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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: ODST Chronicles
Posted By: Giovanni A. Bryden<gio560@hotmail.com>
Date: 2 May 2004, 7:59 PM

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"Wake the hell up, Gio. Those cans of petrol arent gonna move themselves..." Lance Corporal Chris Ramirez' voice hit me like a shot of tequila to an 11-year old boy: Strong, and Vomit Inducing."Your lucky Im half asleep Chris" I slowly but surely, got up out of my bunk, and proceeded down the hall to the lavatory. It had been a tough week. Just 3 days earlier, we had gotten word that the Covenant had launched an attack on earth. Every infantry unit in the vicinity had been massed to one specific location. New Mombassa. It was only a matter of time before Id end up there too. Sure, i was a confident, well-built young man of 21, but when it came to fighting the covenant, nothing was guaranteed. "What time is it?" I mumbled as i brushed my teeth. "630" Chris said, after a short pause. "I think we're gettin outfitted today, looks like we'll be sent out earlier than we thought..." I finished cleaning up and walked back to my bunk. I reached under the bed and pulled out a pair of boots, and a black vest. Inside the boots were 3 dog tags. I looked at them, and remembered my fallen comrades. The expression of sadness soon left my face, and i was serious once more. I put on my vest, and walked out. The peculiar clink of my dogtags breaking the silence of the now empty Halls of the dormitory.

I got to the Armory just in time to see Chris quickly disassemble, clean, and assemble his trusty MV Battle Rifle. I scoff, and walk past him "Yeah, but can you fire that thing?" He looked down at his rifle and smiled. We both knew that when it came to marksmanship, we were unsurpassed. I walked down to my locker, and grabbed my rifle. On my way out, i grabbed my helmet. I am Sargeant Giovanni Bryden...Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.

LC Ramirez finished cleaning his rifle. He picked up his helmet and walked out. It was a cool day, and a slight patch of fog covered the training areas, and obstacle courses that surrounded the camp. He walked towards the briefing room. As he entered, he saw many familiar faces. LC Keithly, a sturdy young man who he had met when he was a student, stood towards the exit and smoked his cigar. Sgt. Bryden, his squad leader stood up front next to CPO Tucker. Chris took his seat and made himself comfortable. He had a feeling that what he and his team were about to hear would not be pleasant.

"Achilles, bring up the battlefield hologram of New Mombassa" The AI Construct was Impressive. He resembled the great Achilles himself. The seemingly unstoppable warrior who battled against the armies of Troy. As if by some invisible force, a holographic map flooded the room. I could feel the spirits of my teammates fall as they saw the great monuments that dotted the city in flames. The city was destroyed. Sgt. Bryden cleared his throat, and soon, all eyes were on him. He spoke in a comforting voice, a harsh contrast of his usual self. "New Mombassa, once seen as a worldwide capital of commerce, now lies in ruin. I fear that now that the city has fallen, the covenant will use it as an entry point for their ground forces to reach other parts of the continent." He began to speak firmly, and without emotion "We will drop in in 2 teams. Black team, consisting of LC Ramirez, LC Keithley, Corp. Chavez, LC Bertier, LC Berroa, and WepSpecs Johnson, Browne, and Cardenas, Will come with me. The Rest of you (Red Team) Will be under the command of Lieutenant Buckman, who is joining us from The UNSC Academy on Cape Horn. Suit up Troopers, Rendezvous at the dock in 40"

I left the briefing room with a satisfied feeling. I knew his Troopers wouldnt let him down. They were after all, the "Death's Fist", the most notorious group of ODST's that no one knew. We Kicked ass And asked questions later. But even for us, it wouldnt be an easy task. But we were gonna try. We would fight till every last one of those Covie bastards was dead. I sat down on my bunk and took a picture out of my pocket. I stared at it for a good long time, and put it back in. I put on my helmet, Locked and Loaded, and went to the docks.
