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Fan Fiction

Hope: Prologue
Posted By: Dragun<winterraptor@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 June 2004, 2:40 AM

Read/Post Comments

Thanks for reading this and please respond to this, its my first fan fiction. Send reponses please to winterraptor@hotmail.com. Authors want to hear reponses, live to hear responses, of how people like, dislike their stoires, so please respond. It'll be awhile before Chapter 1 comes out, so please respond and tell me what you think will or want to happen.
Thanks, Dragun

This story is my interpretation of what the occurs outside of the Halo Universe, as in what happens while The Master Chief is on halo; connecting the two games togehter. Enjoy


On the last day of August, a day humanity will never forget. Reach fell. The stronghold of humanity. The military headquarters of the Chinese, of the Americans, of the Canadians, of the Russians, of the Indians, of the Iranians, of the Nigerians, of every nationality, of every race, of humanity. Of the brave men and women who fought in the far flung planets of the galaxies. Millions perished in the Massacre of Reach. Hundreds of ships were lost. Frigates, scouts, destroyers and even cruisers. Soldiers, men and women lost their lives, defending their freedom, fighting for their survival. In a lost battle.

As the news of the fall of Reach played on the vidscreens of Earth, men and women dropped to their knees. To pray. Not for the defeat of the brutal Covenant. Not for the demise of those beasts. Not for vengeance over Reach, but for humanity's very survival. Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, prayed as one to the gods of war, to the gods of life, to the gods of survival, of all that life was worth living for. Lawyers, monks, bankers, engineers, soldiers, men and women of humanity, of earth's embraced united under the threat of the Covenant, of the merciless Elites, the hunkering Hunters, the devilish Jackals and the masses of grunts, nodded. Nodded that they would survive, not matter what. That humanity will always live on and survive. Survive whatever the gods, whatever the Covenant throw at them. Survive.

Mere hours after Reach had fell on that fateful day, President Craig Dover of the United Nation Space Command stood up to speak. Not from a prepared speech on a sheet placed in front of him on the podium, but from his heart. "Humanity will never forget this day. The day when Reach fell. The day, which everything fell apart. The day where humanity had a knife to its heart. The where a deathblow was aimed at its head. The day humanity fells to its knees. The day all hope fell. The day where out men and women, humanity's soldiers fought for their lives, for our lives and lost. The day where our warriors defended out freedom. I shall not forget them. Humanity shall not forget them. Not shall you. Historians of the future will have two pasts witch they could write about. They could record how humanity gave up. Dropped to its knee, let the bastards tear our heads off. Let humanity be just that, history. Nothing but history. Or the historians could record how humans got back up to its feet. Did not drop to its knees. Did not let the Covenant onto out planet without a fight. Starting beating back at the Covenant. And survive. Where there is a will, there is always a way. Nothing is impossible. We shall survive. But there is something that is impossible. It is impossible that the Covenant bastards will takes us down without a goddamn fight. The one thing that separates dreams and accomplishments is one simple thing. Pure desire. Humanity has the will to survive, but do you, humanity, have enough desire to survive? Do you believe in it enough that it will become reality? We have to believe as one that we will survive. Just as the soldiers work as one. There is not racism. There is not sexist bastard in the army. Cause they're working as one. As long as everyone is working as one, we will survive. As one, we will not go down quietly without a fight. We will scream bloody murder and tear those motherfuckers into pieces. We will survive, and we'll defeat those Covenant bastards, cause it we fail, it will be the last goddamn thing we do."

Men and women, boys and girls huddled together in shelters, in offices, in basements, in kitchens, anywhere that was remotely warm and comforting, and prayed for their loved ones. Their husbands, their wives, their brothers, and sisters, prayed their uncles and aunts, prayed for sons and daughters. Prayed that there was a prayer, and that humanity will live on, that humanity will prevail and for their very own survival.
Prayed for hope.
