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The Rebel: Can We Get Some WD-40 Down Here?
Posted By: Elfster<briane@teleport.com>
Date: 15 October 2003, 3:58 AM
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Walking through the halls at his normal pace, dodging other people standing in the primary hall opening their lockers, etc.
He didn't see Rob anywhere, but could have cared less at the moment, since P.E. was next and he was excited, because last Friday was augmentations, so there wasn't any school when if there was, they could have had P.E. then.
Second period switched between P.E. and whatever extra-curriculer activity you chose.
Carrying his bulging binder under his arm, he passed through the double-double doors again and into the commons area, where he walked a little farther and made a right into the "Gym" Which was really just a basketball court with locker rooms and numbers on the floor.
He lazily made his way to the Boys locker room, while everyone else sped past him because they were too stupid to just come to school in P.E. clothes so they wouldn't have to dress down.
Entering the locker rooms, he went down the stairs because the locker rooms were underground for some odd and probably non-existant reason.
The P.E. teacher was in his office which was off to the side. He went to the back of the room where a set of broken lockers were. They just opened, they didn't lock when you closed them. He never used his Gym locker because they were confusing and he never needed them for anything anyways. But he needed a place to put his binder.
He stopped at a locker on the bottem and two down from the last in the row, opened it, dropped his binder in sideways and slammed it shut.
"On your numbers!" Shouted the overweight man to the rest of the class. Colt ran to the 216 and sat down. After numerous stretches they recieved the grim news that they had to run a mile today. Walking out to the track, it was a size so that it four laps would be a complete mile. He thought to himself that with augmentations, it should be easy, but still wasn't so sure.
Everyone got lined up and ready to run in whatever form they did, and the race, if you could call it that, began. Making sure he wouldn't get tired, he started off at a barely jogging pace, staying at Kate's side for a reason that illuded him, but he knew that he just didn't want to think about it and that was the reason.
"You know," he began, " I'll just be happy if I get around 3 or 4 minutes."
"I'll be happy to get 5." She replied, and they continued on.
The jog was barely over walking, but he made it halfway around the track and wasn't even tired, as opposed to the other day during the 600 yard dash where halfway around he was breathing heavier than a panting german sheppard in 115 degree weather. But it was right about then that he began to get a sharp pain a little to the side of his torso, about where his kidney was. It seemed like there was a knife that stabbed him whenever he took a step. He strained to finish the lap and when he did, slowed down, but it wasn't doing enough and finally his knees buckled, he stopped entirely, and held his side in pain. The sharp pain faded and went away and he stood there catching his breath.
Looking up, he saw Kate about an 8th of the track away and running. He walked for a while and eventually saw her slow down to a walk also. Even walking hurt, but that never stopped the very human urge to compete with a crush. So he sprinted, painfully, and gained speed pretty fast but now she was about a half a track ahead. Nevertheless, he got right behind her again soon, and slowed down to a walking speed as she began jogging again.
My luck He thought to himself or Thunder, he couldn't tell.
"I think it's something else." Thunder replied. Colt didn't put much thought into what his AI said and had practically ignored him altogether, but would later figure it out.
The cycle of sprint, get back up to par, slow down, get far behind, sprint, get back up to par, slow down, and fall behind continued for quite a while and began to get very tiring, and eventually Kate got ahead by the half lap left to run before a mile was up, and he put his whole effort into forcing his tired muscles into sprinting forward. He found then, that if he took long strides he could effieciently speed up without putting much strain on his muscles as he would normally running. He ended up finishing 30 seconds behind her at 5:08.
He wasn't quite happy with it, but didn't mind.
They made their walk back to the locker rooms and he proceeded to the abandoned lockers and opened the one his binder was in, pulled it out, waited for the bell, and proceeded out to the cafeteria.
Looking to his right, he saw Rob already getting lunch. He tried to do a hurried jog across the cafeteria and commons and up the stairs, but his already strained muscles wouldn't take it, and he looked like a baby that hadn't learned how to walk, trying to run. Slowing down to a walk, he made it to his lockers a minute later to find the lights in the area were very dim. Not finding time to ponder why, he went over to his locker, kneeled, and mechanically put it the combination. It popped open and he shoved his binder in and pulled out his lunch. He walked back to the cafeteria and saw Rob sitting, almost alone, at an almost empty table. He went to sit down, and, after bitching about having to dash a mile, told his time and let Rob tell his stories about what happened in first and second period, and telling about how he had a nightmare that Mr.Seely (the main sub for the school) was substituting for Math today and he was. Colt laughed and, after getting un-needed reasurance from Rob that it was true, continued eating.
Rob never ate much, and was usually done early which forced Colt to gobble down his rather large lunch fast, usually leaving an item or two un-eaten.
Rob and Jake fought over some chicken nuggets, and eventually Rob and Colt finished, leaving Jake alone. Colt went to put the leftover yogurt and spoon from his lunch into his locker, and got back to have some chatting time with Rob until Jake walked over.
He was taunting Rob with a leftover chicken nugget, and was about to eat it when Colt playfully swatted it out of his hand and onto the floor. They spent the rest of the time chatting, fighting, and making sure not to step on the chicken nugget. after a while the bell rang and they began the methodical march to their lockers and then to class when he heard someone yell his name.
He turned around and matched the voice with Ryan. He walked over to him.
"You called?" He asked.
"Yeah..." Ryan responded as if holding in a laugh. "Kate has something she needs to talk to you about."
A little bit nervous, he walked over to her.
"Yes?" he asked.
"Ok," She started, laughing a little, then her voice got a little more serious, "If you don't stop staring at me, I'm gonna knock your fucking head off."
He laughed at it, even though it was a little bit disturbing and not to mention mortally embarrasing. It was now that he understood what Thunder had said earlier.
This Window of Opportunity needs a little Windex.. He thought to himself as he walked away and mindlessly continued his walk to class.