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Fan Fiction

Liberties Bell:The Battle that changed Draco 3:Part 6
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 31 July 2004, 8:17 PM

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Hey guys, first I'd like to apologize for my 5th chapter(I wasn't to proud of it.)But this one will be better I swear.

The Captain stared at the bright projectiles as they grew closer. He quickly reached for his helmet and keyed his comm, "GET DOWN!" he screamed to his marines over the comm.
He then quickly ducked down behind the stone slab and covered his head with his free hand, as he curled his knees to his chest.
Two dull, thumps, rumbled the ground beneath him. Followed by to large explosians. Dust cascaded over the Captain, along with chunks of debris. He waited for the debris to stop falling, then slowly raised his head.
      Two large, black, glassy looking craters had formed not but a few meters from his and the marines positions. He stared at them, knowing how close they had come.
Plasma rounds zipped up the hill as the enemy troops grew closer. The Captain shook his stare away from the plasma impacts, and faced the enemy colum. They had grown closer, still pushing through the debris and rubble toward the marines.
      The Captain tracked their movements as he raised his rifle. He soon found his target, one of the large commander creatures. The Captain shouldered his rifle and took careful aim. He then slowly eased the trigger back, and fired a ten round burst towards the creature.
      The rounds sped toward the creature, then reached it. There was a sudden moment of rejoice as the Captain watched the rounds impace, but it didn't last long. The rounds seemed to simply, bounce of the creature. There was a sudden flash of whitish light, then it faded. The creature had some sort of, shield, surrounding it.
      The Captain stared in astonishment then fired again. The rounds simply didn't penetrate the shield, they seemed to just be deflected. The creature, quickened it's pace and raised a large arm towards the Capains position.
The Captains eyes widened as plasma rounds whizzed towards him. He quickly ducked behind the stone slab, looking at his ammo counter. It read, 41. The Captain couldn't believe he'd fired so many rounds at the creature, and yet none had pierced it's shields.
      He looked back up over the slab, and terror filled him. The enemy colum was near the marines position, and closing fast. He keyed his comm, "Alright, you men under my command, get those frags ready and wait for my signal." he ordered quickly as he looked down to grab a frag.
But before he could, his eyes fell on a single grenade, lying on the ground. It was the one he had had to clear the shade bunker, just before Hall and Anderson had been.....
He flinched, and remebered the ambitious Lieutenant Hall and the wise-ass, Private Anderson. This one was going to be for them.
      He keyed the comm again, "Alright you men on the right, you get ready to come in ####### my signal, got it?" he asked.
"We got it sir," they said quietly. The Captain could tell they were nervous. And so was he, if he didn't time this right, the whole right squad would come in to soon, and get blown away with the covenant.
      He watched carefully as the enemy drew near. For an instant he looked back and saw the enemy wraiths warming up to fire again. He then retured his gaze to the enemy troops, and thought of all the men who had died to get here. Jennson, the men on the river, Hall, and Anderson. He had to make sure that their sacrifice hadn't been in vain.
      He sat his rifle down on the ground, keyed his comm to all frequencies and pulled the pin from his frag.

The Captain, swung his arm around, and let the frag loose, bending his wrist at the last moment to direct to the enemy troops. It sailed through the air, losing hight as it neared the now close enemy colum.
      His frag was the only one in the sky for a brief moment, when suddenly, more appeared as his marines sailed their grenades into the enemy colum.
Some of the enemy troops screamed and dove for cover, but to not much evail. A chouros of dull, thumps, followed by large clouds of dust and echoes of explosians ripped through the covenant colum.
      The Captain snatched his rifle off the ground and prepared to key the comm. He watched the covenant soldiers, wide eyed and confused, rush around in circles, seeking cover from the rain of grenades peppering them.
The Captain rasied his rifle and sighted in on the nearest creature he could find. A jackle seem to land right in his line of fire. He squeezed the trigger, letting lose about sixteen rounds from his rifle. The rounds raced towards the jackle as it swung it's shield around.
      The first few rounds slammed into the shield, bouncing off harmlessly. But the rest of the 7.62mm rounds impacted along the jackles flanks, near the niches in it's shields. The bird like creature reeled backwards, then collapesed on it's back.
      As the Captain saw the jackle die, he moved his rifle to another target, when suddenly, rifle rounds flew at the covenant troops from the right, tearing into their flanks like butter. The Captain smiled, as the Lietuenants old squad cut the covenants right flank down to size.
He then sighted in on another of the jackle creatures, it's blue glowing shield distorting it's already ugly features. He let out a low breath and fired. The rounds flew at the creature, but upon reaching the creature the rounds simply bounced off the jackles shield. The Captain held the trigger down, watching the ammo counter quickly decend.
      The jackle braced itself, hiding behind the shield. It quickly raised it's glowing plasma weapon to the niche in the shields side, and fired.
The Captain ducked quickly, as the charged plasma round slammed into the stone slab, causing it to smoulder. He thumbed the clip release on his rifle, as he looked at the ammo counter, 04, it read. He watched the near empty clip fall to the ground with a clack.
      He quickly ripped a loaded clip from his web gear and rammed it into the reciever, and slammed the bolt back.
He then looked up and faced the firefight now raging. The covenant troops had spread out and were returning fire with high ferver. He prepared to take aim again as plasma and needle rounds sailed through the air madly, each seeking a target, when he noticed the two large plasma rounds arch into the sky just beyond the fight.
      Oh no, he thought to himself as the mortar rounds arched into the air and began to decend towards the marines position. The Capain quickly keyed his comm to all frequencies, "Spread out and find cover!" he ordered to his men loudly over the comm.
He looked back at the firefight and watched the as covenant soldiers prepared to advance again. He quickly took action, standing quickly while bending his knees, he dove into a run. He ran as fast as he could, toward the chared remains of the bunker, as he neared it night became day. Heat blistered his back as he was thrown forward into the ruins of the bunker. A loud explosian echoed in his ears as one of the mortar rounds hit directly on top of the postion he'd just been crouching at.
      The Captain landed head first in the rubble of the now destroyed bunker. He rolled once and landed on his back with a, thud.
He laid there motionless, his breath gone untill he found the strenght to roll over.
Before him was a scene of devistation. The marines postion was now a burning pile of rubble. He watched as a marine, his arm on fire ran into the open and was quickly gunned down by plasma fire.
      The rest of the marines scrambled for cover as the covenant troops laid down a heavy suppresive fire. The Captain flinched, warm tears running down his cheek. This was his falt, and he had to do something. He slowly stood, pain stabbing at his body, he keyed his comm, "Walker," no reply came from his call, "Walker do you read me?" he called again.
      "Yeah, I read you sir." came a weak reply.
"Walker, the Captain said into the mike, "Get that red flare ready."
There was a long pause, then the comm clicked, "Yes sir." Walker replied slowly.
      The Captain turned to face the edge of the half destroyed bunker and was suddenly knocked backwards onto his back by a brilliant blue flash. He tumbled to the rear of the bunker. He opened his eyes, spots filled his vision, but something else filled his eyes.
      The armoured leg of one of the commander creatures stood not but a few feet in front of him.

Hope this one was better, please post comments.
