Revolution: Part 15 Changing The Universe
Posted By: Gruntkiller<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 12 October 2002, 12:30 pm
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The masses of people cheered as John finished his speech and turned around, he walked down into the small room again followed by the Spartans; he stepped in the elevator and the doors closed.
~ On board the Argentina inside on of its conference rooms Hawks starred at a holo map of the covenant home world that Sears had given him, the world had a purple hue to it and the surface was covered with skyscrapers. Near the north pole of the planet their was a large temple made out of white marble causing it to stick out, this is where the Grand Priest was, all they needed to do was to kill him and the covenant would see them as their new leader. The covenant political system was much like a dictatorship, when the leader was killed the person who killed him became the new leader, so if they destroyed the leader the humans would become the leader.
"This is interesting," said Hawks to himself, "the current leader is said to be 500 years old, and that he himself wiped out an entire rebellion with his own hands...we may be up for a fight."
The doors to the room opened and John walked in still wearing his dress uniform.
"At ease," said hawks, "how did everything go down their, according to FleetComm recruiting rates are going off the charts, it seems everyone wants to take out a few covies."
"Everything went according to plan," said John as he looked down at the holo map, "we're really going to invade the covenant home world?"
"Not exactly," said Hawks as he zoomed in on the white temple, "it's going to be more like an assassination, with a lot of troops that is. See this building, inside it is the Grand Priest, all we have to do is kill him and the covenant will see us as their new leaders."
"How are we going to get to him, there's got to be at least a legion guarding this thing," said John.
"That's the hard part, we will bombard the area around the temple from space to take out as many enemies as possible and then we send in a strike team of about...8000 troops both human and covenant rebels to storm the place." Said Hawks thoughtfully
"When do we go," asked John.
"In about 4 days," said hawks, "the journey will take close to 2 months, so we will be training continuously in preparation."
As John explained the plans to the other Spartans in their training room several of the covenant Spartans seemed to become very nervous. "With all do respect," said Shred, "the Grand Priest is capable of wiping out an army on its own, do you really expect us to be able to take him out."
"I don't expect for you to take him out," said John, "you will take him out, dismissed you have the rest of the day to do what you want."
The next few days seemed to go as slow as the old space shuttles, like they were using molasses as fuel, all of the Spartans trained in the gym for most of the days mostly in the boxing ring because many of the covenant Spartans told the rest that the Grand Priest was shielded, so it would probably come down to hand to hand.
Jones was slowly recovering but Hawks decided that he should stay behind on earth incase they were boarded he wouldn't be at risk of being killed.
Four days after Johns speech the fleet composing of about 100 ships set off for the covenant home world now dubbed by many as "hell's kitchen." Many of the ships would never come back.
On earth it was a cause for celebration, this was the first real shot that humanity had at winning the war and changing the universe. ~
One month later John carefully lined up a shot on an unexpecting elites head and pulled the trigger, a small red dot appeared on its forehead.
"Simulation over," said a Cortana as the room changed back to the back from a system of winding hall to a room with a black metal covering all of its surfaces.
"Be more careful next time, remember all it takes is one shot and your dead," said John.
The elite felling dishonored walked out of the room and back to is quarters.
"Pretty impressive, that elite has been undefeated by the other Marines and Rebels," said Cortana.
The other Spartans had gone into cryo sleep due to the fact that they had mastered every single training exercise that the drill sergeants could throw at them even the one deemed "impossible" by the Marines. John was making sure that the Marines and Rebels were well trained, because he knew that when they landed all hell was going to break loose and every soldier would be needed.
As the days passed by the soldiers became more and more stocked for their mission many of them began to train 24 hours a day just to help relax their minds about the upcoming mission.
4 days before they arrived at Hell's kitchen the Spartans were awakened from the cryo beds.
"Cough and swallow what you cough up" said Cortana.
All of the Spartans choked down the slime many complaining that they didn't join the army to swallow stuff that tasted like shit. After those first moments the Spartan's moods improved.
"I'm ready to kick ass," said one Spartan as he put on his armor.
"You'll get to soon enough," said John, "until then stay alert were in covenant territory and we may become under attack at any moment."
As the fleet came out of slipstream so that they wouldn't trip any hidden traps a small covenant scout ship sppoted them and zoomed off to its outpost.
Next: Hell's Kitchen