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Fan Fiction

Liberties Bell:The Battle that changed Draco 3:Part 2
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 13 July 2004, 10:16 PM

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Okay I'm new so go easy on me in the comments section, I'll do the best I can. I'm open to any advice.

The water was dark and deep. The Captain could see his reflection in the faint moonlight, he stared at it, haunted by the gaze of Private Jennson. He finally looked up at the opposing bank, he constently had to remind himself of his duty to his men. "Walker," he said quietly as he turned to face the gruff looking corpral sitting next to him in the raft. "Yes sir," he replied in a low whisper. "Make sure those flares don't get wet," he ordered as he looked down at the box of flares, a smug look on his face. "Yes sir," Walker replied. "Hey sir." The Captain looked up to face him. "It wasn't your fault Jennson got it, it's just war, plus he was the only one to go down, we made it with almost full strength." A smile touched the Captains lips, as the corpral turned back to the opposing river bank.
Walker was right, he couldn't let Jennsons death interfear with their mission. He turned and faced the opposing river bank, he knew the covenant were dug into that bank. What he didn't know was how many their where or if they had armour support. He'd asked for air reconnisance but covenant anti-air support had been to heavy, so he was going in the dark.
Suddenly the silence was pierced by a sound that resembled that of a birds' screech, followed by a sound that resembled that of a fire sizzling. He looked up into the night sky. There was Draco 3s' moon and another moon, a bright purplish blue moon.
"Mortar!" he screamed. The plasma mortar splashed down in the canal causing a wave of steam to engulf the raft. "Evasive manuvers!" he screamed. He quickly reached down and grabbed the spare plastic oar and began paddiling to the right. "To the right!" he yelled to the men in his raft. They all began paddiling to the right, as a second mortar round screeched through the air and landed harmlessly in the water causing another wave of steam to engulf the whole company.
He looked off to the left, the steam clearing, to yell at the rest of the company when the raft next to his dissapeared under a plasma round. His eyes widened in terror, seven men dead."TO THE RIGHT!" "FLANK TO THE RIGHT!" he screamed. He turned to face the bank as plasma mortars streaked into the sky. They had wraiths. "Keep moving to the right!" he screamed repeatedly.
The covenant on the bank began to open fire at the oncoming company of marines. The Captain turned to face his men, and watched in horror as another raft to a needle round on the starboard side. The needle pierced the raft deflating it instantly. The marines on board were flung into the water as their raft sank like a brick. He turned to his men in the boat, "lay down a suppresing fire." His men leveled their assault rifles at the bank and opened up with their AP(Armour Piercing)rounds. He then turned back to the men in the water, as they tried to scramble aboard another raft,too much weight,it began to sink slowly as more men piled on. "No no no!" he screamed. But it fell on deph ears. As he screamed at his men another plasma mortar streaked into the sky. The Captain looked up at it and traced it's path down. To his greatest fear it slammed down on top of the overweight boat. He flinched and looked away.
Tears began to well in his eyes, he sucked them back and stared forward. Stray plasma rounds began zipping towards the source of the suppresing fire, he ducked as one flew close by, all the while the bank growing closer and closer. The remainder of his men were now past the artillary screen, and approaching the bank. He turned and faced the men in his raft. "When we hit the bank brake off into a squad and lay down a second screen of suppresing fire until the other rafts hit, then wait for my signal to commence the attack." "Yes sir," they all replied in unison.
The Captain turned back towards the bank as the enemy fire began increasing. They where coming into view of the enemy, he could see alien shapes moving around a makshift barricad of destroyed buildings. He couldn't save the men on the canal, but here he could. And he was going to make sure that he did his best to get all his men out of here alive. "Walker get the flares ready," he said still staring straight ahead. "Yes sir," Walker replied.
There was a crunching sound as the raft slide up the bank. They immidently began to take fire as plasma rounds zipped past them in every direction. The Captain lept from the raft and felt solid ground. He was ready.
