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Fan Fiction

The Field of Red Roses
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 2 August 2004, 9:23 PM

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Authors note
Okay this one I've worked really hard on, so I hope you like it. Oh and it may not ryhme in some spots, hope that's okay.

Here on this field stained with blood,
Where are comrades fought bravely,
And died in the mud.

Is a place of sorrow and sacrifice,
For here is where the red roses grow,
To mark the deads place.
For the crosses were to few,
And the dead to many.

Here the covenant were confronted,
To stop their genecid,
To halt their brutal assault on mankind.
Here is a place of remebrance.

Here, where the red roses grow.
And now as the enemy grows near,
And our men stand ready.
We remeber those before us, who fought and died.
Those brave many.

In the darkest of days we always shall cry,
Fight on! Fight on!
Untill the day our souls are taken on high.

And we shall remeber,
Now that the roses grow tall.
The covenant are not unbeatable,
And humanity as heard the final call.

And now earth will be taken,
We shall not fall.
We are ready and we stand tall.

Here in the field, where the red roses grow.

This poem is dedicated to the, Marines, Helljumpers, Pilots and Spartans who have given their lives, and those who are still fighting. FIGHT ON! FIGHT ON!

Those Covenant bastards aren't unbeatable

Hope you liked it. And thanks guys for all your support.
Let's give those Covenant bastards something to be scared of.
