Fallen Angel 15: The God's Ring
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 4 May 2003, 2:40 PM
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Fallen Angel 15: The God's Ring
As the remainder of the Covenant fleet exited slip space not far away from the homeworld, the final act in an age began. An age that had spanned for over 1 billion years and had brought to life a golden age of civilization throughout the galaxy, and had also brought about the most violent and turbulent times that the entire universe had ever seen.
Floating in space above the homeworld there was a huge elongated oval shaped craft spanning for 200 kilometers in length and 50 km wide. It was the apex of covenant technology, it contained the most powerful engines to have ever been produced and some of the most powerful weapons that the galaxy had seen since the Forerunner days. Most importantly though inside there where hundreds of thousands of Covenant frozen cryogenically and an entire record of covenant history and religion including the 7 scrolls on which the basis for the covenant religion is written.
Josh sat still in the cover of a crate sitting near the wall of the docking bays. The transports and drop ships had for the most part taken off only a few which were being loaded up with vehicles were left. Not far away from where Josh lay three Banshees sat unattended. From where Josh sat they appeared to be equipped with air locks to allow flight in space.
Josh sat their watching bay making sure that everyone in the bay was preoccupied. He slowly got up took one final look behind him to make absolutely sure that no one was looking his way and burst out into a full out run.
As he came within 100 feet of the Banshees he heard shouts behind him, he was spotted. Sam had taken his armor when he was captured so Josh was completely unprotected.
The shouting behind him increased and several plasma shots were fired off missing him by a wide margin. He was within 50 feet of the closest Banshee, behind him there was the high pitched whine of a Ghost being started. Josh was now within 20 feet of the Banshee but now plasma bolts where flying everywhere around him striking the floor near his heels and whipped through the air past his body.
He reached the nearest Banshee and hopped into its open back, he quickly hit the start up button closing the back and sealing the craft. He quickly grabbed hold of the strange steering device that lay in front of him and hit the accelerator button and with a sudden jolt the Banshee sped out through the main bays doors with a steady stream of plasma behind it.
Sam paced in front of the Grand Priest's throne which was now empty. He had just heard that Josh had escaped, and in the rage that followed hearing these words he cut the air line that ran the messenger grunt's mask and watched him die slowly from the oxygen which poisoned his lungs.
In 5 minutes the Grand Priests ship would dock with the mothership that floated in orbit over the homeworld to allow Sam the Grand Priest and a chosen group of Covenant to go into exile from the galaxy until the effects of the God's Ring wore off to allow them to return.
"What is he doing," said Sam aloud. "Does he know about Ring? How could he know? Will he activate it?"
Through the small viewing screen that allowed for the pilot to see where he was going, Josh could see the entire attack fleet of transports that where heading for a huge ring shaped object that orbited the covenant homeworld. On the screen an arrow appeared pointing towards a point on the ring where Josh guessed they were supposed to land.
"So you escaped me," said a voice through the comm. system onboard the Banshee. "Do you know exactly where you are heading?"
"How did you know where I was," said Josh surprised.
"I thought more of you," said Sam, "you know that that ship is loaded with tracking equipment and your escape didn't go unreported."
"So now what are you going to do," said Josh, "I have the fuel rods charged, I can take out a few of your drop ships before you could get a fighter on me."
"I'm not going to kill you...yet," said Sam in a grim voice. "What you're witnessing in front of you is the last major contingent of the Covenant army making a move to ensure that all Invaders will be destroyed."
"Yes I heard your little speech," said Josh.
"What do you want then," asked Sam.
"Revenge, upon your kind," sneered Josh.
"You will only be helping the Invaders," said Sam, "do you really want to help the creature that destroyed your entire kind, we only did a fraction of the damage that they did."
"Fine then where is the control room," said Josh, "I will activate it."
"Good to see were agreeing on something," said Sam, "there should already be a NAV point there for it."
"Good," said Josh grimly, "you will soon see the light." Josh quickly turned off all comm. channels and accelerated the Banshee.
Sam stood there next to the communications display thinking about Josh's last statement realizing what it meant.
"Destroy that Banshee immediately," screamed out Sam. "Get every Serph on it now."
Josh was approaching the ring behind the main fleet of transports and drop ships. Already the first of the Covenant craft where entering the rings atmosphere. As the fleet almost completely dropped through the hazy blue atmosphere Josh sped up and dropped down on top of the objective.
He dove through the atmosphere and the clouds that covered this part of the ring. Josh reached back and grabbed a plasma pistol from a small compartment along the inner wall of the Banshee, he pulled it forward and tucked it in the belt of the loose cloths that he had been given after his armor was taken.
Down below him the Covenant for the most part where off the transports and were running through the woods in one huge mass towards the command room. Already they had met some Invaders who were fired on by thousands of plasma shots eventually killing them. But the Covenant casualties were already high. The Invaders could kill half a dozen Covenant before one of them would die.
This was a last stand, one that would never see the history books, or even the minds of future being, but still all of the galaxy was about to be affected by the outcome of this last stand for life.
Next: Seeing the Light (series finale)