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Revolution: Part 12 Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
Posted By: Gruntkiller<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 3 October 2002, 7:01 pm
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The Elite led John and the Spartans through the winding halls of the cruiser at gunpoint. From up ahead 10 grunts ran around a corner and yelled out "Intruder!" at the sight of John and the Spartans.
The yells of elites, grunts and jackals could be heard as they rushed to help the grunts.
"Oh shit," said a Spartan.
"Everyone open fire," said John.
Within seconds the grunts were dead on the floor with their blood splattered over the walls, but unfortunately their friends had arrived. Plasma bolts flew past the Spartans heads as they fired upon the ever growing crowd of enemies, Shred threw a plasma grenade at the enemy, it landed on a grunt who didn't seem to notice in the midst of the battle, with a loud explosion the grunt was vaporized taking many of the covenant around with him, but their were still a lot left to clean up.
John hauled out his pistol and began to put bullets through the heads of the enemy force their blood splattered on the enemies in back of them, who quickly met the same fate.
The ship suddenly rumbled from a MAC round that found its mark, but this didn't seem to bother the two opposing forces, all it seemed to do was throw off their aim for a second, and a second is all it takes. The Spartans got up and ran at the enemy with guns blazing mowing down most of the enemies the last few just stood looking as if to be dumbstruck about the fact that they where about to be killed by a force that they where "superior" to according to their priests, with the sharp sounds of bone cracking all of the enemies where dead leaving a mix of orange purple and blue blood on the floor.
The elite that was acting as their guide got up from behind pillar that he was using for cover and secretly picked up a metal object from an elite's body that lay just in front of him, as he walked towards the Spartans he pressed a button and it activated, A bright blue light filled the room as the elite brought the plasma sword to the nearest Spartans head, completely removing it. He then turned towards John, he raised his sword in high in the air but he suddenly fell to the ground, Brigs stood behind him holding a smoking shotgun.
"Bastard," said Brigs as he kicked the elites body hard.
"Thanks," said John.
The Spartans continued to run up the halls quickly dispatching any enemy that dared to step in their path, which turned out to be a fair number and before they knew it every Spartan was on their last clip, in an attempt to conserve ammo they whacked every enemy that they could but this soon turned out to be useless. As John turned a corner he came face to face with a hunter, John was suddenly pinned to the wall by the hunters shield and slowly began to be crushed by the immense pressure. All of the Spartans began to fire off their last rounds into the hunter but it didn't seem to kill it. Slowly blood began to seep through the hunter's helmet, its lungs were punctured slowly the hunter collapsed as all of the Spartans continuously hit its back with their empty guns. John fell to the ground as finally the shield dropped down.
"Thanks," said John as his shield began to come back, but his armor cracked in several places, that couldn't be repaired in field.
The Spartans had to backtrack to pick up weapons from the many dead enemies on the ship and once every Spartan had a weapon they headed on towards where they assumed to be the bridge.
John strafed across a corridor with his plasma rifle pointed at a grunt that was walking away from him, John slowly walked up behind the grunt raised his gun in the air and with a loud crack the grunt neck snapped sideways and it feel to the ground. The remaining Spartans ran around the corner and joined John behind the grunts body.
"I think the bridge is behind that door," said Shred pointing towards a door straight ahead of them, besides it sat two grunts in shades chatting to each other not even noticing the squad of 11 Spartans approaching quickly.
"I hope they hurry up and glass over the damn planet so we can go get something to eat," said one grunt.
"Yah I'm starved, say what's on the, AHHHHH there here!" yelled the other grunt pointing at the Spartans.
The two grunt turned around and began to fire at the Spartans, but it was too late plasma bolts left the Spartans rifles slamming into the grunt killing them quickly.
John opened to door to the bridge to find a hoard of elites all armed with their guns pointed at the Spartans, they had been alerted by the grunts screaming.
Plasma began to fly both ways through the air sometimes colliding with a soldier. Shred jumped to side while firing with a plasma rifle in one hand and a plasma pistol in the other killing several elites. John seeing that they where out numbered activated a grenade and threw it at the hoard of elites, it went off splattering the blood of the elites all over the room. The few remaining elites sat terrible injured on the floor trying to stop the bleeding.
John ran up to the control panel and began to type in numbers, suddenly a volley of plasma bolts left the cruiser and slammed into a nearby assault carrier, they had taken control of the ship. Another volley was fired right into the unshielded docking bays of the assault carrier causing it to implode as its internal supports were destroyed.
A comm. channel suddenly opened up to Johns helmet.
"John what the hell just happened the ship you boarded began to fire upon other covenant ships," said Cortana.
"We have taken control of it don't fire upon us I'm going for the command ship," Said John.
By this time all of the covenant ships had caught on to what was happening and several nearby cruisers began to fire upon it. The doors to the bridge opened and several grunts elites and jackals ran in but they where immediately met by the Spartans fire.
"How do you plan on taking it out?" said Cortana, "the command ships way to big for a cruiser to destroy even if you weren't under fire." "I don't plan on coming back alive," said John. The comm. channel closed and all that could be heard was the firing of plasma weapons and the yells of both Spartans and Covenant.
"Brigs get up here," yelled John.
"Yes sir!" said Brigs as he ran back to John but continued to fire.
"Defend that door with your lives, were going to destroy the enemy command ship, without it all the covenant comm. cannels would shut down and they would be without their most powerful weapon," said John as he punched numbers into the panel in front of him.
"How are we gonna manage that," said Brigs.
"Were going to put this ship on their doorstep," said John.
It all became clear suddenly; even the air around them seemed to change. They were going to die for humanity.
"With all do respect I have a tradition to uphold, just set the coarse and get out of here I'll take care of the bastards," said Brigs in an almost calm voice. Next: Part 13 The Supreme Sacrifice