Revolution: part 3 the simulator
Posted By: Gruntkiller<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 25 August 2002, 11:13 pm
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As the Chief entered the simulator room he noticed it was different the room then what he had expected the walls where covered in a black material that he had never seen before, then all of a sudden the light dimmed and he was in a large room with four doors. Suddenly one of the doors opened and a blue elite ran out shooting at the MC, John lifted his rifle and began shooting back at the elite thinking that its shots could not harm him. But to his surprise his shields began to come down.
He then jumped behind a pillar for cover and continued to fire, the elite to Johns surprise was also using tactics, it hid behind a locked down ghost and only got up to fire. John then seeing that another door had opened and three jackals come out shot at a fuel tank next to the ghost that the elite was hiding behind. The explosion killed the elite and knocked the jackals over knocking out one of their shields, John shot the shield less jackal killing it. He then turned his attention to the remaining Jackals while firing he got up and ran at them, the Jackals seeing what was coming began to charge there pistols but it was too late the MC was already there. He slammed on of the Jackals shields with the butt of his gun the attack went straight through the shield catching the jackal it the head killing it instantly.
He then turned to the other Jackal who began to run away, John took his aim and put a bullet through its head.
As John turned around another door opened and 10 grunts ran out throwing grenades and hiding. John shot two grunts whom where foolishly in the open; John then began picking off the others when they popped up to throw grenades.
Just as he picked off the last grunt the fourth door opened and a hunter charged out and fired at John missing him by inches. As John began to sidestep and return fire the hunter charged him and began swiping at him with his shield, as John ran away the hunter charged up its gun and fired hitting John in the back sending him to the floor.
This would have killed a normal marine but Johns Armor saved him he turned over on his back to see the hunter raise his shield to finish him off, but John was to quick he grabbed his gun and fired up into the exposed orange section of the hunter, the bullets ripped through its flesh killing it.
The hunter's body began to fall on John, but seconds before it landed and crushed him the hunter was gone and John was left lying on the floor of the simulator room.
"Ok, we have all the statistics we need," said a grunt behind a glass window, "The General has ordered me to bring you to the bridge immediately after we where done in the simulator, he wants to brief you on your first mission for us."
John got up and walked out of the simulator room into the hall where the grunt led him to the bridge where General Sears was waiting.
Next chapter: motivation under fire