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The fall of the covenant brings the rise of a Spartan II Part 1
Posted By: gemmima<gemmima4@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 June 2004, 7:35 PM
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John-117 pressed his back against the wall, a young marine, Private Connors, standing next to him. "We got rid of them pretty quickly sir!" he said. "I am a Spartan you know." John said, proudly. "Come on," he began sidestepping along the wall, then peeped around the corner. His eyes widened, before he flattened himself up against the wall again. "You have a rocket launcher?" He whispered. The marine nodded, and handed the big gun to the Chief. "Why sir?" Connors asked. "You'll see. Get a frag ready." John replied before tip-toeing into the room.
BOOM! A frag went off somewhere behind them, killing the grunts and jackals swarming the room. They turned around, and spotted who had thrown it. Two humans, one normal, the other wearing green armour and carrying a massive rocket launcher stood there. "Hunters!" the normal one breathed. "Yeah, I wanted them to see who would be the ones to end their miniscule time on earth!" said the other, then added "See ya in hell Covenant scum!" before firing two rockets at the hunters. The hunters tried to scatter, but it was too late. The green armoured one calmly reloaded his rocket launcher, then swapped it for his Shotgun.
Meanwhile, Linda-058 was patrolling the other side of the building with a team of 5 marines. She heard a scuttling noise ahead, and motioned for them all to stop. She crept quietly down the corridor, stopped right before the corner and listened. Flood infection forms. She lobbed a plasma grenade around the corner, praying in her head that it stuck to one of them. She retreated as the swarm realised she was there, and began to chase her. "Don't fire, don't fire!" she yelled as the marines raised their weapons. "Wh…" the marine was cut off as a huge explosion set off behind Linda. "Ok I see why!" he said, grinning up at the Spartan's 7' form. "Aw crap, Why did you have to make 'em pop? They STINK man!" one said. "That is the only way to make sure that they're dead." Linda said. "Heads up, here come the Carrier Forms!"
The Master Chief ran through the room, Connors following him. The big Spartan had heard an explosion and someone say "Aw crap" in the next corridor, and now gunshot could be heard within the first four floors of the building. As the pair rounded the corner, a green armoured female flew through the air and crashed to the ground behind them. Five marines where staring back at them. "Got too close to a carrier form, fell over and landed on her." One said. "She tried to get up, but it exploded. There was nothing we could do." Said another. John wasn't listening. Linda was one of the original Spartan II's. She was his friend as well as a comrade. "Lin?" he murmured, slapping the side of her helmet. "Can you hear me?" A tear escaped from his eye, but he stopped himself from crying. He had to stay strong. He stood and turned around. "Dead." He said. "Nothing at all we can do. But we can't dwell on it now, 'cos we've got a building full of covenant and flood to blow up, and the death of a Spartan to avenge! Am I right, guys?" He said. "Sir Yes Sir!" Chorused the marines, before reloading their weapons and following the Chief down the corridor.
Renna was recharging his plasma-pistol at one of the recharge stations after a long wait in a queue made mainly of jackals and a few grunts. Just as his pistol's battery was nearly full, he felt a sharp smack to his back, before he went sailing to the other side of the station still clutching his pistol. One of the spec-ops elites had kicked him. "Wort Wort!" the elite said before turning and recharging his rifle. Renna had never seen this particular one before, and he'd been kicked about by lots of elites. He stood up, brushed himself off, and walked out.
John was leading the troop up some stairs when he almost fell over a grunt. He turned, pointing his shotgun at its head. It raised its fat little arms and dropped its pistol. "Please, PLEASE don't kill me!" it wailed in its alien tongue. "Give me one reason not to, and make it a good one." He growled. "I…er…I ca.." but it never finished. Master Chief's shotgun barrel was smoking, its unloaded bullet covered in Renna's blood. "Someone pick that gun up. Lets see what's in here shall we?" "It's not advisable to go in there…" Cortana murmured. "Please Cortana, I know what I'm doing." He replied as he pushed open the doors and gasped at the contents of the room.
The place was crawling with aliens. Some in a queue, examining their weapon-batteries and others standing at computer type things in the wall, probably recharging their weapons. Not one of the aliens took any notice of them. One of the marines, Peterson, was about to charge in and start firing, but John stopped him. "Throw frags in, close and lock the door, listen to the havoc!" He whispered. The lad grinned, and took three frags off his belt. "Plasmas too," John added, then hesitated before pulling two frags and a plasma off his own belt. Someone behind them shouted and grenades flew in, and then they slammed the door shut. "Cortana, LOCK IT!" John said, before retreating from the door. "Door locked." Cortana said. There was a commotion inside the room, then a set of bangs and screams. The Master Chief went through the now-damaged door. The carnage inside was hideous, blue blood spattered all over the walls. The marines rushed in after him. "WAIT!" he screamed. The marines skidded to a halt and looked at him. "I saw hunters in here. There is no orange blood. That means they survived and are hiding, or there is another way out."
The 4 hunters were hiding in the small room behind the recharge station. They were the only aliens to escape the mega-blast that set off every grenade in the room, even those attached to the elites' belts. It was scary, but now they knew where the blast had come from. Humans. Hopefully not green-armoured humans. The oldest of the hunters had saw too many covenant deaths at the hands of the Green-Armoured Ones. He did not want to share the same fate. "there is another way out." "yhet wnok!" one hunter whispered, before falling flat on his face with a hole in his back, and the sillouhette of an armoured human standing at the door. "Guys, it looks like we just stumbled upon and tea-party. Can Mister Rocket join you?" it said, before firing several rockets in, then locking the only door out.
To be continued…
Author's note: You'll probably see Part 2 sometime next week…