Alpha trilogy [part one]
Posted By: Grey Wolf<crashdude900@aol.com>
Date: 24 August 2003, 8:50 PM
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"Flank them and then what…."
Twenty light years outside a planet named Sigma Iota Sigma:
It had been three years since Gabe and his troop had fought off a swarm of covenant on its way to Sigma Iota Sigma. Twenty thousand troops had been issued to Gabe and under his command they were to track and destroy the entire lotus like invasion of the covenant on the planet.
"Well lieutenant Eric, it seems that the only way that were gonna have a chance of taking out that swarm is if they decide to commit suicide." "Sir, it does seem quite outrageous that command would stick us with such an assignment but they have equipped us with a very formidable attack force."
Gabe had received note of the mission only two months in advance, which signaled that maybe the task force had been assembled even without his knowing and that choosing him to command was but a side note. It turned out that he would be in charge of a large ensemble hell jumpers and S*T*R*I*K*E team members. It also turned out he would be in charge of a group of "experimental soilders" which is why he was assigned such few troops.
"Put me on the mic……. attention all crew and military personnel"
The dull thuds of thousands of troops snapping to attention could be heard throughout the ship.
"In two hours project Duck and Roll will commence"
"I expect everyone to be at their respective stations now"
"As for all military personnel, you are to be in your longswords and in shotgun formation behind the Kisandra in one hour, dismissed"
Gabe remembered that he had o check up on the experimental soldiers before they set out. So he took a leisurely stroll down to the armory, escorted by Zach M. Riggs and Eric. Zach was the chief of mechanics down in the engine room and was eager to see what these new soldiers looked like. Eric E. Specs was Gabriel's chief supervisor, and he held a vast array of knowledge regarding the specifics of weapons and defensive strategies. In a word Eric was a military man of the educational sort. He would be briefing Gabe and Zach on the details of the "experimental soldiers" mission.
"What kind of differences do you think the new guys have from the regular troops?" Zach whispered to Gabe. "Well I'm pretty sure they're pretty beefed up, ya know what I'm sayin" Gabe whispered back. "The super soldiers we are about to meet far surpass the hell jumpers and STRIKE team members we are escorting in strength, speed, endurance and intelligence. They have been trained in all forms of self defense and have advanced knowledge of thousands of weapons. Gentlemen meet….. the SPARTANS".
The announcement from Eric came as a shock to Gabe and Zack because they realized they had walked right into a room filled with twenty some odd highly trained soldiers. What came as more off a shock was that Eric had overheard their brief conversation and had answered them in a somewhat dramatic announcement. Zach turned red as he stared at Eric for being so abrupt and then beamed at the physique of the soldiers in the room. Each soldier seemed to have been through a lifetime of training. The soldier in the front off the room seemed different from the others, he was quite large and seemed to good friends with one of the only girls in the room along with a man who seemed to be quite calm.
Gabe remembered how much he had wanted to ask the soldier but he couldn't because at that very moment a blue light at the top off each door flashed as what sounded like a car horn under water blared into their eardrums.
Gabe snapped out of his flashback of that faithful day and looked towards the task ahead of him, the protection of earth against the invasion of the Covenant……. Out of Gabes mic he heard the screams of soldiers as they begged for backup. But what backup would he send? Just then he heard a familiar voice blair through the speakers "This is Cortana, where are we needed Gabe?" Gabe breathed a sigh of relief as he replied- "EarthCity"
Tune in next time to find out more about that faithful day back on Sigma Iota Sigma and why its plays such an important role in the future of earth, Gabe the Spartans and MANKIND.
-my first fan fiction, please be kind- =)