Posted By: Gruntkiller<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 12 June 2003, 7:47 PM
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"Sir we have incoming boarding craft!" screamed out the intelligence officer of the Theseus.
Bring us up to red alert alpha," yelled out Captain Carbury, "get all squads ready to repel borders."
The Theseus was a small combat frigate patrolling the outer limits of the Sol system. For days Covenant activity had been reported and it seemed that a major attack was eminent the only problem was that the Covenant had no information on the orbital defenses so small boarding parties had been encountered all around the system none of them were successful but none of them were as big as this one.
On the radars there appeared to be at least 20 boarding ships each one would be loaded with squads of Grunts Elites and Jackals. No hunters would be used because they would often get stuck in the boarding craft and if killed would prove to be a major obstacle for the other squad members to get around. As the boarding craft approached 50mm hull mounted cannons fired on them from the Theseus damaging several of the ships and destroying one. The Theseus which was only a small ship still could not maneuver fast enough to bring its main cannons down upon the incoming crafts.
"Contact in 10, all squads ready to counter enemy units," yelled out the Intel office.
"Good," said Carbury taking his pistol out of its holster and loading a clip into it. "I want the self-destruct sequence armed and ready to go."
"Yes Sir, contact in 5."
A shudder san through out the ship as the first of the boarding craft attached to the hull and began welding a hole through, more and more of the ships hit the ship and began to weld through.
"We have contact, all decks have been penetrated and engagement has been made."
The sound of small arms form all over the ship could be heard on the bridge every crew member on the bridge had their MD6's ready several had already taken up positions aiming out through the main entrance to the bridge.
"Where is the closest breech to this point," said Carbury.
"In the mess are two penetration points and heavy fighting," said the Intel officer.
"Move any inactive squads to that point," said Carbury thoughtfully. "Send a message to HQ not to send backup they will track the rip in slipstream right back to origin."
"Sir," said the Intel officer who sat with a look of shock on his face, "the Covenant have broken through our defense and are heading our way."
"Get those blast doors closed," yelled out Carbury turning towards the entrance to the bridge with his pistol at the ready position. "Everybody prepare to fire!"
"Sir the blast doors are offline they hacked the security network," yelled out the Intel officer as he grabbed his pistol from its holster.
Form the bridge the screams of Elite's issuing orders and the responding squeals and grunts of Jackals and Grunts. Every crew member stood with their weapons raised and trained on the entrance. Carbury quickly typed in the code and the self-destruct sequence was brought up to alpha priority, all that he had to do to activate it was to hit the button marked "execute."
Suddenly a grunt stuck his head around the corner of the door and before anybody could shoot popped back behind cover. An Elite screamed something and three Jackals jumped out and formed a line across the entrance using their shields to block the incoming fire. A grunt quickly ran behind the Jackals and chucked a plasma grenade over their heads and onto a crew member.
The crew member ran into the Jackals screaming. As he jumped against their shields the grenade went off blinding both the crew members and the Covenant in the hallway temporarily. Both the crew member and the Jackals were killed in the blast. A an order was yelled out by an Elite outside the bridge and suddenly about 20 covenant jumped out and ran onto the bridge gunning down the crew members. Carbury fired off a shot into a Jackals head and quickly turned firing off three shots one after the other into an Elite's shields, quickly the shields flickered and died and a bullet tore through the Elite's exposed neck spraying blood all over the wall behind it.
There was a sudden burning sensation in Carbury's left arm and it quickly dropped lifelessly to his side. He looked down to see a large chunk of his arm burned away and smoke rising up from the charred remains. Pain surged throughout his body. He dropped his pistol and grabbed the wound with his other hand. The flesh was still burning hot and he burned his other hand as he grabbed a hold of it.
The last of the crew was shot out and an Elite wearing gold armor walked up behind Carbury who was on his knees. The Elite grabbed Carbury by the shoulder and swung him around causing him to face the Elite in the face. Carbury forgot his pain as he stared into the Elite's eyes he muttered something under his breath the Elite gave him a strange look and Carbury said it again.
"See you in hell you god damn bastard!" said Carbury quickly.
Carbury jumped up to his feet and turned towards the control panel, several plasma shots were fired off but it was too late Carbury slammed his fist down on the self-destruct button causing an overload in the ships fusion core completely vaporizing the ship and everyone inside it.
Three days later under the order of the Grand Priest the Covenant fleet that was waiting outside the Sol system attacked. Without the information that was contained on the Theseus as to where the planetary defenses were located the fleet was destroyed.