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Earth Reawakened Part I
Posted By: DeathSquadTrooper<thehawaiiandude01@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 April 2004, 9:48 PM
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Summer and Spring April 24, 2238 City of New Haven
It was morning as the sun slipped through the barrack windows upon the resting souls. As the light finally reached the eyes of the Marines, they started to arise from their area 's of pure peace. The bunks squeaked with every waking marine, as the time came, Scott woke up to find Summer sleeping with him in the same bed. "Hmm? when did this happen", slowly Summer awakened and looked up at Scott, with her energetic blue eyes and gave him a quick kiss, and then got of the bed. Leaving Scott momentarily confused and not moving.
She was first to enter the shower and feel the warm water soak her, as she washed. The rest of the marines and Scott himself had to wait for the lady to finish her shower in the 25 person shower room, before they could enter. Finally after 25 minutes she appeared with a towel covering her and moved to the changing area. Following that moment the soldiers grumpily entered the shower room, Scott following last. He soon found a seculed spot from the rest of the marines and took a shower thinking over for the things that might happen today. Finally after a clean shower and dress up he and Summer went to the weapons locker, next to them in massive lockers were the armor for marines, and then there were two different lockers for the Spartans' Armor and weaponry.
With the two Spartans' and marines' suited up they checked their weapons. Scott was considered to be the Heavy Assault Unit for his variety of weapons. As all marines carried, he carried a M6D pistol, a shotgun, and the newest addition to UNCS weaponry - Plasma Coated, Laser Sharpened Titanium blades. He preferred two but usually went into battle with one. His belts carried up to 12 frags' and 6 plasma grenades he had swiped from a few dead Elites in the previous battle. Once he finished loading up, Summer came and chose her weaponry. A special custom made and tweaked Sniper Rifle. The Variant carried the same barrel of the original Sniper Rifle and the scope was modified to a range of 16x, and came with thermal vision. So that she could see if there were Elites in acitve camo in the area. Finally the Sniper Rifle came with a much larger clip, an eight round clip. She also took a shotgun with extra ammo. Allowing then for the marines to chose their weapons.
Over the speaker came the voice of Admiral Stewart "Spartans please report to my office immediately, i need to speak with you about something important". Following that the spartans left the room and walked to the Admiral's office. Three heavily armed marines were standing there as they entered and pointed their weapons at the Spartans and motioned them to sit down in the chairs near the desk. Confused but, following the notion of the soldiers they sat down. The Admiral turned around from looking through the window and said "I believe one of you two is responsible for the death of Sargent Woodson, and now the time has come for the confession. Now which one of you two was it, hmmm?" Before Summer could say anything about the incident where she had killed the Sargent as an act of mercy, because it was known the Covenant never take prisoners and if they do they are killed only through severe torture. "Sir, with all due respect Spartan-113 (Summer) only did what any other sniper in her position would have done, not to place out the fact that even if the other snipers had not done this and Sargent Woodson's mike was still working he would have given out the order to carry out an act of such magnitude upon him."
Summer noticed one of the Marines, was moving his finger closer towards the Assault Rifle's trigger. Soon scott noticed and through his AI in his suit he created a protected COM from the bases's AI from hacking and talked to Summer about their escape. Following his idea they both planned for making their run into the bases's science/weaponry room. In there they had seen a ring shapped object that opened up and a location on that world, that human world had appeared. They had planned on escaping through that created gateway to that human world hoping to seek refuge and hoping this world's forces would not act to get them. As soon as the Admiral turned around, Summer jumped up and punched that marine in the chest killing him, then brought his shotgun around upon the third marine and shot him the chest, she took the first dead marine's shotgun and then pointed it at the admiral, as Scott snappen the neck of the final marine in the room. Finally picking up his Assault Rifle, and beconning for her to go.
She finally withdrew from the room, and within seconds an alarm was set off. They both ran, faster then they had ever before. Only to reach in just in time in that specific room, as the soldier turned to see them, the two spartans opened fire immobilizing them instead of killing them. This planet was going to require every last soldier if it was to defeat the incoming Covenant fleet that would arrive within the next day. Scott punched in the coordinates, as Summer quickly took of her helmet and took of the locked of a heart that held the picture of them both. Then she put on the helmet, and turned around and opened fire upon any Marine that tried to cut them down with their Assault Rifle or pistol in order to stop their escape. Then suddenly there was BOOM! and the shotgun dropping from summer's hand as she starred at the Marine in front of her, his shotgun smoking from the shot. Scott seeing this opened fire upon the marine and any marine in the hallway trying to enter. 60 bullets exited from the clip into the barrel and then entered any marine that dared to come near. Finally exhausting his clip he unclipped a frag and pulled the pin and threw it in the hallway. Another BOOM!, following a few more screams and then a silence. Scott dropped his weapon and went and picked up Summer from the floor and then took of her helmet and his as well.
As he looked into her beautiful eyes he saw the life draining from her. He saw their time together and their time yet to come fading away. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked upon her. She finally spoke with her few last breaths of life "Scott....you need to go..." her stomach lurched against his chest as she coughed up some blood with Scott quickly wiped away "please...leave" following a short silence she looked one last time into his brown eyes and said "I love you...and I will always love you." With those final words he layed her down on the floor, still tearing and punched in a code on her suit with opened up a small interface. He activated the self-destruct sequence of the suit's fusion reactor and then noticed the locket in her hands. He carefully removed it from her grasp and got up. He heard more running footsteps in the hallway. He secured his helmet just in time to see the gateway open up in a city in the United States of America. He loaded a fresh clip into his Assualt Rifle and leapt through the gateway and passed out through its energies suring through him. As it opened and he fell through into a swimming pool and landed on the bottom of it surrounded by water. Just as that on the other side Summer's suit's reactor exploded destroying the gateway and everything within a 10 meter radius.
Deep within his mind where he floated in the darkness he met up with her again and then she disappeared. In those midst of the darkness he spoke to the darkness "Goodbye,...Summer."
Soon to be posted in a few days or so Earth Reawakened Part II