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Earth, A Place for Death. Part 7: Lifting off
Posted By: FuManChu<cameronscottfay@yahoo.com>
Date: 4 September 2003, 10:10 PM
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Base Camp Time:0800 hours, 12, Aug. 2554
Jones walked down the corridor nervously. His body was burning and he wanted it checked out. He arrived at the infirmary and knocked on the door. "Hold on," said a voice inside. "I CAN'T," yelled Jones. "Alright alright," said the man and opened the door," what do you want? "My whole body is burning," Jones said. The medic nodded and led him over to a table. He looked at him for a few seconds and said," Okay, just stay there. I think you have that gas poisoning crap that another guy had. You came in at the right time. I'll get it all fixed." "Thanks," Jones said. The doctor pulled out a syringe and filled it with a liquid. He came over and motioned for Jones to stick out his arms. Jones complied and the medic stuck it in. The pain was unbearable and Jones passed out.
Green walked over to Hill and they talked about random things; wives, kids, cars, and other stuff. The camp commander interrupted them. "Front and center marines," he yelled," I have some things to tell you boys. First, the Covenant has developed a new weapon. Some type of nerve gas. It eats away at your skin on contact causing blisters, sores and finally death." The commander stopped for a minute, then said, "So now we will wear full bodied suits and gas masks whenever we get into battle. And today we will take off at 2100 hours and meet with a cruiser called The Lone Wolf. From there we will enter slipstream space and get in close to the covenants home planet. From there drop ships will take you to the surface. You will receive further orders upon arrival. That is all, dismissed," The commander left and the marines started talking. "Shit man, I hope we aren't infected," Hill said. "Man we are not infected, otherwise we would be burning up and it would hurt like a mother," replied Green.
Jones awoke feeling a slight discomfort. He didn't know where he was. Then it all came back at once; Base camp, hospital, disease, needle, medic, and the pain. Jones turned his head to the right and saw the medic standing there. "How's it going?" asked the medic. "Uh ... I think I'm okay, but my muscles hurt a bit. "Yeah, that shot causes all your muscles to cramp but it should subside in a minute or two." The medic paused, said," you better hurry up, we are lifting off in an hour." Jones nodded and in a few seconds the pain was gone. He sat up and then slowly got to his feet.
Green and Hill headed to the armory. In an hour they would be lifting off and they didn't want to leave without a weapon. The men got to the door and opened it up. Everyone was getting ready to fight. Hill and Green walked to a battle rifle rack. None were left. "Damn," said Hill, "now we don't have a machine gun." "Don't worry. We'll find something else." They found some SMGs and they both took one. Hill picked one up for Jones. They holstered them and walked over to the shotguns. Hill picked two of them up and looked at Green. Green looked back and said," I am going to go over here and look for an assault rifle. I hate those things." "Whatever man," said Hill," meet me outside. Green nodded and mumbled something. Hill walked out the door and waited. He was examining a shotgun shell as Green walked out. "Look at this," said Hill "What," said Green as he bent over," that's a hippo. HAHA," he laughed. They had a little laugh and walked over to the infirmary. On the way they met Jones. "Hey Jones," yelled Hill," I brought you some weapons. Jones walked over and they shook hands. "Thanks man," he said. Hill nodded and they started walking down the hall. Just as Jones was about to say something the intercom cut in," All soldiers report to the pelicans. We are leaving early. We detect Covenant drop ships and missiles. This is not a drill. I repeat, all soldiers to the pelicans now," the COM went off. "Shit," said Jones," lets hurry up," The men ran to a pelican outside and hopped in. In seconds the pelican was full. "Pilot of Pelican Bravo 333 your ship is full and ready for takeoff." "Roger that," the pilot said and the door was shut. The men felt the ship rumble and the engines came to life. In seconds they were up in the air. Jones looked out of the little porthole in the back of the ship. Three pelicans were still on the ground. Just then missiles hit and exploded sending chemical gas everywhere. The men on the ground fell down and the drop ships were gone. The missiles had hit them directly. Jones looked away and laid back.
The pelicans sailed silently through space. In an hour they were at the cruiser. They docked and walked to the main deck. A commander was there and he told them to get some food and sleep. They were going to need it if they wanted to fight their way to the Master Prophet.
To Be Continued...