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Fan Fiction

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 3
Posted By: Fleet Admiral
Date: 23 October 2003, 3:15 AM

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0900 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Lunar Military Complex,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Kennedy looked at the reports on his fleets' condition. His cruisers were out on patrol, and the shipyards are working hard to put more ships in the fleet. His intercom rang and he answered it.

"Admiral, a transmission has just come in from Fleet Command. It is a Priority Alpha." "Put it through", he said. "Coming through now", and the comm went off.

The message came up on his board. "PLEASE STATE YOUR COMMAND CODE", the computer asked. "Fleet Admiral Shay Clayton Kennedy, command code Alpha Bravo Charlie 369, Fox 2 88", he stated. "VOICE PRINT CONFIRMED, COMMAND CODE CONFIRMED AND ACCEPTED." The file opened and read:

United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission
Encryption Code: Alpha
Public Key: N/A
From: Lunar Fleet Operations Headquarters, Planet Lunar
To: UNSC Fleet Admiral Shay Kennedy, Commanding Officer UNSC Enterprise/ Sector Four Commander/ (UNSC Service Number: 07429-25747- SK)
Subject: Herimbal Offensive
Classification: Classified (BGX Directive)

/start file/
Admiral Kennedy, the entire Seventh Sector will be engaging in an offensive to destroy a Covenant Fleet that is thought to be the one to advance into the rest of UNSC space and find the Sol System. The Fourth Sector Fleet will not get involved unless ordered or engaged by the covenant. ONI believes that this victory might devastate the covenant war machine. As you know, their fleets are smaller than usual, ONI thinks that the covenant are starting to come to their losses. The only thing command wants you to do is to attack a covenant fleet in the Seminal System, which is in former UNSC space, hopefully this will make the covenant look in that direction and not toward the area the fleet will actually be coming from. You have your new orders, you will not participate in the Herimbal Offensive in any other way.

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

He closed the file. Admiral Harris commands the Seventh Sector, he is a good commander and he has a good bulk of the fleet. He hoped that they are successful. Maybe they could turn the tide of the war after all. He turned to his screen, he needed to pick ships for the attack on the covenant fleet in the Seminal System. The Kencon and Lancer are on patrol, so there will be no other cruisers going on this attack, but the Enterprise. He looked at the list of ships available, the carrier Avenger is at Lunar, along with 11 destroyers and 21 frigates. Not exactly the ships that he would use without more cruiser support. The Enterprise, Avenger, 8 destroyers, and 12 frigates. He would choose more, but he didn't want to leave Lunar undefended.

1100 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Knox,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Captain Mayfield have the Avenger launch her fighters as soon as we reenter normal space", Kennedy said. "Aye, aye sir", he said and went to the comm station and contact the Avenger. "Is the fleet ready to jump to Seminal?"

"Yes sir. Should we go into slipstream now sir", asked the fleet navigation officer, Lt. Commander Sole said.

"Lets go kick some covenant ass", Kennedy said.

The fleet went into slipstream, and into covenant space.

1400 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Seminal System, In Route to Seminal 7,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy's fleet of 21 ships and the Enterprise moved toward Seminal 7. He looked at his board, 18 covenant ships and 6 freighters were there. The freighters looked like they were delivering supplies to the fleet. So, command wanted me to destroy this fleet to make sure they didn't re-supply the fleet in Herimbal System and to make the covenant look this way, he thought.

"The fleet is in formation sir," Commander Flaud said.

"Good. Have the fleet go to flank speed for 8 minutes. Liz?" He asked.

The AI came up in front of him. "Yes," she asked.

"Get firing solutions for the fleet and give them to the fleet. Once we stop we'll fire, I hope, 2 volleys. Then break and attack."

"Aye, aye sir," she said, and went to her task.

He felt the ship accelerate. "ETA 8 minutes till in firing range," he heard the ship navigation officer say.

"Captain, have 2 of our nukes in the tubes and ready to fire," Kennedy said.

"Aye, aye," he replied.

The ship came to a halt, and so did the rest of the fleet. The covenant fleet started to turn, to engage the UNSC fleet. "Firing now," Liz said.

The UNSC fleet fired, the MAC rounds hit the covenant fleet, their shields shimmered and turned silver. The Enterprise's 6 MAC rounds hit the covenant carrier in the middle of their fleet. She exploded into a ball of fire and disintegrated.

The Avenger's 3 MAC rounds hit the lead covenant cruiser, the first round hit and its shields held, then came the second, her shields overloaded and failed. The last round went into the nose and through the top of the vessel.

"Fleet ready to fire in 30 seconds," Liz said.

"Captain," Kennedy said, "fire our first nuke."

"Yes sir." Captain Mayfield launched the first missile. It flew into the covenant battle cruiser near the center of the fleet, still in a near circle formation, and detonated. The white flash engulfed the covenant fleet. When it cleared the battle cruiser was gone, along with 8 unshielded ships.

"Admiral, MAC guns ready to fire," Liz said.

"Fire!" the fleet fired at the covenant fleet. Three of the Enterprise's rounds hit the destroyer in the middle of a new rough delta formation. The first downed its already weak shields, the second hit the ships' bottom fore, and the third hit her engines. Finally her hull buckled under the pressure and she exploded.

He looked at his board, only 5 covenant ships left, that last salvo cost them dearly. The last of the ships were only frigate class. "Have the fighters return to their ships," Kennedy ordered. "Liz, I want one last MAC salvo now."

"Yes Admiral, I have 7 ships ready to fire," she replied.

"Good, have them fire at the frigates," he said.

"Ready Admiral," Liz said.


The 7 ships, 4 frigates, and 3 destroyers fired at the last of the covenant fleet. The MAC rounds slammed into the covenant frigates. With their shields already weakened, the ships exploded into a ball of fire.

"Admiral, the freighters are moving off at their top speed," Flaud said.

"Fire the second nuke at them, their shields aren't as strong as the warships," Kennedy said.

"Yes sir," Flaud replied.

The nuke shot off toward the covenant fleet. It passed them and stopped. When the freighters were directly over it, it detonated into a white flash. When the flash was gone so were the freighters. All was left were burning radioactive hulks.

He did it. His fleet had engaged a covenant fleet in battle and won with out any casualties. That had never been done before. "Have the Lancer and 8 ships get here immediately to secure the area to make the covenant think the attack is coming from here. The Enterprise and 10 ships will stay until they arrive. Have the rest of the fleet return to Lunar."

"Yes Admiral," Mayfield said.

1800 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Seminal System, Seminal 7,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"The Lancer, 5 frigates, and 3 destroyers are now in system Admiral," Captain Mayfield said over the intercom in his ready room.

"Very well captain. Lets get back to Lunar," he replied.

With that, the Enterprise and her 10-ship force went back to Lunar.

Fleet Admiral- Please Comment
