
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 5/ Part 1
Posted By: Fleet Admiral
Date: 31 October 2003, 3:12 AM

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0900 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System's edge, UNSC Sensor Outpost Egypt

Lt. Commander Anderson walked into the Egypt's command center. The junior officers jumped to attention and saluted. "At ease," he said, returning their salute. He walked over and sat down at his station.

"Sir, probes Alpha through Delta are returning sir," a young Lt. told him.

"Very well," he replied.

"Sir, I have a huge mass on sensors, we'll find out more about it when the probes return, but the object must be a planetary fragment to be this big," Lt. Hokum, his XO said.

"Very well. Find out what it is and file a report."

"Yes sir."

"Probes entering normal space sir. They are sending data," the young Lt. said again.

"Put it on my board."

"Yes sir."

The data came up, the mass was huge. He thought back to what he read about the battle at Sigma Octanus. The covenant fleet showed up as one mass because of the bending of slipstream. Could it be? IT WAS!

"Oh shit," he said. "Lt. Marian get me FLEETCOM on Priority Channel ASAP!"

The woman communications officer jumped from the suddenness of the order. "Aye, aye sir," she replied.

"Lt. Hokum initiate Cole Protocol immediately!" He ordered.

"Yes sir," he replied.

The face of Fleet Admiral Kennedy came up on his screen. "Commander Anderson? This is a priority channel, is something wrong?"

"Yes sir," he replied. "The Lunar system is about to come under covenant attack. There are so many ships that I can't be sure, but I believe that there are at least 250 covenant ships."

"Shit," Kennedy said. "Well, at least we sent the covenant ship reports, and ways to adapt their shield and weapons to ours to the Sol System already. They must have tracked the destroyer somehow."

He sighed, "Good work Anderson. We'll defend Lunar as best we can. Kennedy out." The comm went off.

"Sir, covenant ships coming out of slipstream," Hokum said.

The massive covenant fleet came out of slipstream, and in the middle were 3 Titanic- class covenant battle cruisers.

"Set self- destruct," Anderson said.

The self- destruct came up on his board, he pushed the EXECUTE button and turned to face his command crew, "It has been a pleasure serving with all of you," he said. He saluted them and the station exploded.

0930 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Lunar Military Complex/
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Sir the message has been sent out to all ships in range," Commander Hally said.

"Good," Kennedy said.

0935 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Rio System, Patrolling Rio System /
UNSC Frigate Chicago, Captain Antonio Mota Commanding

United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission
Encryption Code: Alpha
Public Key: N/A
From: UNSC Fleet Admiral Shay Kennedy, Commanding Officer UNSC Enterprise/ Sector Four Commander/ (UNSC Service Number: 07429-25747-SK)
To: ALL UNSC warships in Lunar, Rio, Knox, Karolin Systems, and from the Fourth Sector Fleet.
Classification: Classified (BGX Directive)

/start file/
A large number of covenant ships have been detected on the systems edge. This covenant fleet will try to destroy our new base of operations. You are to get back to Lunar and regroup at Rally Point Zulu. All ships are to initiate Cole Protocol.

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

Captain Mota pressed enter and closed the file. He could not believe it. First Reach and now Lunar. "Commander Barta get us back to Lunar as soon as possible," he ordered.

His XO, Commander Kevin Barta looked at him, then said, "Aye, aye sir."

His bridge crew was staring at him. "Get me on ship wide comms."

"Aye, aye sir. Ship wide comms on," the comm officer said.

"Everyone the covenant have found Lunar, were going back to defend her. We are going to combat alert alpha. That is all, Mota out." The ship wide comms went off.

"Commander Barta initiate Cole Protocol. Tactical get all weapons ready and get the MAC gun charged," he ordered. "I want us ready to fight as soon as we get back to Lunar."

"Aye, aye," they said.

They turned and accelerated into slipstream.

1000 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Zulu /
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy looked at the fleet on his command screen. So far there were 36 ships at rally point Zulu, and 20 on the way. Near by ships not in the Fourth Sector Fleet heard and started to get here as fast as they could. The 5 repair and refit stations were in position with the fleet to be used as shields for the fleet.

"Admiral, all nuclear mines are armed, in position, and the remote destruction has been transferred to your board," Commander Flaud said.

"Good," Kennedy replied.

"Admiral, I have a transmission from Rear- Admiral Richard," Lt. Commander Hally said.

"Put it on holotank 2," he said.

The face of Rear- Admiral Richard came up, "Admiral Kennedy, my fleet is coming in from the Harnanz System to help defend Lunar, we should be their in one hour."

"The covenant fleet will be here in about an hour, so try to get here faster," Kennedy said.

"Yes sir, we'll try. Richard out," and the screen went off.

"Admiral," Liz said.

He looked at her, "Yes," he asked.

"Another 20 ships are now at Rally Point Zulu. All of the cruisers and carriers in your fleet are now in position."

"Thank you Liz."

1110 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Zulu /
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy looked at the fleet. With Rear- Admiral Richard's fleet, he had 106 ships. Plus Richard's fleet had a carrier, Brazil, which was Richard's flagship.

He saw the covenant fleet on his command tactical screen, he saw 3 Titanic- class covenant battle cruisers. Plus the 250 other ships with them. "Liz, send firing solutions to the fleet. Prepare the opening salvo," he ordered.

"Yes Admiral. Solutions sent," she replied.

"Launch fighters. Start the timer for the opening salvo."

The UNSC fleet fired their MAC guns, and so did the Super MAC's. The covenant fleet fired their plasma torpedoes.

"Have one of the stations shield us," Kennedy ordered.

One the massive stations moved in front of the fleet. The plasma torpedoes hit the station they burned into it. The station exploded.

The UNSC fleets salvo hit the covenant fleet, the covenant shields took 3 MAC rounds to ware them down. Then the Super MAC's hit, the covenant shields shimmered, then died. The rest of the momentum went into its hull, the covenant ships exploded. The Enterprise's and the Kencon's were able to get through to.

He detonated the nuclear mines, the covenant ships without shields exploded. Then 150 more covenant ships appeared behind the first covenant fleet.

"Shit," Kennedy said. "Liz, prepare another salvo."

"Yes sir. Ready, putting on timers," she replied.

The covenant fleet fired their plasma torpedoes, the UNSC fired their MAC guns. Another station came in front of the UNSC fleet and shielded them from the plasma torpedoes. The MAC rounds hit the covenant fleet, several ships exploded from already being damaged. The Super MAC's fired and 20 covenant ships exploded.

Then one of the Titanic ships fired a blue- white laser and the Brazil went into flames.

"What in the hell. Order all ships to break and attack," Kennedy ordered. "Liz, what the hell was that?"

"It is some kind of new pulse laser, it travels at light speed and went through every deck of the Brazil," she said.

"Scan that ship, I want to know what type of weapons she has and how many," Kennedy ordered.

After a few seconds Liz looked at him, "It has 8 pulse lasers, 5 plasma torpedo tubes, that blue- white laser, and 4 hangar bays."

"We have to take them out," Kennedy said.

"They're staying out of the Super MAC's range sir," Flaud said.

"Then we have to get to them," Kennedy said.

"Helm plot an intercept course to that Titanic covenant ship," Captain Ralston ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Lt. McMahan said.

The Lancer accelerated toward the huge covenant battle cruiser. The frigate Chicago followed her to help.

"Get Captain Mota on screen," Ralston ordered the Lt. at the comm station.

Mota came up on the screen, "Captain, prepare your guns and missiles. We need to destroy that big covenant bastard," Ralston said.

"Yes sir," Mota replied and the screen went off.
Captain Mota looked at his bridge crew. "Prepare to fire the MAC guns. Get one of our Shiva's armed and in the tube," he ordered.

The Chicago passed the Lancer, "Lock Archer missiles A through F on that big bastard in front. What is the status on the MAC guns?"

"Guns charged and ready," the Lt. at tactical said, "Pods A through F locked."

"Fire," Mota ordered.

Two MAC rounds launched toward the huge ship, then the Archer missiles fired. The MAC rounds hit the ship, her shields shimmered and held. Her pulse lasers fired and shot down a third of the missiles before they got there, the rest hit and the shields still held.

"Come to course 325.2 mark 4," Mota ordered. "Get our guns ready to fire again. Lock missiles G through K on the target."

The Chicago turned and went to her new position to fire.
"Lt. Latka, lock missile pods A through F on target," Ralston ordered.

"Locked sir. MAC guns ready," Latka replied.


The two MAC rounds launched toward the covenant ship, then the Archer missiles fired. The rounds hit and the shields STILL held. A third of the missiles hit, the rest were shot down.

"Prepare to move to position 2 Lt. McMahan," Ralston ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she said.

Then the covenant ship fired her pulse lasers, 8 blue beams hit the Lancer. The ship shook from the hits.

"Report," Ralston shouted.

"Hull breach on deck 22 sir. That deck is now sealed off," the ops. officer said.

"Sir, the ship just launched 4 plasma torpedoes, 2 at us and 2 at the Chicago," Latka said.
"Sir, 2 plasma torpedoes launched at the Lancer," Barta said.

"Shit," Mota said. "Helm, turn us and pass right in front of the Lancer. Override reactor safeties, and put the reactor at 120 percent. Prepare the experimental countermeasures."

"Aye, aye sir," they said.

The frigate turned and accelerated toward the Lancer's bow. She passed right in front of them and launched the countermeasures. The 2 torpedoes hit them, then one of the ones trailing the Chicago was caught in the explosion. That's when he released that 2 had been trailing them.

He yelled, "Sound collision alarm, braise for impact!"

The torpedo hit, an explosion erupted in the back of the bridge. Commander Barta flew through the air, his blood splattering all over as he flew. He was dead before he hit the ground. Then a part of the floor blew up by Mota, he flew and hit the wall, head first, on the starboard side of the bridge. After a few seconds he rose, Barta's body was beside him. His eyes were opened and staring at him, he was covered in blood.

Mota went back to the command console. He felt a liquid get in his left eye, he wiped it away to find it to be blood. He looked at his reflection in the command console, his head was gashed open and blood was running down his head and face. It started running down his neck, he looked at his left chest area, his uniform was torn and blood was rushing out. Some medics came onto the bridge, one went over to him, and he shrugged him away.

"Turn us about, bring the reactor back down. What's our damage?"

"Heavy damage to command deck, and decks 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Sections C through J. MAC gun number 2 is destroyed. I am evacuating those decks," the ops. officer said.

"Fire the Shiva at that covenant bastard," Mota ordered.

The nuke launched at the Titanic covenant ship, when it reached it erupted in a white flash. When it was gone the covenant ship was still there. "Fire our gun," Mota ordered.

The MAC round launched at the huge ship, it hit the starboard side where 4 of her pulse lasers were. There was a hole were the pulse lasers were. Then the ship turned, the 4 pulse lasers on the other side came to bear. The blue lasers lunged out and hit the Chicago.

He heard explosions, then the command console exploded, Mota flew back and his head went into the Local Positioning screen behind the command console. His head slid out of the computer, the sharp edges cutting his scalp as he slid. He fell to the deck, then the computer he just had his head in exploded.

He rose slowly to see the bridge a blaze. Fires spread across the bridge, blood was gushing out all over his head now. His uniform was in shreds, blood flowed out of the burn spots and cuts from when the command console exploded.

"Damage report," he yelled with all he could.

"Heavy damage sir. Hull breaches on every deck, fires on all decks. Only 8 Archer missile pods remain. Hangar bay 2 has melted away. Main reactor offline, secondary at half power," the ops. officer reported over the noise.

"Prepare a nuke," Mota ordered.

"Can't sir, all the tubes are melted over," the Ensign that took over tactical said.

"Damn," he said. "Back us off, get us to the protective area of the Super MAC's at best speed."

As she turned Captain Ralston's face came up on holotank 2, which still remained. "Captain Mota...," he started then said, "What in the hell happened to you? Never mind. Good work, you were able to down the covenant shields. You should back off though, your ship and you look like hell."

"Gladly, Mota out," he turned off the holotank. Then said, "Lock 3 of our pods on to the covenant blue- beam weapon on the middle dome."

"Yes sir. Locked sir."


The Archer missiles launched toward the covenant ship, which was now focused on the Lancer. They fit and the main weapon was gone.

"Suck on that. That should make the Lancer's job more easy."

To Be Concluded

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