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Fallen Angel: Part 7: The Council
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 11 February 2003, 1:23 am
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For the covenant the Minotaur had been the greatest success since the joining of the races under a common name but along with it old failures were revealed. Covenant capital planet Crige "May you one day mingle with the gods grand general Sam," said a Jackal wearing a long robe. He was one of thirty of Sam's personal council who now all sat at a table facing Sam who sat on a throne place on a raised platform. The Hall of Generals where the council was taking place had been Sam's home since he joined the covenant, it was attached to the main temple were the Grand Priest resided. The hall was made up of white marble and gold, white to resemble the pure intents of the covenant and gold to represent the power of the covenant. "This victory is great but there is something that plagues my mind," said Sam while sitting on his throne. "What may that be?" said an elite. "While I was leaving the Minotaur I was confronted with a rather unusual thing," said Sam. "What would that be," said the same Elite. "I was told that all the Spartans were eliminated on Reach with the exception of 117 who I destroyed personally," said Sam in a dark voice, "but on the Minotaur I confronted a squad of Spartan's, how could this be my most trusted general who sits right here in the council told me that the Spartans had been crushed." "I can assure you that every Spartan on Reach was killed," said an Elite in a nervous voice, "there must have been a new group of Spartans created without us knowing." "How dare you lie to me," said Sam, "these weren't any soldiers, these were my old squad mates." "How could this be I was told by my subordinates that the enemy had been crushed," said the Elite who was now obviously shacking in fear. "Both you and I know that that is not true," said Sam in a disappointed voice, "you always collect the neural implants from your troops after every battle." "Yes...sir," said the Elite on the edge of collapsing mentally. "Bring me the implants, if I feel that you were deceived by them I will let you live," said Sam as a evil grin crept across his face, "but if I find that you have lied to me you will die a most dishonorable death." "I will sir," said the Elite getting up from the table slowly backing away, he then turned around and walked quickly trying not to run out of the hall. "This should be a lesson to everyone here," said Sam, "liars will not be tolerated." The entire council went quit for a minute fearing that if they spoke they too could be labeled traitors, off to one side a Grunt stood up and cleared his throat. "The fleets worry that the humans may send out ships on suicide missions," said the Grunt, "it is only a small concern but it could cause major setbacks if fear does spread." "Tell them that humans do not have the sense of honor for something like that," said Sam. "Yes sir that is a very good point," said the Grunt, "it will destroy any thoughts of failure among the fleet." "Good," said Sam. An Elite stood up form the other side of the table, "Sir my scientists tell me that the decoding will be done in a day, then all of the ships information will be open to our disposal." "Good," said Sam in a grim voice. "I want all fleets on standby for attack unless directed otherwise by me. That will be all for today, I must consult with the Grand Priest on the impending invasion." Sam got up and walked out of the hall into a connecting passage to the main temple, as Sam walked fury began to build up within him for the traitor. Eventually Sam reached the other side of the passage, which exited out just to the side of the Priest's throne. "Sam you come with news of the invasion," said the Priest from his throne. "I take it everything has gone as planned." "More or less," said Sam, "the drives should be decoded by tomorrow then we can begin the attack." "Good," said the Priest, "tell the fleets not to glass the planets unless directed by me." "Of course sir," said Sam. "The planet earth will make a great gift to the Gods upon their arrival," said the Priest, "and for them we must cleanse it, none of our bio-advanced soldiers will be used, only us the creations of the Forerunner will carry out their deeds." "No hunters sir," said Sam in an unsure voice, "we could reduce casualties if we use them." "Only us the creation of the Forerunner can do this task," said the Priest, "and because of that we will go without tank ghost or banshee, not even the machines we produce can match the abilities the Forerunner have given us." "Yes sir it is the will of the Gods" said Sam as he bowed to leave. "And Sam," said the Priest from his throne, "ready my dreadnought, I will also be present for this grand victory." ~ The next day the atmosphere at the Council was tense today the Elite Barcil who was accused the day before of lying to Sam would bring fore ward the neural implants from Reach. "Barcil," said Sam, "if these implants prove that you have lied to me you will die by truth drawer." The entire room went silent, to be killed by a truth drawer was considered the ultimate disgrace, the long metal shaft covered in pain inducing chemicals could make the most honorable of Elite's swear at the gods. Barcil handed the implants over to Sam his hand was shaking uncontrollably. Sam quickly put the small disk into a handheld display and pressed a button. ~ "Move up!" yelled the elite who had the implants, the screen showed a snow covered ground of the destroyed forest on Reach through which Josh and the Spartan's had retreated. "There up ahead," yelled a grunt in front of the Elite. "Open fire," yelled out the Elite. Plasma flew through the forest mostly missing the enemy troops. The squad of covenant broke out running in an attempt to keep up with the Spartans. The squad broke out into a clearing, up ahead a pelican lifted up off the ground and flew into the sky. Behind them there was a bright flash and the recording was over. ~ Sam put the display on a table behind him and picked up a truth drawer, Sam slowly turned around and in a quick stabbing motion put the tip into Barcil's chest. "You are a disgrace Barcil," said Sam walking up to the Elite who was slowly curling over in pain. "May you and your entire family spend eternity among humans." Minutes later when Barcil finally died his body was picked up by Sam's personal guard and brought out to the courtyard in front of the temple were is body would be vaporized by a plasma fire. "His death was for the good of the Covenant race," said a Jackal. "Yes," said Sam sitting back down in his thrown. "Sir, decoding has been completed a map of all human space has been completed," said an Elite. "Good, bring it up on the Holo display," said Sam. "Yes sir," said the Elite as he slipped a small disk into a computer in front of him. A large holographic map appeared in front of Sam on it marked by red dots the location of every human colony, near the center of the map a large red dot with the name Earth placed above it floated. "Good," said Sam. "Tell the fleets to begin the siege of Earth. No glassing, this we offer to the Gods when our noble endeavor is complete." Next: The Final Jihad