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Fan Fiction

After First Strike: part three
Posted By: Elliott2020
Date: 24 June 2004, 8:11 PM

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1450 hours, September 17, 2552 (Military Calendar)/ Docking Bay East-Wood-011, Sydney, Australia, Earth.

      The Gettysburg was still being repaired to fight one last time, in the losing battle against the Covenant. Earth was their last and final option, human kind can't go anywhere else but Earth. There last hope for victory is here. The Covenant out number the humans by tens of thousands of alien warriors, vessels and planets. But there is still hope, because Earth has one thing the Covenant don't have...Spartans. The Spartans are not afraid of death, they will neutralize any threat to the human race and will risk there lives to push the Covenant away from the humans and back where they belong...HELL. They have been trained to destroy the Covenant race, hold them by their throats and squeeze them until they choke on their own blood. They will fall, the Spartans will snap their spines and walk on top of them and claim victory because they are Spartans, and no matter what, they never give up.
      Ships were taking off to establish a perimeter of defense in orbit. The sky was filling up with hundreds of ships. John counted forty-five ships left in Sydney's Docking Bay. Four carriers, eighteen destroyers, seven cruisers and the rest of them were longsword interceptors. Every ship was leaving, one by one they left to meet each other in space and got into their positions. "Were going to give them a nice warm welcome aren't we Chief," the Admiral said. While John was watching the Gettysburg getting refitted, he thought of a mission, a risky one but it might buy Earth a few days or even more. "Admiral, I've thought of something for my team, a mission." The Admiral looked at him very curiously. "Oh really, what is it." The Master Chief explained his mission to the Admiral. "I want the super MAC gun generators protected by as many squads as possible of course, but along with my Spartans, the marines will need them. As for me I will be going into the Gettysburg with you. I will then try and finish my original mission, enter a Covenant ship and Cortana and I will make orders to retreat the Covenant army and find where their home planet is. It's a risky mission but I think I'll be able to do it with Cortana." The Admiral's eyes widened, "I don't know Chief we have to...it's way to risky, we can't make any mistakes." "Trust me Admiral, I don't make mistakes." "Very well," the Admiral sighed, and he walked away.

1320 hours, September 17, 2552 (Military Calendar)/Aboard Pelican Dropship, Super MAC gun underground facility located in Kansas Forest, Kansas, U.S.A., Earth.

      The sky was grayish black with heavy rain, the pelican dropship was going over a thick forest with dark green trees. The Spartans could see a giant clearing in the forest where the trees had been cut down, the underground facility was located there. Linda, Fred and a squad of marines lead by Sergeant Johnson were on their way to the super MAC gun generators. The generators are located underground in Kansas Forest, U.S.A.. It was a boring four hour flight, but it was the only way to get there. Linda and Fred didn't know if they were ever going to see John ever again. Nobody was talking, everybody was just staring at the metallic floor the pelican had, except for Corporal Hillman, he was sleeping. The only sound heard was the constant drone of the pelican's engine monotonously rumbling the same tune over and over and even louder, the Corporal's snoring. The COM channel went on inside the pelican, "we will be arriving in two minutes so get ready"...the COM channel went dead and the Corporal woke up.
      Linda and the rest of the troops arrived at the underground facility where the generators were located. There were at least three hundred marines, and when the Covenant are going to try and take them out, another three hundred hell jumper marines will drop out of the sky and are going to come and ambush them. General Frost was leading them all, he had brilliant plans to take them all down one by one. Surrounding the generators were seven large bunkers, each of them had six 50mm stationary chain guns and enough room for seventeen more marines. In the far corners of the underground room were sniper towers, big enough to hold seven snipers each. The room also had eight scorpion tanks along with sixteen warthogs. The rest of the troops are going to hide outside the facility with twenty-three junglehogs, including Fred and Linda. Every one was already into positions. An alarm started to scream. The marines were all ears, there was an almost silent humming. Fred looked up and noticed dozens of Covenant dropships in the distance.

2150 hours, September 17, 2552 (Military Calendar)/ Docking Bay East-Wood-011, Sydney, Australia, Earth.

      Admiral Hood and some chosen Junior Officers are now on board the Gettysburg along with John. The last of the ships were taking off into space. The Gettysburg was the last one two take off. "Miss me," Cortana giggled. "You could say that John said. The Master Chief was standing on the bridge with the Admiral, and Cortana. The Gettysburg rose up into the sky like a rock being blasted out of a catapult. Once they were in space and in orbit, John looked at the screens on the bridge, they were filled with stars and human vessels. "Now we wait."
      "Uh-oh, we have trouble," Cortana yelled. Covenant destroyers and carriers appeared below them. The Carriers were already dropping off dropships, so many of them. "Damn Covenant Slipspace," the Admiral yelled. "Chief, you now what to do, Cortana give me a navigational process that could bring us directly above that destroyer." "Can do Admiral."
"Lets blow them to hell!"
