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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: Living Hell
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 June 2004, 4:47 PM

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DATE: Unknown
TIME: 1:47AM
PLACE: Unknown

"Sarge, where are we going?" I asked.

"Damn it, Likzy, just follow him" Maor said.

"Shit, did you hear that?!" Tom shrieked.

We all freeze, something was out there, and it sounded nasty. Like something was dripping mixed with scratches and followed by hissing noises. It was dark and I barely could see my rifle in my face. Hay, I don't have a rifle!

"Hay, watch were you pointing that thin!" I pushed the gun off my face. It was Tom's, he murmured something, and moved away.

After a while I heard more noises, following by shrikes from Tom and explosions. Some flashes. Then jack screamed, I herd gun shots, and then the hissing sounds were all around me. More screams from Tom and finally something was on my face.

"AAAGGH!! Shit, get it off, GET IT OFF!! I screamed.

"Hold it!" I herd Jack screamed at me. What ever it was, he pulled it off from my face and shot the bastard.

It still wasn't over. More screams form Jack, and I joined him. I could see the suckers all around me. But we kept on shooting even when they are gone. It was terrifying, more than that, it was fun. No wonder why Covenants like to ambush us when we are in groups. After a moment, it was real quite. But with even a little fun, we still hoped they will not return.

"Uagh, nasty." Joked Sarge, he was smiling and had this yellow-green goo all over him. What ever that thing was, it was gone, for now; living us shaking in our boots.

"I smell chicken." Said Tom; he was leaning down on something that was badly burned by a grenade. It was odd; it was small, snail-crab like with this yellowish color.

"Umm, is this for dinner?" asked Maor; more with his stupid jokes.

"Suck it up, Jack." I said.

"One problem," Jack smiled ", nothing to suck on." Idiot.

"Let's go, we don't want to end up a dinner for our new friends, now don't we?" Sarge said.

It wasn't much to describe any more, the weather was the same; kind of windy that all. Then we all stopped on front of the huge cave entrance. It was more beautiful, all you can say that it was odd that even for so long time, in any weather, it stays so preserved. The walls are so smooth, but also so cold. But even so, it's warmer inside of them than you think. The so called Forerunner are real mystery to us. We herd of them a long time ago; it says they are the one who build the Halo. I'm not sure who started actually who, I just believe what I was told. I wish I could meet one of them and suck him so hard that he'll hope he never was born. The problem is, it's the Halo they builded, the weapon that killed many of troopers and people and could have destroyed the universe. What the hell they were thinking?

"You know," Tom blurred out; he founded something form a book he was reading. "I think I know what those things were." He said; not sore if he should have.

"Huh, and what is it?" Said Sarge; not really waned to hear some bullshit that Tom usually says.

"Sir, they say, it's the 'Flood'." Tom swallowed his saliva.

We all know what is flood, we all heard of it. But never seen it or pictured it. The flood was a long time ago sense it meet the humanity. The flood; the short way of describing is; AIDS, appeared to be on Halo. Of course that Halo was destroyed a long, long time ago.

"It can't be; it's impossible." Sarge, just like all of us, knew where we are on; we were on Halo.

As we looked into the caves, we all saw fresh, scribed out sing on the wall of the cave. It is the same one we saw in the ship, and the same one that was found on Halo; more than four hundred years ago.

A moment later we herd a smooth sound getting louder form caves, and it was coming our way.

"God," Jack said. "It's engine."

At the same time, before jack could finish his little sentence, we herd a hissing sound right behind us. They are back.

"If God really exists," Sarge whispered, "miracles exist with him." With those words we all turned around to face the enemy that was in our faces. Flying through the air we could see their tentacles trying to suck us in alive. All we could do is pray at the same time; puling the trigger.

