Revolution: Part 5 Turning the Tides
Posted By: Gruntkiller<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 2 September 2002, 7:34 pm
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As the covenant rebels and the marines formed up into their squads John yelled out "each squad pair up with another one covenant squad with one marine squad."
John was left with 10 groups of covenant rebels and marines; it was a sight to behold both covenant and human forces working together among the smoldering remains of their enemies.
"Each group take a passage," said the Chief, "destroy all the covenant forces. Move out!"
Johns group took the passage to the right of them. When they approached the door it opened revealing two elites and some grunts who where coming to find out what happened. John the rest of his group opened fire at the oncoming enemies killing them before they even know what was going on. John and the rest of his group then continued up the passage.
They then came across a hall with marines fighting 5 elites in it, John told the group of marines to fall back into the room where Johns group lay in wait. The marines turned around and ran into the room, one of them was caught in the head with a plasma bolt and died before he could reach cover.
Just as John expected the five elites came charging into the room not expecting to find anything but some marines, But they where wrong the marines and rebels opened fire turning the elites into a mush of mutilated flesh.
The marines were in shock to find a squad of both elites and marines working together. "Come with us," said John "lead us to the bridge."
One of the marines replied "its overrun with covenant the captain being tortured right this moment."
"I guess we will just have to save the captain and retake the bridge." Said John. "Do you know where the Captain's being held?"
"Ya all the captured marines where taken to the mess hall," said a marine, "its one of the easiest places to defend."
"All squads converge on the mess hall, there are marines being held there." Said the Chief through the comm.
"Rodger, the armory is secure, alpha squad moving to mess hall." Crackled the radio.
More and more messages from squads came in as John and his squad made their way towards the mess hall. Then as they turned a corner they saw a horrific sight, a marine lying on the floor being kicked and shot in the arms a legs by two grunts. John raised his gun and took his aim and put a bullet through each of the grunts heads. John and the rest of his squad both marines and covenant ran to the tortured marines side trying to help him. The marine just looked up into Johns face and said with all his strength "Don't let earth fall." Then the marine's eyes began to glaze over and they all knew he was dead.
"Come on we gotta planet to save," said John as he closed the marine's eyes.
"The mess halls just up around this corner said a marine as they slowly crept up a hall," said a marine.
"No grenades, there are marines in their, we don't want to kill," said John as he took a fiber optic viewfinder and looked around the corner with it. "Their are two elites and a stationary gun at the door, I'll use a grenade here the doors are sealed so I wont hurt any marines." Then John chucked a frag grenade around the corner; this was followed by an explosion and scream of pain.
"Alpha and Bravo squad in position, ready to commence attack," crackled the comm.
"Where are the other squads?" asked the chief.
"Delta is back at the docking bays, and Foxtrot is heading towards the other entrance to the mess hall."
Just then John heard a green elite come around the corner followed by a mix of grunts, elites and marines.
"Get ready where about to commence attack," said John.
"All squads ready," said John through the comm.
"Use no grenades, all squads commence attack." Said John.
An elite up front kicked open the doors and all of the squads moved into a living Hell. In the center of the room there was a pile of dead marines, and all of the benches where covered with tied down marines. On a chair on an elevated platform sat the captain, blood dripping down his face from torture. The entire enemy where elites because they where much more threatening and intelligent making them better for interrogation.
Plasma and bullets filled the air ripping many marines and elites both rebel and enemy to shreds in seconds. A plasma grenade landed on a marine in John's squad, the marine seeing what was happening ran full out into a group of three elites, when the grenade went off its force could be felt throughout the room leaving all three elites dead and one marine martyr.
Minutes later the battle was over, and many of the captured marines where being released and given weapons. John rushed up to the Captain and untied him. The captain looked up and said "Is it over."
John just said "Almost."
Soon all of the squads where ready to fight again but this time they where reinforced by marines with a bone to pick.
"All squads will form up into on group then we will storm the control room." Said John.
Minutes later a group of elites and marines where running up the halls towards the control room. There where some opposing forces but they where quickly mowed down by a raging army that was the first clear spot in the sky for earth's survival. It was a sign of a revolution, one that would change the fate of both the covenant and the humans, forever, they where turning the tides.
The small army of covenant and humans turned the corner into the control room, they where immediately met by a force of enemy covenant. John's squad was faster though and many of the enemies were wiped out before they could even react. Soon the control room was secure and the captain returned to his rightful spot on the bridge.
"We did it," said John to him self, "we turned the tides."
Next: Part6 hitting it where it hurts