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Fan Fiction

Fallen Angel 12: Invaders
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 14 April 2003, 6:10 PM

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Fallen Angel 12:

       As the covenant drop ship lifted off the ground a massive battle was shaping on the ground the tanks were quickly being over run as covenant following the words of Sam. In side the Drop ship Josh was being checked over all his weapons were being removed and his armor closely inspected.

       "Take off his helmet I want to see who it is," said Sam as he walked through the cramped loading bays to Josh's body.

       An Elite that was kneeling down next to Josh pulled at the helmet until it clicked and came off. There was a small hiss as higher pressure inside the helmet rushed out, the Elite pulled away the helmet reveling Josh's head. There was blood flowing out of his nose and the side of his face where Sam had hit him was swelled up and turning purple.

       "Ah my old friend," said Sam smiling as he watched the blood trickle out of Josh's nose and down his neck.

       The Drop Ship exited earth's atmosphere and headed towards the Grand Priest's huge flag ship.


       His eyes slowly opened he laid on a solid metal floor in what looked to be a large room even though he couldn't see any of its ends because they were enveloped in darkness.

       Slowly Josh got to his feet and carefully felt the left side of his face which was swollen and bruised. He opened his mouth breaking the seal of dried blood that covered the front of his face.

       "So he, the warrior of earth has waked," said a voice coming from the dark.

       "Where am I? Who are you!" said Josh looking around the room alarmed,

       "Look for yourself," said the voice.

       Over head light suddenly came on illuminating the large steel gray room. On a raised platform at one end stood Sam looking down upon Josh as he squinted from the light.

       "Do you see now," said Sam.

       "God no, what have they done to you!" said Josh in pure shock.

       "They have freed me, and I am here to show you the will of the gods so as you too will be freed," said Sam.

       A holographic image appeared in front of Josh, upon it was an image of an area of fighting just outside the base where he had before been fighting. In the sky there appeared a strange ship floating down towards the surface. The ship stopped about 20 feet above the ground dropped down about 100 strange metallic objects shaped like drops of water. As the drops hit the ground the immediately self righted pointing the smaller needle shaped end towards the sky.

       Josh looked on in awe as another group of 100 metallic drops hit the ground and self righted.

       "What you are about to see is the true power of the gods unleashed," said Sam. "They were given to us by the gods millions of years ago as they were forced into exile by the unclean species of the galaxy. They will reclaim what was once the gods and prepare us for their arrival."

       Josh was mesmerized as on of the drops split into four sections from the top and opened up. Inside there stood a tall creature about 7 feet tall, it had a green coloration and its skin was wrinkled from millions of years in cryogenic sleep.

       "These are Invaders," said Sam smiling, "We have dropped them on every planet we conquer but this is the only one that has caused any response, we have found the home of the gods. Only here may the peak of the gods creations may be released, not even the Grand Priest could wake them."

       The other containers began opening the same way, the invaders began to move. They walked with a powerful stride and had an air of aggression. They now numbered and about 2 thousand and more of them were being launched. The camera switched angles to show the invaders heading towards the battle that raged not to far away.

       "You will watch the last of your race become extinct then you will be offered to the gods as tribute," said Sam smiling grimly, "this is not the only place where invaders are being dropped, all over the world they are seeking out the blood of the unclean."

       As Josh watched the Invaders reached the battle, soldiers began to scream and fire wildly into the air as these new enemies leaped through the air to land upon the soldiers ripping their bodies apart like sheet of paper. Blood soon covered the ground as the few surviving soldiers ran for the pelican drop ships that were now rushing to evacuate the battle field.

       An Invader jumped onto the nose of a Pelican and ripped the cockpit open hauling out the pilot and on a swift motion tearing the pilots head off his shoulders. The Pelicans began to rise up off the ground and fly away several had Marines hanging off the backs of them trying to get in but in the hasty evacuation never completely got on, many of these Marines fell off plummeting into the swarms of Invaders below who quickly tore there limbs apart, the screams of the unlucky soldiers who did not die instantly plagued the battlefield.


       Sam stood there with a proud look on his face while Josh's face turned sickly white as the images of his brothers-in-arms where butchered like animals with there body parts left of the ground to rot.

       "You see the true power of the gods," said Sam as he walked through the holographic image towards Josh.


       The invaders have crushed the infidels," yelled out the Elite commander at the forward command centre. "A new age has come let us raise our prayers to the gods for allowing us this great victory!"

       Everybody in the command centre let out cheers of rejoice. Grunts jumped into the air waving their arms while Jackals dropped to the ground in prayer. All of the Elites offered quick prayers and returned to their work.

       All was not as planned, the Invaders after butchering the remaining humans walked off towards the celebrating covenant lines.

Next: Curse of the Gods
