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The Rebel: Battle of the Cobras
Posted By: Elfster<briane@teleport.com>
Date: 26 September 2003, 5:12 AM
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Later that night, Cobra barracks. Colt stretched out on his top bunk, the cool air blowing his hair around, which tickled his face. Without even glancing downward, he complained "Damn, man, why do I get the bunk right below the vent?" "Because nobody likes you and you're alone in the world." Came a scratchy taunting voice. Without looking he recognized it as Joe. There were a few laughs as Colt remembered the day. They had been split into "armys" for training exercises and would be competing over training. Unfortunately "army" obviously to the training instructors meant "fire team" because thats pretty much what each army was There were four of them, Cobra Cougar Grizzly Hawk Colt was in Cobra, as well as all his friends: Rob Andy Jake Kate Olivia Joe Drew Jackie Rachel They hadn't had any competitions yet but they were going to start tomorrow. Getting bored, he slid off his bunk and onto the floor, he was pleasantly surprised that the fall was completely absorbed and he took no pain. Rob and Joe were wrestling playfully at the far end of the barracks, and Kate and Rachel were playing cards over in the other end of the barracks. He was in a trance looking at Kate. Shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, perfectly red lips that parted as she giggled an eerie, girlish giggle, her long legs crossed perfectly on the bunk. Being that hot should be illegal, he said silently to himself as he nervously walked up, but tried to make it look casual. "Hellllo ladies." He grinned tauntingly as he plumped down on the low bunk. "Is that supposed to be some lousy come-on?" Asked Rachel as she turned around, her spunky light brown face grinning. "Big words." My grin matched her's. "You wanna fight?" Kate taunted, throwing her head back and forth, since she knew it looked incredibly stupid and would get a laugh out of them. "What did I tell you about doin' that? You're gonna get whiplash!" I scolded playfully. The three of us laughed and then she put on an eerie, girlish smile. "You're on." They stood face to face in the middle of the barracks, almost all eyes on them, some people just looked over once in a while and kept doing whatever they were doing. She threw the first punch, but all it hit was air where his head had just been. This time she threw a left, and again he tilted his head out of the way, not needing to move the rest of his body. She tried an uppercut instead, but he was too quick. He back flipped to dodge it, kicking her on either shoulder in the process. He finished the back flip as she flew onto her back and used the momentum to proceed to do a backwards summersault and stand up. She came at him and tried to do a foot sweep. He jumped before he realized his fatal error and before his feet touched the ground he felt a fist make hard contact with his chest as he landed on his back and skidded a few inches. "We're square." She said as she half-heartedly stomped on him as he rolled out of the way and back into position. "For now." He said quickly before he rolled the other direction to avoid another stomp. This time he wasn't quick enough and her foot was about to make contact with his groin when a pale hand caught her heel. "What th-" She was interrupted by the pale figure with short, flaming bright orange hair as he abruptly pushed up on the leg, causing her to fell to her back. He then proceeded with a hard kick to the groin and she skidded along the smooth floor a yard and a half away. "Thanks." He said as Rob helped him up. "Hey, what are friends for?" Rob grinned, and he grinned back. "Hey! No fair!" Drew smiled, joining the fight on Kate's side, since he had known her longer than most of them. He helped her up and the group now stood parallel. Colt from Drew, Rob from Kate. They ran for their partners. Drew and Colt began exchanging failing punches as Rob threw his right fist at Kate. She caught it, pushed it up to touch his shoulder, and pivoted, dodging his left fist and placing one foot behind him, then with her other arm, grabbed his shoulder and got closer, as if hugging him. "Sweet dreams." She said as she brought her foot forward, taking out his legs, recoiled her right hand while pushing her elbow into his chest, then jerking his right arm to the left and letting go all in once swift motion, sending him into two spirals in the air then he fell hard with his back against the low bunk. This happened just as Drew tried kicking, but Colt just pivoted, grabbed his heel, then with the other hand, his waist, and threw him over his shoulder then whipped around and before Kate could react, chopped her in a pressure point with his hand and she fell to her knees. Rob grabbed her head and slammed it against a metal bar supporting the bunk bead, she was out cold. There was a pause in the combat. "Ok, we're even." Rob said and grinned. Colt was about to help him up when Rob yelled; "BEHIND YOU!" On instinct he dropped to the ground on his arms, as if going to do a pushup, and donkey kicked behind him. He turned around in time to see Drew fly across the aisle and slam into the bunks across from him. He almost fell to his knees but got back up to face Colt. He charged. Colt threw two punches, both times he grabbed the fists, then crossed the arms and spun Colt around, then grabbed his shoulder and pulled down as he kneed up, hitting him in the lower back. He yelped in pain and rolled to the floor... Motionless. Rob was now cornered with Drew in front of him. "Uhh, don't you think this fight has gone just a little too far?" He tried to protest as Drew stepped forward. "Oh come on, it's all just in the name of fun!" He grunted the last word as he threw a punch at Rob's face. Rob, still sitting against the low bunk on the ground, threw his upper body to the flood, rolled once, then landed a successful punch at Drew's groin. He groined in pain and fell to his knees, his eyes glazed over. Rob punched him in the cheek, sending his upper half of his body to the ground. Rob stood, and kicked Drew in the ribs. He moaned and rolled over only to receive a double-stomp to the face. He clutched his face, but it was fine, he just has a bloody nose. These augmentations were great. He stood and grabbed a bar supporting an upper bunk to support himself, not out of pain, but just being tired. Rob then tried to go for the win, and charged, Drew braced himself, and at the last moment ducked, pivoted, ripped the bar off and swung it around in one motion, dodging the attack and hitting Rob in the back. The bunk groaned and became un-level slightly but didn't slide. Luckily it didn't belong to anyone. Rob had now fallen to his knees. Drew guessed he might have already been unconscious or on the verge of it, but just to be sure he swung at the side of his head. At first Rob didn't even move a centimeter, then stiffly collapsed to the floor. Drew breathed heavily, and with sighs of relief. The victory was short-lived however, as he felt a hand on his shoulder and whipped around to see Colt. Before he could react Colt grabbed Drew's armed hand, brought his knee up into it, causing him to drop the bar in pain, then with the same leg, kicked out, sending Drew at an angle into a bunk then to the floor. His eyes closed and his tan face with short brown spiked hair was at rest. Colt twirled the bar in the air for a second and grinned. There were a few cheers as a few people jumped off their bunks to help people up. Colt heard a groan from behind him and saw Kate coming to. He walked over to her and sat her up. "Mmmmphh." She blew the hair off her face. "Who won?" "Do you really need to ask?" He smiled warmly and helped her to her bunk. He laid her down as she playfully batted his hand away. "You might be able to win a fight, but I can take care of myself." She stated with a hint of taunt in her voice. The lights dimmed and then went off, quite literally signaling "Lights off" time. The only light coming in the plain room was the soft, white light of the moon glowing down from a skylight, illuminating the room a bit, just enough so that he could see her face. Their faces drew closer until they were a half an inch away from touching and they starred into each others eyes, and for the first time in his life he thought he knew what real love was like. ____________________________________________________________ Authors Note: once again sorry for lack of detail in some parts, I tried to fill in the gaps in what the characters looked like when I could, but not all 10 people were included, so I'll get to them later.