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the grunt rebellion chapter 5
Posted By: flood grunta<trbennett@hotmail.co.uk>
Date: 3 April 2005, 2:10 PM
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Chapter 5
The dome was fully constructed, and the five rebellion leaders strolled inside, it was a fine structure fitted perfectly for grunts to live in, there were comfortable rooms, radar stations, storage systems, even enough for decorative things like plants. "Good," Fussnucka exclaimed, "very good! There are still not enough weapons and vehicles though if we are going to win this." "Don't worry, we've been on the comms all day and there are more coming." Replied Kugga. "Yay! Me get more friends!" shouted Todi "Me also get big gun!" "Yes," grunted Fussnucka "you'll get it tomorrow. In the mean time, Yappa should get on the main comms and communicate with the ship to get more soldiers. You know what they say, the more the merrier." Yappa then headed off to the comm suite. "Byap, you put a field beam around the entire base except the main comm unit." "Yes sir." Replied Byap, giving Fussnucka the rebellion salute and rushing off. "Kugga, Todi, come to the dining hall, you need a brake." Kugga and Todi then walked off in the direction of the dining hall. Fussnucka walked over to a water fountain and gazed into the swirling colours, he was thinking about what it would be like when the grunts were free, to grasp back the freedom that other grunts had never witnessed before when a hand tugged at his shoulder. "Sir." It said. Fussnucka turned to face a black-yellow armoured grunt "Sir." It said again. "Ah, second turreter, umm..." "Metha." Replied the grunt "third turreter." "Ah yes, Metha. What is the trouble?" "Sir, there's a message going through the comms to the covenant ships with words NOT ordered." He clicked a button on a recording stick and Yappa's voice crackled to life. "Calling all covenant ships, now giving co-ordinates for the planet on which the base of the "grunt rebellion" is holding." "Damn!" grunted Fussnucka grabbing his sniper rifle and jetting up to the fifty-first floor. He smashed the glass window and ran along the catwalk looking for Yappa. He looked down at he comms and saw him, he pressed the scope to his eye and aimed for Yappa's temple. He placed his finger on the trigger and zoomed into 15X zoom, he moved the crosshair across to the left a little and fired. The top of the microphone exploded. Kugga looked up to see Fussnucka holding the rifle. He turned and ran out of the room.
Kugga & Todi were at the hall eating a meal composed of meat & plants. "So Todi," Asked Kugga "have you been on the new v-r training console yet?" "No" Replied Todi "but me been on new flashy-light thing!" "Yes Todi, that's called a "torch"" one of Kugga's chair legs went spinning off "What the hell?!?" He shouted turning around to see Yappa charge through the room with Fussnucka shooting stun-darts at him. "What the hell are you doing?!?" shouted Kugga to Fussnucka "No time to explain! Follow!" replied Fussnucka grabbing Kugga's arm and pulling him in the direction that Yappa had gone. Fussnucka & Kugga rounded a bend to see Yappa running down a hallway towards the exit doors, Fussnucka pulled out his sniper rifle and took aim at a hanging sign, he fired, a green beam sliced through the air and hit a chain from which the sign was hanging from. It crashed to the floor and blocked the exit. Yappa turned and pulled out a plasma grenade launcher and fired shots at Fussnucka & Kugga, they ducked behind a wall. "Fussnucka would you kindly tell me what THE HELL IS GOING ON?" asked Kugga "Yappa has gone idiotic," replied Fussnucka "I found him contacting our enemies giving the co-ordinates of the base!" A grenade bounced into the small gap, Fussnucka & Kugga jumped out of the way to be revealed in the open. Yappa fired a grenade at Kugga's face; Fussnucka quickly pulled the trigger on his rifle. The blue orb spun off and exploded like a colourful firework. "Thanks!" said Kugga. Yappa looked at the gauge on his grenade launcher, he was out of ammo. He turned and ran down a corridor towards the vehicle hangar, Fussnucka and Kugga followed. Yappa climbed aboard a custom made ship and flew out the hangar. The two other grunts then jumped into Fussnucka's dropship and followed him. They flew out of the door to see Yappa boosting towards the desolate canyons below, they followed him through all the twists and turns and came out the other side. The dropship was gravely damaged since it was a bigger model of Yappa's. Yappa ducked under an arch to try to shake off Fussnucka and Kugga, they stayed on course. Yappa was now on Fussnucka's crosshair; he locked on the missiles and fired.
Fussnucka preferred projectiles to plasma; he thought it gave more of a kick to the impact. The missiles exploded on Yappa's right engine. "Gotcha!" shouted Fussnucka as the craft spun to a small ledge on the side of a canyon. They landed the dropship by Yappa's and got out. They walked to Yappa's ship and looked into the cracked glass window; there was nothing there. They turned to see Yappa running up the slope and round the corner. Yappa ran along the dirty track and stopped. He had come to a dead end over a seemingly endless drop. He turned to see the barrel of a platinum gun. "Why?" came Fussnucka's voice. "You have let us down Yappa, Why?" "I didn't like it." replied Yappa "I didn't like going against people who I had fought by so many times and if I went back they'd kill me. If I didn't go with you I'd end up fighting against you." "Why did you tell the covenant instead of us?" asked Kugga "If I told you, you wouldn't let me near any equipment, even YOU might kill me. I turned to the only people I could trust." "You trust the COVENANT?!?" shouted Fussnucka to Yappa "Remember what they did to Todi? They practically destroyed his mind! They had no room for Ideas from us." He pointed to a scar under his left eye "in return for my Ideas they gave me this! How could you trust them?" "I'm sorry." Replied Yappa "We can't bring you back to base, and we can't send you to the covenant." Said Fussnucka "I'm sorry too." He pulled the trigger on his gun and Yappa's body fell to the floor.