma and projectile fire power."

"That is an excellent idea, however we need to then find the primary system to disable the energy fields incubating the flood" said the private

John and his team made their way to the control room, as the reached the pyramid, they took a quick look at the towering structure, remembered their past experiences and moved up towards the main entrance door with quick efficiency. Within a matter of minutes the private was at the holographic controls pressing in the proper commands to open up the main doors. The lights turned a light green, and then the doors parted, four orange beams of light streaked out, melting away parts of the door, engulfing the private, his armor melting, and finally vaporizing away. John opened fire with his phase rifle, the shot disappeared and in a matter of seconds the sentinel exploded from within itself, its processing matrix destroyed, it fell to the ground in a fireball. Same with the other two, and only one remained, the private screamed in agony as his flesh melted, burning of his nerve endings.

Without much more vitality he fell, the life draining from his eyes. The sentinels, turned with a slight push of their anti-gravity units attached to their rear. The two elites drew their plasma pistols, and fired rapidly. The droid's shield system failing under the hail of plasma, and finally the plasma reaching the processing matrix, melting the memory crystal. Destroying all the subroutines of the droid following the bantering AI. They final group of three moved up quickly without much lingering. As they reached the final door they found two Xantari troops dead, decaying in their own blood. John, quickly checked his phase rifle, and the elites did with theirs as well, he moved at the wind towards the holo panel. Pressed upon that semi-solid image, and took up a defensive position behind some holo-displays.

The Xantari leader at the control room panel, heard the click and whir as the doors unlocked from the outside and started to open, upon instinct the commander and the remainder of three troops turned as well, and focused on the door. As the door was halfway parted, three shots light up the hallway, and three Xantari troops fell as their head exploded, spraying a mist of blood, bits of skull and brain everywhere. Mindless bodies crumpled to the floor, still pouring out blood as their hearts ceased to pump, and the blood couldn't be pushed throughout the body.

The Xantari leader unable to determine the cause, of the fire, discarded his phase rifle, and drew a secondary energy rifle and opened up upon the door, the energy bolts impacted the hallways surfaces and melted through multiple inches of it. As the rifle overheated, he discarded that his last rapid fire weapon, drew a primitive considering his own technology, a plasma blade. Ignited it and charged, two Elites ignited theirs as well and moved in an attack pattern as they gave away their cover. Finally, breaking the silence both Elites charged, both thinking of the easy kill or death filled with honor. The three blades met together, and with a quick roundhouse kick, the Xantari soldier sent one of the elites sprawling to the floor, its helmet cracked and a purple stream trailing down, but its blade still intact. The elite disregarded the pain and moved in a fluid motion, and brought itself back up. As that occurred, the other Elite became distracted, leaving him open for a clean blow.

As to be brought forth of the event given, the Xantari officer, cleared a crescent strike and sliced the elite in half vertically. The body divided into two, and momentarily blood sprayed, before coagulating, and the body landing into two parts on two different sides of the floor. The remaining Elite, seeing its younger officer die, charged, a foolish, yet desperate move, the suicidal Elite managed, to get a slice off and damaged the Xantari officer little, before he dodged out of the way and sliced the other Elite's head off.

John, watched haplessly as the battle began and ended with his two remaining team mates. He had faced great loses before, but bringing him back to the fact, that he was once again alone again on this flood infested ring world, was extremely aggravating. Not concerning the energy blade at his feet, he hefted the rifle at a straight line aimed for the Xantari troopers chest and squeezed of three shots consecutively. The first shot ended the trooper's life, and then other two, tore his body apart like a energy-saw with a rag doll. He dropped the phase rifle, picked up two plasma swords, from the dead Elites' bodies, clipped them to his belt and finally picked up the repeater rifle. Then made his way forward to the control panel. He took cortana out, and inserted her into a holopanel display. She weaved herself into the system and then remarked about some quantum filament gateway. And then she disappeared, a golden light faded over him and his mind went dark...

To be continued

Next Part Title: The Abyss of the Celestial Temple
