Sergeant Johnson/ Master Cheif Story Part 1
Posted By: grunteater<fuzzyfuzz007@hotmail.com>
Date: 9 August 2003, 2:11 AM
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"...Mast.. Ch.ef ...come..i.n..the..y. w.ll ..fire..if..I..d.nt..tel....". "I lost him." Cortana exclaimed. "Chief! We are approaching the cruiser" the pilot said. "Good" said the Master Chief. "Tell the rest of gamma wing to enter the second bay". "Affirmative". Thirty-six heavily loaded Pelican dropships approached one of the dozens of alien ships above the Earth. ****** Sergeant Avery Johnson finished the secret transmition and cursed at the meal he'd been brought. Ever since he'd escaped Halo while it had been blowing up in that Elite's modified banshee he was a Covenant prisoner. Suddenly the entire cruiser shook. " Sodeprot amsalp eht erif ot eraperp ot egdirb eht llet" the silver Elite next to the Sergeant's cell said. Avery understood every word he said. "Now..." the Elite glared at Johnson. "Tell me the shied frequencies of the Pillar of Winter of I'll destroy that civilian cruiser". "Frequency this!" the Sarge said and pulled out me small disk of C9 explosive he'd hidden in his shoe. The Elite froze. That disk could blow up this room easily. The Elite stared at the Sergeant. Johnson's thumb neared the activation button... Suddenly the room's main door exploded. In through the melted hatch leap Master Chief and a dozen marines. They opened fire with their SMG's. The Elites and Grunts standing there were torn apart. Johnson was bewildered. The Chief shot a panel and the force field trapping the Sergeant failed. "Nice to see you again Sergeant" said the Chief as he handed the previous Covenant prisoner large back pack. Johnson peered inside. There was a radio, 2 med-packs, 2 Sub Machine Guns or SMGs, extra ammo, a pistol belt including a M7D pistol and a few extra clips, a combat knife, 2 more C9 disks, armored shin, elbow, chest and back pads. and 8 frag grenades. He put on the armor and belt and prepared himself for fighting. He knew the 14 of them had to fight though hundreds of Covenant to make it out. "I'm ready for heat" he said solidly. The Master Chief tilted his head quizzically. " There are 517 marines on this ship and only 15 percent of the ship is in enemy control. There will be no heat" the Spartan finished. "13 percent and the central launch bay which is our objective." Cortana corrected him. "Hello Sergeant" she said warmly. "Hello Cortana" he replied. The ship shook for a second. "19 percent" Cortana alerted. "Alright" the Master Chief said over the radio. "Foxtrot to Victor teams proceed to your assigned objectives. The rest of you, regroup at their armory. I want every one to be carrying a Fuel Rod Gun" he finished.
When they got to the armory they found something strange. The rest of the marines that got there before them stood outside the door. "I think you'd better see this sir!" a corporal told the Chief. The Chief and Sergeant Johnson stepped inside. There was what appeared to be a Hunter without his armor on. It was cowering behind a pillar. The Chief pulled his pistol and shot it in the head four times. "That what he'd do to us" said Johnson sadly. All of the marines walked in. Three of them sealed the doors. Johnson found himself staring at a force of 47 marines. "What are you waiting for? GoGoGo!" he yelled. The Marines armed themselves. One private found an anti-grav cart and he and his buddies filled it with ammo and weapons. " Now we go to the central launch bay" the Master Chief said.
"This is Foxtrot, Gamma, and Halo teams, we are under heavy fire by 4 Mortar tanks and 13 Ghosts and numerous Covenant, over" a man said over the Chief's radio. "Rodger Lieutenant Sigma" the Chief replied, "Hold position". "Right" said the lieutenant. Two seconds later he yelled: "What's that thing Charmers? FireFireFire!" And an explosion echoed through the radio. Master Chief listened. Static. "Move it double time to the central bay!" he yelled to his 48-person company. They sprinted all the way. When they got there they opened the door and looked around. They launch bay was huge. Huge was an understatement. It was 3 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide. It was covered in cargo modules, most of them half burnt, and lots of rubble. The sheer manpower required to build this ship boggled the Chief's mind. He banished the stray thought. Time to get to work. "Move up!" he barked over the radio and his team ran forward. They spotted a cluster of marines hiding behind a wall of wreckage. Ever second or so they would fire some rockets or throw grenades forward at a group of no less the 4 Mortar tanks and 11 Ghosts. Then something caught his eye. A Brute! It stood behind the group of stranded marines and was about to whack one of them with a Needler. The Master Chief charged. He jumped on the Brute's back and grabbed its head and twisted. The Brute fell over dead. The marine that was about to get killed looked amazed. So did the rest of his team. "umm...Sergeant Finks reporting. The lieutenant was killed by one of those things." He pointed to the Brute's body. "He had our only radio and we couldn't call for help. Good thing you guys got here." he finished . "Regroup your marines." The Chief said, "We're going to teach those Covenant a lesson..."
To be continued...
By grunteater